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*Bubble-dom Updates!*


Hellloooo!September 26, 2001. 1:05am. ^_^;;; Hi, everyone! Sorry it's been so long since I've last updated. I haven't abandoned the Realm - promise! ^_^ In fact, the reason I've been gone for so long is that the Realm's official makeover is finally underway. =) Bwee!

The Realm's new home is actually at a different URL than the one I gave you previously. Tee-hee... blame that on me, I have a hard time making up my mind sometimes! ^_^ If you want to check our progress, you can visit: =) I'll post here in Bubble-dom updates when the new Realm opens officially. =)

So, since there's lots of work to be done, and the move is definite, not too many updates will be done to this site. I've gotta move everything, first. *sits on a suitcase, unsucessfully trying to close it* ^_^; Heh heh...

Also, as I'm sure you've noticed, the Senshi Request will be moving quite a bit slower. ^_^;; Cammy-san, who's in charge of the Request, has become a bit more of a key player in our new Realm. Hee hee! So no sitting back and relaxing while we're all hard at work! >:) However, the Request *is* still active, so you can send in your requests if you like. Just keep in mind it'll take a bit longer than usual for your doll to be completed ^_^;;

Other things that will also remain the same are the guestbook and the email. I'll be moving this guestbook over to the new site, and the old Realm will remain here so you can still use the site to log in. =)

*Reads over updates* Hmm... yep! I think that's about it for now ^_^;; So come along sometime and visit us at the site, all rite-y? It's a bit of a messy construction site, but ... *laughs sheepishly and scratches head* hopefully we'll work things out soon. And, as always, feedback is definitely appreciated! ^___^ Drop us a line via email, or by signing the guestbook. =)

See you all soon! ^_____^

Love always, Sailor Aqua

Back to Sailor Aqua's Realm
Peace.September 14, 2001. 1:06pm. On September 11, 2001, terrorists attacked the United States by hijacking four airplanes. Two of them crashed into the World Trade Center towers in New York. One hit the Pentagon, and one crashed in Pennslyvania. Thousands were injured or killed.

This is a sad time in America, and all around the world, for everyone. Please everyone - we must come together to lend support and a helping hand wherever it is needed.

And remember - war is not the way to go. Violence doesn't solve anything. Peace be with you all - my heart goes out to all of you.

Love always, Sailor Aqua

Back to Sailor Aqua's Realm
Punchie punchie!September 7, 2001. 9:42pm. *Prances into the room* G'day, mates! Nice to see all of you again. =) Guess what? We've got some updates! ^___^* (Heh heh... what else? ;) )

Sailor Peridotite's gallery is now officially opened. =) Be sure to have a look - there's also a link to Peridotite's personal site!

A new image has been added to my Sailor Aqua gallery! It's me, dressed in a Sailor V-type fuku. Cammy-san plans on creating more of these Sailor V-styled dolls for all of my friends, Sailor Wind, Fire, Moonburst, and the rest of the Element Senshi! Neat, huh?

I've received three beautiful fan art pieces!! *jumps up and down* Hee hee hee! I'm super-excited about these! Much love and big thanks go to Gracey, Hikaru-chan, and Sakura-chan. ^_______^ Hop down to my Fan Art Gallery to have a look! They're the absolute greatest, wouldn't you agree? ^_^

Lastly, my Fan Art Gallery has a new theme song. =) It's called Nausicaa, and it's available for download in Aqua Music! ^_^

*Does the Tango* Wee! Lots of pretty updates ^___^ Tee-hee! Ou! But guess what else? Cammy-san and I are finally working on the Realm's new layout! ^_____^ We might be moving to another URL - this isn't definite, so don't take this Realm off your bookmarks yet, all-ritey? ;)

Anyhoo, if you'd like to check out our progress, there's a bit of a sample at =) There isn't too much there yet, since none of the links are working, but I'm just getting the hang of frames, so you'll have to be a tad patient. ^_^;; *laughs sheepishly*

We'd love to hear what you think of it so far, though! =) Feel free to leave us a message via email, or by signing my neat-o complete-o guestbook! ^___^

Tee-hee! All-ritey... y'all have fun now, y'hear? ;) See you all very soon!

*Prances away* ^___^

..."Neat-o complete-o?"...

Love always, Sailor Aqua

Back to Sailor Aqua's Realm
Teehee!September 5, 2001. 1:38am. ^_^*sweatdrop* I just realized I put the wrong date for the last update! It was made on the 4th of September, not the first. *lol* You go on vacation for a few days and then your whole concept of time is mixed up! ^___^;;

*laughs sheepishly* Anyway... there are a few updates: =)

For those of you who know about the Water Nymph Clique, I have good news! We've got our first two members, Windy-chan and Liessa-chan! Yay!! ^_________^

There are two new links in my Lovely Links section. =) First is The Lost Senshi, the home of Sailor Atlantis. Next is our very own Sailor Moonburst's Sailor Moon site, Angel Feathers. Please visit these sites; I promise you won't be disappointed. =)

Last (but certainly not least ^_^), Peridot Myst's Sailor Peridotite request has been completed. =) She got two pictures, which means Peridotite will be getting her own gallery page. =) It hasn't been completed yet, but you can preview one of Sailor Peridotite's images here. Cammy-san used a different KiSS doll set this time - it's Eph's Sailor Venus Set! ^_^

*Eats crisps* Mmm... Onion flavor! They're good, really! ^___^; Well, my coffee break's almost up, so time for Aqua to go back to work ^___^() Y'all have a good time now though, eh? And keep coming back to check out the Realm - I really am working on that new layout. I'm learning how to make frames! o_O! That's hard stuff for the HTML-challenged, like myself... *laughs sheepishly* *clears throat* Ahem! Anyway, I'm off now... but I'll talk to you all soon, eh? ^___^

Ta-ta for now!

