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Ferry Options

The question of which ferry to take from St. Thomas depends on whether you prefer water or land travel:

Prefer water travel: Charlotte Amalie (5 min taxi, 45 min ferry) 
Prefer land travel: Red Hook (30 min taxi, 20 min ferry) 

Cost analysis is pretty close: (taxi prices are from 2002 info)
Charlotte Amalie:  $14 (@ $7 taxi, $7 ferry) 
Red Hook: $13 (@ $10 taxi, $3 ferry)

Both ferries come into (and will depart from) Cruz Bay on St. John.  Schedules are as follows:

  • To/From Charlotte Amalie (@ 45 min)
    One way fare: $7/adult; $3/kid<12; $5/senior

    Cruz Bay to Downtown St. Thomas

    Leaves Cruz Bay

    7:15 AM
    9:15 AM
    11:15 AM
    1:15 PM
    2:15 PM
    3:45 PM

    Leaves Downtown St. Thomas

    9:00 AM
    11:00 AM
    1:00 PM
    3:00 PM
    4:00 PM
    5:30 PM


  • To/From Red Hook (@20 min)
    One way fare: $3/adult; $1/kid<12; $1.25/senior

    First boats leave Cruz Bay at 6:00 & 7:00 AM
    First boats leave Red Hook at 6:30 & 7:30 AM
    After that boats leave every hour on the hour both ways.
    Last boat leaves Cruz Bay at 11:00 PM
    Last boat leaves Red Hook at midnight

Ferries reportedly run on-time and are leaving the dock at the time listed as departure, so come a bit early.  



The Wedding Web site consists of four main pages:
Wedding Events
-- Information about wedding and other events during the week including sub-pages on La Tapa (reception restaurant) ~ Attendees (who's coming) ~ Who's Who? (pictures & what we have in common) 
About St. John --  General information about the island including sub-pages on Maps ~ Island Activities ~ Books ~ Restaurants ~ Links
(3) Other Travel Info -- General travel information including sub-pages on Flight Info, ~ Car Rental Info ~ Suggestions for What to Bring  ~ and Ferry Schedules 
Housing Options
-- Descriptions of your housing options including a sub-page on Villas  




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