Powell River's TOWN TALK News Letter

Web Page created by

Richard Vizzutti

Come and see POWELL RIVER!





After having many strong debates over my letters to the editor that the Peak refused to print, I came up with this idea for this News Letter. I found the Peak paper intolerant to factual information that I presented them about incineration. I have seen time and time again where the news in this town was filtered down to a high degree.

Here people have a freedom to express themselves in a way that is not limited by size constraints or biases. If you wish to contribute your opinion, just write it up and email by clicking on the email address at bottom of this page

All material should fit into the outline below and please state if you you would like your name attached or not. Also I take no responsibility for bad spellling and and grammore in anyting written here. :-)

To read one of the articles listed, just simply click on the title.If you would like a business ad placed here, please email me.

Good topics would be the ferry issue, Council, photo radar, poverty children in this town, the garbage issue, the sewage problem etc.ALSO! Feel free to write something about how great Powell River is for the potential tourists out there!


-Must be political in nature concerning events in town-

-Must be respectful and tasteful to a certain degree-


Powell River is in British Columbia Canada on the West Coast. We are aprox. 90 miles north of Vancouver B.C. considered by many who travel to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world. This is where the show X-Files has been filmed from in the past. Powell River itself has some of the best out door activity in the world. If you like the great out doors, then this is the place to visit! We have great fishing, camping, canoe and hiking routes, and one of the world's best skin diving areas. If you like to know more about Powell River, be sure to email me.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Richard Vizzutti


Oh IT IS is it

When good cats go BAD

by Colleen White

Gordon Wilson The Beverly Hillbilly

Derry Simpson a Hero?

Dr.Rappe speaks out on Dioxins

Truth about Recycling

Richard's Rules of Corrupt Politics

Armourtech VS PRCN


Rabanco Bob

Photo Radar

Fly in the New Year the Y2K way

by John (Birdman) Dove

The Y2K Garden-Food for Thought

by Amanda Martinson

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