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General Air Travel

Since St. John does not have its own airport, most people fly into St. Thomas (STT) and take a ferry to St. John (see below for more info).

We'll be flying down the Thursday before and will be in St. John Fri-Fri (see Attendees page for when people are coming). 

At least three major US airlines fly into STT: American, US Airways, and Delta.  We've arranged for a 10% wedding group discount on American (see below). 

American seems to offer the most direct flights: 5 from NYC and 11 from Puerto Rico daily, according to Frommer's.  I believe US Airways has also recently expanded their flights to STT. 


Flying into other islands
is possible, since the British Virgin islands are within short boat ride, but more flights from the US go to St. Thomas than any of the other islands.    


American Airlines discount 

For group travel (more than 10 people from anywhere but going to the same place), American Airlines offers:

5 % flat discount on published fares
5 % additional discount for tickets purchased  
       more than 30 days in advance

So, a 10% discount for most folks is available. Please see notes below. 

Some notes:

  • These discounts do not apply to internet-only fares
  • The discount applies for travel between May 23 and June 13, 2004.  
  • To get the discount, you must call a special AA reservation phone number: 1-800-433-1790.  
  • You CAN make reservations on-line (may cost less), but then you need to call that number have the agent access that reservation to get the additional discount.
  • When you call, you should tell them that you are a part of the Pane Wedding Group: A3054AD
  • If you have any questions or need other travel advice, feel free to call Mom Pane's travel agent who set up the account:

Rose Sicurella
Main Street Travel
732-828-8800 (phone)

732-828-8696 (fax)


The Wedding Web site consists of four main pages:
Wedding Events
-- Information about wedding and other events during the week including sub-pages on La Tapa (reception restaurant) ~ Attendees (who's coming) ~ Who's Who? (pictures & what we have in common) 
About St. John --  General information about the island including sub-pages on Maps ~ Island Activities ~ Books ~ Restaurants ~ Links
(3) Other Travel Info -- General travel information including sub-pages on Flight Info, ~ Car Rental Info ~ Suggestions for What to Bring  ~ and Ferry Schedules 
Housing Options
-- Descriptions of your housing options including a sub-page on Villas  


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