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There are two maps here:
--St. John and surrounding islands
--St. John US Park Map

For maps showing the locations of different villas (including where we will be), go to the villa page.


St. John and Surrounding Islands
The first map shows the relative position of St. John (Puerto Rico is just off to the left) with the Atlantic to the north and Caribbean Sea to the south.  It's easy to take a day and go to the British Virgin Islands (you could just about swim there), but don't forget to bring a passport!



U.S. National Park Map
The below US Park Map shows in green the Park areas, the borders of which extend out into the water protecting the coral and sea life.  


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The Wedding Web site consists of four main pages:
Wedding Events
-- Information about wedding and other events during the week including sub-pages on La Tapa (reception restaurant) ~ Attendees (who's coming) ~ Who's Who? (pictures & what we have in common) 
About St. John --  General information about the island including sub-pages on Maps ~ Island Activities ~ Books ~ Restaurants ~ Links
(3) Other Travel Info -- General travel information including sub-pages on Flight Info, ~ Car Rental Info ~ Suggestions for What to Bring  ~ and Ferry Schedules 
(4) Housing Options
-- Descriptions of your housing options including a sub-page on Villas