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Christopher Paul's Professional Writing Papers Christopher Paul's Professional Writing Papers

My Professional Writing Papers

Technical Writing ·  Exposition & Argumentation ·  Non-fiction Creative Essays ·  Grammar and Usage of Standard English ·  The Structure of English ·  Analysis of Shakespeare

Analysis of Literary Language ·  Advanced Professional Papers ·  The History of the English Language ·  First Internship: Tutoring in a Writing Workshop ·  Second Internship: Advanced Instruction: Tutoring Writing

Visual Literacy Seminar (A First Course in Methodology) ·  Language in Society (A Third Course in Methodology) ·  The Writer's Guild


UMBC'S Conservative Newspaper: "The Retriever's Right Eye" ·  UMBC'S University Newspaper: "The Retriever Weekly" ·  Introduction to Journalism ·  Feature Writing ·  Science Writing Papers

Modes of Communication: The handshake Modes of Communication: The handshake

The Shipka Spaces: Theories of Communication and Technology

Communicative Objective #2 (CO2): Recontextualizing Authorless Text

Presentation/Gaming Activity: "Shopping Happens"

The History of "This" Space: UMBC Food

Blackboard Weekly Posts (A Bulletin Board Community)

The Re-patent Claim The Re-patent Claim

Communicative Objective #1 (CO1): The Re-patent

Explanation of How to Read "This" Objective

Explanation of the URCAD Edition of the Re-patent

Parameters for Re-patenting an Artifact from the U.S. Patent Office

Photos of the Re-patent "Cyberpeople" Artifacts

An Artificial Intelligent's Theory on God: The URCAD Edition

The Serio-Ludic/Narrative-Sketch Genre of the U.S. Re-patent Office

The Test Subject Simulation of the "Cyberpeople Jack Implant" Artifact: The URCAD Edition

Promotional News Article for the Re-patent of the "Cyberpeople" Artifact

Disaster News Article for the Re-patent of the "Cyberpeople" Artifact

"Cyberpeople" Re-patent Goals and Choices

"Cyberpeople" Re-patent Process Narrative-Sketch

The Re-patent Rolling Credits: Who Contributed to "This" Objective

The Re-patent Workshops One and Two: Brainstorming Ideas Within a Social Context

A List of Artifacts Considered for Re-patent that were Researched, Tested, and Abandoned

Re-patent Blackboard Community Post #1

Re-patent Blackboard Community Post #2

Re-patent Blackboard Community Post #3

Re-patent Blackboard Community Post #4

Re-patent Blackboard Community Post #6

The Integral Worm • Christopher Paul • Independent Senior Technical Writer/Editor

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