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Below is a list of activities available on St. John and for which you might consider packing special items! 

Island activities
Swimming (Pools available at Westin, many guests' villas!)
* Snorkeling (gear may be included with housing rental)
* Hiking (lots of trails w/ wide range of difficulty)
* Nature walks (guided and unguided)
* SNUBA for those who want the lighter side of SCUBA 
* Birding (US Park offers tours)
* Windsurfing (Cinnamon Bay) 
* Fishing (Deep sea trips available, see links page)
* Sailing (Charters and group trips available, see links)
* Kayaking (Rentals available at Cinnamon Bay and other places)
* Beach bumming  
* Beach combing
* Beach volleyball (Westin resort)
* Tennis (Westin resort)
* Yoga, meditation, Tai Chi, etc classes (Caneel Bay's Self-Centre, Omega Institute at Maho Bay, see links))
* Pottery, glass blowing, mosaic, etc classes (Maho Bay, see links)
* Frisbee/toss on beach
* Need I say photography?


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The Wedding Web site consists of four main pages:
Wedding Events
-- Information about wedding and other events during the week including sub-pages on La Tapa (reception restaurant) ~ Attendees (who's coming) ~ Who's Who? (pictures & what we have in common) 
About St. John --  General information about the island including sub-pages on Maps ~ Island Activities ~ Books ~ Restaurants ~ Links
(3) Other Travel Info -- General travel information including sub-pages on Flight Info, ~ Car Rental Info ~ Suggestions for What to Bring  ~ and Ferry Schedules 
Housing Options
-- Descriptions of your housing options including a sub-page on Villas