October 2002

Get Britney, Get Updates!

Do you... YaHoo?!

October 28, 2002
Updated Picture Count: 1904

October 28, 2002
No big updates have been done in the last few days...I was busy with my birthday!! The big day is actually today, but we did all the celebrating this past weekend..FUN! Anyway, thanks to all the new members to the Brit*s World List. I swear I'll get an update out to you soon! Also thanks to the people who reply to polls, I'll get those up soon too! I'm not lazy, it's just the middle of the semester and things are crazy! I hope everything is good with everyone out there. Christina's album comes out tomorrow, so check that out if you want. I'll give ya a critical review after I buy it. *(I'm going to hell, aren't I?)* Later! ~D

October 24, 2002
For a girl takin' some time off, there are sure lots of pictures! Check out Brit at a party for PS2 Click Here. How disgustinly pretty is this girl? Geez. Ok, I'm done. I'm currently in the process of getting a section of "In Defense..." up pertaining to the new Rolling Stone with Christina (a naked one at that...) one the cover. If you've seen it, and you have comments, write to me. More pictures were added in various galleries. I'll do a picture count soon and let you know. OH! Please, definitely check out Stars 2 Ya. It's an awesome site with really great pictures!! Not only Britney, ALL pop/r&b stars! Check it out! Sign the guestbook!! ~D October 17, 2002
I'm not as much of a slacker as this page makes me out to be. This site really IS updated almost daily with at least pictures. Check out the MISC. gallery. Hate me all you want, I plan on buying Justin's and Christina's album. Justin, well, I love my Nsync boys...gotta support 'em. And Christina, I'm considering her my guilty pleasure. I think she's a grade A sleeze, but "Dirrty" is SOOOO always in my head and I love that girl's voice. Oh well. I'm loving Faith Hill's new CD....there's another lady I've been waiting FOREVER to hear from again. Love her. Anyway, also check out Jennifer Love Hewitt's CD. I like it a lot. (A lot of new CDs out these coming and past weeks....I'm Broke!) Well, search around, and as always, sign the guestbook! ~D

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