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Armour Required Str. Durability Armour Class

None 16 1-5

Small Shield
25 str 24 3-8

Large Shield
40 str 32 5-10

Kite Shield
50 str 40 8-15

Tower Shield
60 str 50 12-20

Gothic Shield
60 str 80 14-18
Unique Sheilds

Name Special Abilities Required Durability

Blackoak Shield
Armor Class 18
+10 Dexterity
-10 Vitality
-10% Light Radius
High Durability
25 str 60

Armor Class: 7
+10% Resist All
-20% Damage
-5 to Hit
50 str ?

Dragon's Breach
Armor Class: 20
+25% Resist Fire
+5 Strength
-5 Magic
50 str Indestructible

Holy Defender
Armor Class: 15
-2 Damage from Enemies
+20% Resist Fire
High Durability
Fast Block
40 str 96

Split Skull Shield
Armor Class: 10
+10 Hit Points
+2 Strength
-10% Light Radius
Altered Durability
none 15

Armor Class: 40
+4 Damage from Enemies
+10 Strength
Fast Block
80 str Indestructible
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