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Things to know about renting a car:

1. Renting a car on St. John is expensive (350/wk) and, from what I understand, all the rental companies charge nearly equivalent prices.

2. Renting a car may be necessary for some accommodations on the island, however, there are taxis that will take you out to the beaches and a bus system that runs between Cruz and Coral Bays, the two towns on the island (which is only 9 x 3 miles). 

3. If you're sharing a villa, consider also sharing a car!  As we get closer, I'll post a message board to find out if others will be staying nearby, another car-sharing possibility. 

4. Don't expect to walk or bike around the roads.  I asked about renting bicycles and people laughed.  The island is mountainous and the roads reflect that topography: winding and steep.  Which relates to #5...

5. Make sure the car you rent has four-wheel drive.  A jeep type car would do just fine, but the rental agencies will tell you all this, too.

6. To avoid the prices, you can rent a car from St. Thomas and bring it with you on the ferry, but here are some things I read about this:
       -The major ferry line won't accept rental cars (collusion!), so you have to use the lesser ferry, which wouldn't be a big deal except that most flights from the States arrive after the lesser ferry has stopped for the day, which means you're either sleeping in St. Thomas your first night or going back to St. Thomas day 2 to get your car.
       -If something happens to your car on St. John, you are responsible for getting it towed back to St. Thomas.

7. I've had L & L car rental consistently recommended.  You can reach them at You might try for a 5% discount over published rates; he offers that for people renting through Viva Vacations, for example, and may for a host of others or if you just ask!

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The Wedding Web site consists of four main pages:
Wedding Events
-- Information about wedding and other events during the week including sub-pages on La Tapa (reception restaurant) ~ Attendees (who's coming) ~ Who's Who? (pictures & what we have in common) 
About St. John --  General information about the island including sub-pages on Maps ~ Island Activities ~ Books ~ Restaurants ~ Links
(3) Other Travel Info -- General travel information including sub-pages on Flight Info, ~ Car Rental Info ~ Suggestions for What to Bring  ~ and Ferry Schedules 
Housing Options
-- Descriptions of your housing options including a sub-page on Villas