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       -[Diablo Games]-

         º Diablo
         º Hellfire
         º Diablo 2
         º Diablo 2 Expansion Set


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Diablo Information

Released : 1996

Min Requirments : Windows 95 or WinNT OS, Super VGA Graphics card compatable with Direct X, 60 MHz Pentium Processor, 8MB RAM, 2X CD-Rom, Aprox 10 megs of hard disk space, sound card, and mouse. Note, the Diablo Disk must be in the CD drive in order to play.

Multi-Player : Yes.

Internet : Up to 4 people, playable on battle.net.

Modem : For 2 people head to head.

Direct Connect : For 2 people with computers in the same house connected with a direct cable or on the same network.

LAN : For up to 4 people with computers connected to a LAN

Features :

3 character classes to choose from.

Weapons and armour to equip and customize your character with.

Townsfolk to interact with.

Random dungeon generator so you'll never get bored of playing the same levels over and over.

Special bosses/Sub-bosses.

With Battle.net you're able to face off or allie with people from all across the world.

- Diablo -

        - Main
        - Information

        - Characters
            - Warrior
            - Rouge
            - Sorceror

        - Armour
            - Body Armour
            - Helms
            - Sheilds

        - Weapons
            - Swords
            - Axes
            - Maces/Clubs
            - Bows
            - Staves

        - Jewelry
        - Items
        - Prefixes/Suffixes
        - Townsfolk
        - Bosses
        - Monsters
        - Spells
        - Quests
        - Shrines
        - Images

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