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Diablo Shrines

There are many different types of Shrines in Diablo. The most common is the standard shrine. You're able to tell standard shrines apart from the other's because, standard shrines have a prefix to them, such as, Religious Shrine or Divine Shrine, they're also only found on levels 1-4 of the church.

Shrines can only be used by 1 player, so it's first come first serve. This is of course with the exception of Blood Pools and Purifying Springs which will stay functional after they've been clicked.


Abandoned "The hands of men may be guided by fate" Dexterity +2
Creepy "Strength is bolstered by heavenly faith" Strength +2
Cryptic "Arcane magic brings destruction" Nova spell strikes; Full Mana. All spells raised one level.
Divine "Drink and be refreshed" Full mana and life; drops two rejuvenation potions or one full mana and one full life.
Eerie "Knowledge and wisdom comes at the cost of self" Magic +2
Eldritch "Crimson and Azure become as the sun" All healing and mana potions become rejuvenation potions
Enchanted "Magic is not always what it seems to be" One spell drops one level, the rest gain one level.
Fascinating "Intensity at the cost of wisdom" Max mana -1 to -10; FireBolt spell +2 levels
Glimmering "Mysteries are revealed in the light of reason" Identifies all unidentified items equipped and in your inventory.
Gloomy "Those who defend seldom attack" All shields, armor, and helmets +2 AC; all weapons -1 max damage.
Hidden "New strength is forged through destruction" One equipped item -10 Durability; remaining items +10 Durability.
Holy "Wherever you go, there you are" Invokes the effects of the Phasing spell.
Imposing "A surge of blood interrupts your thoughts" One quarter max mana is converted into max life points.
Magical "While the spirit is vigilant the body thrives" Invokes the effects of the Mana Shield spell.
Mysterious "Some are weakened as one grows strong" One attribute +5, remaining attributes -1.
Mystic "Your skills increase, but at a price" All gold piles but one are converted into EXP. Demo only.
Ornate "Salvation comes at the cost of wisdom" Max mana -15; Holy Bolt +2 levels.
Quiet "The essence of life flows from within..." Vitality +2
Religious "Only time can diminish the power of steel" All items equipped and in inventory fully repaired.
Sacred "Energy comes at the cost of wisdom" Max mana -1 to -10, Charged Bolt +2 levels.
Secluded "The way is made clear when viewed from above" Auto-map is fully revealed.
Spiritual "Riches abound when you least expect it" All empty slots in inventory are filled with small piles of gold; this can amount to 700gp if every slot is full.
Spooky "Where avarice fails, patience gains reward" Invoke Full Rejuvenation on all other players.
Stone "The powers of mana refocused renews" All staves carried and in inventory fully recharged.
Supernatural "You hear a strange cry from the distance" The level above the current level is restocked with creatures and items.
Tainted "Those who are last may yet be first" All other players get +1 to +3 on one random stat, -1 to other stats.
Thaumaturgic "You hear a series of creaks and thumps/What once was opened now is closed" All chests on the level are filled with treasure and resealed.
Weird "The sword of justice is swift and sharp" Weapon max damage +1 to all weapons in your inventory.

Unique Shrines

Fountain of Tears Raises one stat by one point and decreases another stat by one. Deactivates after a single use.
Goat Shrine Invokes the effects of one of the other shrines. You're not able to see what effect you've gotten until you've already clicked the shrine. After you've clicked on the shrine it's good to check out what it did, you can do this by looking at the quote and looking at the above table for what that quote does to you.
Cauldron Same as the goat shrine.
Pool of Blood Restores hit points, a few points at a time, like the Fountain of Purification does with mana. If you continue using the fountain, you can completely restore your life to its maximum level. Does not deactivate after being used; can be used by multiple players.
Purifying Spring Restores a few points of mana. The spring can be used repeatedly to restore your mana to your maximum mana level. Does not deactivate after being used; can be used by multiple players.
Murky Pool Temporarily gives the user the effects of Infravision. The Murky Pool can only be used once, and then it deactivates.

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