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Diablo Bosses/Sub-bosses

Name Class Resistances Immunities Level
Archbishop LazarusUnique someMagic 15
Baron Sludge Mud Man SomeSome 8
Bilefroth the PitMaster Overlord SomeSome 6
Blackash the Burning Burning Dead NoSome 4
Blackjade Succubus FireLightning 15
Blackskull Balrog SomeFire13
Blackstorm Obsidian Lord NoneLightning 10
Bladeskin the Slasher Devil Kin SomeNone 2
Blightfire Fire clan N/A N/AN/A
Blighthorn Steelmace stone clan ?? ?
Bloodgutter fire clan ?? ?
Bloodlust snow witch noneLightning 15
Bloodskin Darkbow flesh clan ?? ?
Bluehorn frost charger somesome 11
Bonehead Keenaxe corpseaxe no(M and/or L) 2
Boneripper burning dead nosome 2
Bongo ? fallen one ?? 3
Breakspine mud runner someno 9
Brokenhead Bangshield corpse captain xx 3
The Butcher butcher someno 2
ChaosHowler acid spitter nono 8
El Chupacabras plague eater someno 3
Deadeye corpsebow somesome 2
Deadjudge magistrate Lightning (and Fire?)Magic 14
Doomcloud maelstrom somesome 13
Fangspeir cave viper noneLightning 11
Fangskin gold viper xx 14
Firewound the Grim hell stone xx x
The Flayer storm rider somesome 10
Foulwing gloom fireno 5
Gharbad the Weak flesh clan xx x
Graywar the Slayer doom guard someno 14
Gutshank the Quick carver someno 3
Goldblight the Flame death wing nosome 10
Gorestone flesh clan xx x
King Leoric skeleton king xx 3
Lachdanon blood knight xx 14
Lionskull the Bent black knight xx x
Madeye the Dead burning dead xx x
Moonbeam blink someno 4
Moonbender blink nosome 4
Nightwing the cold gargoyle somesome 7
Oozedrool toad demon someno 9
Plaguewrath plague eater xx x
Pukerat the Unclean fallen one someno 2
PulseCrawler shadow beast somesome 4
Red Vex hell spawn LightningFire 15
Rotfeast the hungry rotting carcass nosome 2
Rustweaver Doom Guard noneFire Lightning 13
Shadowbite scavenger noFire 2
Shadowcross dark one somesome 5
Shadowdancer horror LightningMagic 5
Shadowdrinker horror captain Fire Lightning none 5
Sir Gorash blood knight Firesome 16
Skeleton King unique somesome 3
Skullfire corpsebow xx 4?
Snotspill dark one xx x
Souldrinker horror xx 5
Soulpus rotting carcass? someno 2
SpineEater bone gasher nosome 4
Stareye the Witch hell spawn nosome 14
Viletouch death wing noneLightning 12
The Vizier cabalist xx 15
Warlord of Blood steel lord xx x
Warpskull hiddensomesome4
Witchfire the Unholy succubus somesome 12
Witchmoon snow witch someno 13
Wrathraven blink nosome 5
Zhar the Mad advocate xx x
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