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Diablo Townsfolk

There is many people in diablo whom are willing to help you throughout your quest to slay diablo. These people are the townsfolk of the simple town of Tristram. Many of these townsfolk are either there to sell you useful items such as, potions, weapons, armour, books, and more. Other townsfolk will provide you with important information about quests and different aspects of the game.

Cain, The Elder - Cain's the town elder. He's been around Tristram for as long anyone can remember. Not only does he know the history and legends of the land, he also know's a great deal about items and their special uses. Talk to Cain if you would like to get your items identified.

Pepin, The Healer - Pepin's the towns healer, which means he also knows a great deal about the body and how to repair it...even in the worst of conditions. Talk to Pepin if you're looking for healing potions or need to be healed.

Adria, The Witch - Adria is the towns witch/supplier of mana and magic related items. She knows a tremendous deal about the magics of the land, she also know's that there's a great evil stirring below the lands of Tristram. Talk to her if you need mana or other magic related items.

Griswold, The Blacksmith - Griswold was once a ferocious warrior, but now he tends the Blacksmith shop. A talented blacksmith and mastercrafts man Griswold is your man if you're looking to repair items, buy weapons or armour, or sell weapons or armour.

Wirt, The Peg Legged Boy - Wirt is a small boy who's lead a troubled life. He had his leg severed off by deamons when he was wandering in the laberyinth below the church, now he must live the rest of his life with a peg-leg. He's quite the salesman and won't even let you look at his merchandise until you fork over 50 dollars. Wirt always has something interesting for sale, check him out, you never know what you're going to find.

Gillian, The Barmaid - Gillian is the towns barmaid. Although she doesn't serve a purpose in the storyline she sometimes gives you useful information. Gillian doesn't provide you with any service.

Ogden, The Tavern Owner - Ogden is an old friend of yours and the tavern owner of Tristram. He sometimes gives you useful information on quests. Ogden doesn't provide you with any service.

Farnham, The Town Drunk - Farnham is the drunk of Tristram. He doesn't serve a purpose in the game either, although his input can be very funny to listen to. Farnham doesn't provide you with any service.

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