The Boys Of *N Sync: Just Ride Em!

Ride Em, Ride Em!! Oh wouldn't we love to!!!

Hey everybody, what's up? Welcome to The Boys of *N Sync: Just Ride 'Em. This is a joint page made by the owners of *N Sync: Just Thrust It and Hide *N Sync. With this page, we hope we can bring you even more laughs than ever before while ridiculing those cute *N Sync boys. The webmasters of this page are: Valerie, Beth, Stephanie (the California girls), and Rachel (the Iowa girl)

Right now this page is under some serious construction. We are in the process of coming up with ideas for this kick a** site. So just hang on...and we will be sure to get some stuff up soon. Thanks!!

Before Writing us HATEMAIL...Read our DISCLAIMER!!

Just Ride It....Uh, huh...Giddy Up!
Which N Sync boy would be the most fun to ride?

Current Results

Announcements and Updates:

4/7/99***We have a little treat for all of you, but it takes a while to load ( Believe us its worth it! It took Val forever to load) and *N SYNC: South of the Border ( it happened quite a while ago, but we are just comming down now. Go read it and find out what we mean by that !!! and poor Miss Britney *ahem* Nestle isn't sponsoring her tour anymore due to some revealing pictures ala Rolling Stone.What a shame =( YEAH RIGHT!!!

4/12/99***CALLING ALL LULU HATERS: We have an important newsflash, that all of you need to read!! It is very important that everyone who hates LuLu *or even thinks she's a psycho freak!* reads this!!! Thank you! To read it you have to scroll down to miscellaneous.

4/14/99*** Hey everyone !!Sorry for the lack of updates lately but we are all busy girls!!Give us a couple days cause the Cali babes have a concert tomorrow and you know what happens after !!you don't? well you should !! We have a whole bunch of new ideas that you all should like, along with the much awaited Mexico pics ( if we can pry them out some someone who shale remain nameless*choke* hands =). Also the girls from Hide *N SYNC got the address( thanks Melissa) to mail Disney to get MMC back in the US. Please write!! We all need a good laugh!! See y'all later and here's the address:

Disney Channel
3800 West Alameda Avenue
Burbank, CA 91505

4/30/99*** Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know that the CA's girls concert was awesome, but what happened after is better !!(Wish Rae a great one in a couple days!) Anyways, Lulu has a buddy! Go check it out "Calling Dr. Kirkpatrick". Enjoy ! We sure did!!

5/7/99*** WOW!! We did a little updating!! School is almost out and its our favorite time of the year...FINALS ( *sarcastic* YEAH), but soon all should be good and we'll most likely have updates coming out of your ears!!Now up !!! Britney with "Make my Boobies one more size" is up for your viewing *choke* and listening pleasure. Lulu has also been "hitting" us quite hard recently. Seems she doesn't like us putting up her addy. Poor girl, someone should clue her in cause she just isn't listening to us anymore

5/11/99*** WE WON A AWARD!!!!! GO US !!! Thanks Willow!! Go check her site out!!

5/22/99*** Do you like Star Wars? Don't stand in line for tickets!! The girls of Hide *N SYNC and The Boyband Oasis have teamed up to take you where no man has gone before ! Join JC Skywalker and Joeybacca save Princess Lancea. The countdown is on ! "The New Dope" Showing soon at a computer screen near you !! ( We also want to give your "Crunkness" two snaps in a Z formation for winning Teen People's Hottest 21 !! Whoo HOO Timberturd!!!)

COMING ATTRACTIONS!! (These are all under construction by the way!)

Captain Timberlick's Pirate Ship

Curl Up and Dye--Our Hair Salon

NEW *N Sync Humor:

Hola from Mexico..*N Sync goes South of the Border!

Lunch With N Sync's Girlfriends

Got Milk?

Syncer of the Month

Top Ten Reasons We Hate Justina and Danielle

N Sync Hoochies: Girls We Love to Hate:

Bitchney...with a Milk Ad.

BrAtney: Skanky Whore (Example 1)

N Sync Hoochie Roll Call

Hit BrAtney Ten More Times!

Britney's ode to her new friends

Funny *N SYNC Stuff:

Dance Lessons For Lance

Mad for...PLAID?!

The Syncer's Seduction

The Syncer's Hall Of Shame!



Please read!! It concerns all LuLu haters!! Let's Get Ready To Rumble!

Calling Dr. Kirkpatrick: Psycho two is waiting in your office!


Our Banners!


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"Obsessed With N'Sync Award"
goes to:
The Boys of *N SYNC: Just Ride Em!

Owner: Beth,Rachel,Stephanie, & Val
Click here for the edge of *N Sync...
This Award is given away by Willow. Click on the picture to go to my Humor/Fan Fic 'N Sync page. Viva Gorditas!
