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Chronology, part 3

Calendar year 2375
Stardate 52030.5 - 52042.1

Stardate 52030.5 Story 28 by
  • The Equinox is docked at Starbase 263 for repairs. Captain Mason tells Ensign Bruder that she's going to be returned to active duty, but that he doesn't like having her on the ship.
Stardate 52031.2 Story 29 by
  • Elea leaves the lab at the Starbase after being repaired, but can't seem to get away from Dr. Mohav.
Story 34 by
  • Lieutenant Calea is caught running a combat program without safeties, but later apologizes for the incident.
Stardate 52033.1 Story 30 by
  • Lieutenant Draven tries to adjust to her new posting on board the U.S.S. Equinox.
Stardate 52034.6 Story 87 by
  • Sasha Stroh realizes his dream of being on a Starship when he arrives to start his new job as a bartender on the Equinox.
Stardate 52034.9 Story 31 by
  • The Equinox is forced to leave Starbase 263, so the ship disembarks toward the Talic system. Ensign Lopez finds James Carter inside one of the protected cores.
Stardate 52036.0 Story 32 by
  • The Captain's son, who has recently come on board the ship, makes friends with Ensign Bruder.
Stardate 52036.2 Story 35 by
  • Chief Beeg arrives on the ship and is greeted by Cynthia Calea.
Stardate 52036.5 Story 33 by
  • While Enoz is working the night shift on the bridge, the impostor posing as Captain Mason's son starts to cause trouble on board the ship.
Stardate 52037.3 Story 36 by
  • Kyra Draven attends a counseling session after an incident in which she fired on a cargo ship.
Stardate 52037.5 Story 37 by
  • The Equinox arrives at Talic 2 and the Chaz impostor beams down to the planet. An away team is sent to look for him and Reman.
Stardate 52037.6 Story 38 by
  • The away team finds several dead humanoids, some of which resemble Enoz's race. The away team splits up, and Syxx and Enoz begin to see a conspiracy around them.
Story 39 by
  • Etely, who the alien has turned into a super soldier following his commands, is beamed down to the planet by the alien. The real Chaz Mason wakes up in the alien's ship and uses it to find the alien impersonating him.
Stardate 52037.7 Story 40 by
  • The away team stops to set up camp, and Cynthia Calea is attacked by a vicious animal.
Stardate 52037.9 Story 38 by
  • After their "encounter", Syxx and Enoz continue on with their mission.
Story 41 by
  • Reman finishes trading with the local villagers and walks to his new latinum mine. Meanwhile, the alien kills Chaz Mason, but not before Etely is injured. The alien, now on his ship, prepares to attack the Equinox.
Stardate 52038.0 Story 42 by
  • The Equinox is forced to battle the alien ship.
Stardate 52038.5 Story 43 by
  • Etely is repaired by the alien and sent to help capture Captain Mason. The alien impersonates the Captain then captures and modifies one of the ship's medical officers, Lieutenant Alex Jarrod.
Stardate 52038.8 Story 45 by
  • Kyra Draven begins to sense something unusual on the ship, and figures out that Captain Mason is actually an impostor. To cover his tracks, the alien makes it look like Draven attacked him.
Stardate 52039.0 Story 46 by
  • Reman is excavating latinum from his new mine when he's found by Syxx and Enoz.
Stardate 52039.3 Story 47 by
  • Ensign Hindman collapses in the hallway after leaving the Equilibrium.
Story 55 by
  • Lyinn is captured on her homeworld by the Mar'kin and is stranded on some unknown planet.
Stardate 52039.4 Story 48 by
  • Kasper Weis explores the ship a little and ends up talking to Kyra Draven.
Story 49 by
  • Elea begins to suspect that something isn't right with Captain Mason and goes to talk to Kyra Draven. The away team on the planet finds the real Captain Mason.
Stardate 52039.5 Story 50 by
  • Elea, Syxx, and Reman enter a village where they find a Changeling posing as Admiral Winston. Zenoz and Lenoz beam down and kill the changeling. Syxx and Lenoz investigate a nearby structure, and Lenoz ends up shooting Etely
Story 51 by
  • Etely's human side surfaces and she beams the away team back to the ship and beams the alien down to the planet.
Story 52 by
  • The alien who was impersonating Mason is killed by Alex Jarrod. Etely and Jarrod are beamed to the ship. After Jarrod dies, the doctor realizes Etely needs immediate surgery to save her life. Meanwhile, Reman devises a plan to retrieve some of the latinum from the planet.
Story 53 by
  • Jack Hindman is released from sickbay and goes back to work until he sees a lizard-like creature that no one else can see. He chases it through the ship, trying to kill it, and ends up getting thrown in the brig.
Story 54 by
  • Matthias Anaita, who had been ordered to take some time off from work, passes out in his quarters.
Stardate 52039.6 Story 56 by
  • A Jem'Hadar ship shows up to capture the changeling's ship. The Jem'Hadar and the alien ship are destroyed by an unknown force. Meanwhile, Reman's plan to steal some latinum off of the planet goes awry.
Stardate 52042.1 Story 54 by
  • Lieutenant Anaita wakes up almost 24 hours after he passed out.

To Chronology 4 > > >