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Diablo Quests

Here's all of the single quests in Diablo. A worthy note of mention, You won't come across all of the 16 Quests on your trek to slay Diablo, you'll only come across about 9. Also, there's not as many quests in a Multi-Player game so If you see a red "M" beside a quest that means it's possible to play on Multi-Player.

- M The Butcher

This quest is started by clicking on the man lieing down nearly dead in front of the church. It's completed by killing him. His chamber is on level 2 of the church. The Butcher is a very tough enemy for when you're just starting out. I recommend you gain a few levels before even attempting to slay this beast. The Butcher attacks with his cleaver and is relativly quick. The Butcher usually drops a magical item but he somtimes drops his unique Cleaver.

- M King Leoric's Curse

This quest is started by either talking with Odgen upon entering level 2 or by actually walking into the Skeloton Kings chamber. It's completed by killing the Skeleton King. Leoric is quite tough and I advise you have the spell Holy Bolt and are at least level 7. Leoric has the ability to raise any skeleton which he touches making your job even harder. When Leoric is slayin he will drop either an Undead Crown, the Bone Saw, or some other magical item.

Note: In single player missions Leoric is located in his Tomb. To get there wander around level 3, you'll eventually come across what looks like a door in a wall, put your mouse over this hole, and if it says "To King Leorics Tomb" then just click on on it and you'll face Leoric.

In Multi Player Leoric is randomly located on level 3.

Poisoned Water Supply

Started by talking to Pepin after entering level 2 or by entering the hole in the wall (A dark passage) located somewhere on level 2. You'll be able to tell if you're going to get this quest at the beggining of the game simply by looking at the color of the water in the well behind Cain. If the water's Yellow that means you're going to get the quest, if the water's Blue that means you're not going to get the quest. This quest is completed simply by clearing all the creatures that inhabit the dark passage. You will know when you've killed everyone in the passage when the lava turns blue. After completing the quest talk with Pepin, he'll give you the Ring of Truth.

Chamber of Bone

Started by reading a Mythical Book which states: "Beyond the hall of heroes lies the chamber of bone. Eternal death awaits any who would seek to steal the treasures secured within this room. So speaks the lord of terror, and so it is written." This is quite a simple quest, all you need to do to complete it is to kill all of the skeletons in the Chamber of Bone. You're granted the spell guardian and I think a few magical items.

Ogden's Sign

Started by talking to Ogden or when you come across a Unique Dark One named SnottSpill. To complete this quest you must either return the sign to Ogden or give it to the SnottSpill down in the dungeons. I suggest giving the sign to Ogden, he gives you a better item.

Magic Rock

This quest is started by talking to Griswold after entering level 4 or by finding the Magic Rock on level 5. It's completed by bringing the Magic Rock back to Griswold. The rock can be found somewhere on level 5, it's sitting on a pedestal. After you return the rock to Griswold, he will reward you by making you an Empyrean Band (Ring).

Gharbad the Weak

This quest is started when you talk with a unique goat on level 4. To complete the quest you must kill him, but in order to be able to attack him you must follow a series of events starting with, talking with him, he'll tell you to come back later. Leave the room and wander around a bit, when you come back talk to him again, he'll give you a magic item. Leave the room again and come back a bit later, he'll promise you another magic item. Wander around again and then come back. This time He'll attack you, kill him, and he drops his "powerful" weapon.

Armor of Valor

This quest is started by reading the Book of Blood on level 5. It's completed by putting all of the bloodstones in their place. For completing this quest you're rewarded with Arkaine's Valor, which is a unique set of armour.

Halls of the Blind

The Halls of the Blind quest is triggered by reading a book on level 7. Look around the level and you'll stumble upon and chamber that's in the shape of a figure 8, if you read the book you'll be able to enter. Inside these rooms are several Hidden Class monsters, kill them all and you'll recive the Optic Amulet.

Zhar the Mad

This quest is started by talking to Zhar, who's an Advocate found on level 8. To trigger Zhar to attack you click on the bookshelf which is in the same room. Attack him, and kill him. He'll drop a magic item when you first talk to him so talk to him first before you go searching through the bookshelf. Once Zhar dies, the quest is complete.

Anvil of Fury

This quest is started by talking to Griswold after entering level 9 or by finding the Anvil of Fury. This quest is completed by returning the Anvil to Griswold. Once returned, Griswold will reward you with a unique broadsword titled, "Griswold's Edge."

The Black Mushroom

Quest given by Adria after handing her the Fungal Tome, and is completed by bringing Peppin's elixir to Adria. This quest requires a chain of events in order to be completed, here's what you have to do: Find the Black Mushroom on level 9, return the mushroom to Adria, who will ask you to talk to Peppin, Peppin then asks you to retrive a Daemon Brain, which will fall out of the next monster you kill once you give him to Brain he'll give you the elixir. Bring the elixir to Adria, Adria will tell you she dosn't want it and she lets you have it. Drink the elixir and you gain +3 to all attributes.

Warlord of Blood

This Quest is triggered by reading the Blood Book on level 13 and is completed by killing the Warlord of Blood. When you Read the book, a room opens up (on the same level), which is filled with Steel Lords and the Warlord of Blood. Nothing special when you kill the Warlord, you just gain the unique sword Inferno.


This quest is started by talking to Lachdanon (A unique Steel Lord) on level 14. To complete the quest you must bring Lachdanon the Golden Elixer, which can be found on level 15. Once the Elixer is given to him the quest is over, your reward is the Veil of Steel and a random magic item.

- M Archbishop Lazarus

This quest is different for Multi and Single Player games.

Single: You must find the Staff of Lazarus on level 15 and give it to Cain. Return back down, and a red portal will open up. Inside the portal is a "Teleporter puzzle", with several grey circles. Eventually you will teleport next to him, and after a short movie, he attacks, with lots of hell spawns, and two bosses "Blackjade" and "Red Vex".

Multi: He's in the top-right corner of level 15. He's assisted by four Advocates, two Hell Spawns, "Blackjade" and "Red Vex".

In either case your reward is 3 magical, sometimes unique items.

- M Diablo

The final quest is either started by talking to Cain, after killing Lazarus, or by going straight down to Diablo by entering the pentegram which leads to level 16. Open up Diablo's area by pulling the Skull levers around level 16. Kill Diablo, and finish the game.

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