Love always, Sailor Aqua

Back to Sailor Aqua's Realm
Psst! Over here!September 4, 2001. 3:00pm. *Gestures wildly while whispering* Psst! Guess what? I've got a secret sneak-preview for all my loyal Bubble-dom visitors. I thought I'd let y'all have a peek before the official unveiling of ... The Realm's new Clique! *Claps hands over mouth* Whoops! Said that a bit too loudly! ^__^* Heheh... Well, it's called "I'm a Water Nymph" and its purpose is to spread the love of Water characters! Splash! It's in the very, very early stages right now, so it's looking a bit unfinished. But other than aesthetics, the clique is in working order =) So how would you like to be one of the first to join? ^_^ Click here for a special sneak-peek! ^_______^ I'm a Water Nymph!

Hope to see you there! ;)

Love always, Sailor Aqua

Back to Sailor Aqua's Realm
Sailor Moonburst Power! Cutey Attack!September 1, 2001. 2:35pm. Okay, so maybe Sailor Moonburst doesn't have a Cutey Attack, but I think she should! ^-^ Hee hee!

Well, guess what, loyal visitors! Cammy-san and I are back. =) Which means we can start working on the Realm again! Especially the Senshi Request - *.* Yi! I'm really impressed that y'all like Cammy-san's work, and keep asking for Requests. =) I just hope you guys don't mind waiting for a bit - there are quite a lot to work on right now! But, as always, we absolutely *promise* that your KiSS doll will be done. Just be patient! ^__^

^__^ Aye! There've been a few tiny updates since we've gotten back from BC ~ read on! =)

First and foremost, Lynnea Wilson's Sailor Aquarius request has been completed. =) You can see her in the Otaku Senshi Mini Gallery!

There are a couple new images in Sailor Moonburst's gallery. =) One is the cute little gif I used for today's update. ^_^

Oh! And you'll notice that Moonburst also has a new theme song. =) It's the theme from Laputa, and of course, can be found on the Aqua Music page. =)

Last but not least (^_^), there's been an addition to the Adoption Center! I've adopted an adorable Sailor Uranus Kitty from Ghost's Anime Page. She is too cute for words! Click here to adopt one of your own, or go here to adopt an Element Senshi. ;)

All-ritey! Well, it's back to work for me, now. =) I have big plans for the Realm - including a new Teaser for the Fanfiction Section, additions to the Senshi Request, and yes, that big layout makeover! ^____^ So please keep coming back to visit!

Talk to you all very soon! =D

Love always, Sailor Aqua

Back to Sailor Aqua's Realm
Hurrah!August 20, 2001. 12:37am. *jumps up and down* Hi, everyone! Guess what's in the updates today? ^_^* In the Fanfiction Section...

...Chapter Five of The Lone Sailor Soldier has been posted. =) I like this one... just wait until you see what happens! ;)

In addition, the soundtrack to chapter five can be found in Aqua Music ~ it's a song called Galaxia. =)

*twirls around on my toes* Neat, huh? ^___^ I hope you like the story. If you have any comments on The Lone Sailor Soldier, you can contact Cammy-san by emailing her, or leaving a message in my trusty guestbook, of course! n_n

Oh, and one last thing - Cammy-san and I are leaving for vacation on August 22nd. Guess where we're going? Back to Cammy-san's hometown in beautiful British Columbia! ^___^* So we might be a bit scarce for about a week or so, and Senshi Request is temporarily on hold. But don't worry! You can still send us emails or Requests; we'll get them as soon as we come back!

See you all very soon! =D

Love always, Sailor Aqua

Back to Sailor Aqua's Realm
Bif!August 17, 2001. 3:44pm. Hiya! Guess what? It's update time! ^___^

The Otaku Senshi Mini Gallery has gotten a makeover. =) Big thanks to Windy-chan for the help! Go have a look - it's a lot more organized than last time... I just couldn't get those Angelfire templates to work for me. =P But it's all good now! ^____^ I also tried something different with thumbnails... don't they look neat now? (And notice how the top row consists of heads, then the middle row is bows, and the bottom row is skirts and shoes? ^_^*)

Aaannndd... a new image has been added to the aformentioned Mini Gallery - Sailor Comet! She was created by Princess Mercury.

The background music of the Mini Gallery has changed, too. =) It's Sailor Senshi Shuuketu, which can be downloaded from Aqua Music. =)

Oh - and while you're at the Music page, don't forget to download Bubbledom's new theme! ^__^; Hehe... I know I just changed it recently, but I couldn't wait to use this cute song! It's called Go Go Boco! ^______^ Yes, another Chocobo song! =)

The lyrics for Hope and Change from the Aqua Inspirational Soundtrack are now up. But... er... I got the lyrics off the internet, and they seem a bit iffy to me. *ducks head sheepishly* There's a whole verse missing from Shaggy's Hope! o_O *lol*... but they appear to be more or less accurate, so why not take a peek? I'll keep looking for more precise lyrics.

And now for a lil sneak peek of things to come... ;) Cammy-san and I just may be enlisting some help here at the Realm. ^_^ So you'll be seeing some new faces around here...don't worry though, everyone's really nice!
Especially me, right, Aqua? *pokes Aqua in the ribs*

o_O! Ow! Yes, especially Sailor Earth!

*rubs side* Also, Cammy-san will be putting up a picture policy soon. This involves ...erm... the "borrowing" of images from the Realm. ^.^() I can give you a bit of a synopsis before it's actually posted though. Basically, like I've always said, it's all right to take the images you see here, as long as they were made by me or Cammy-san. But! If you use them on your website, unless proper credit is given (to both Cammy-san *and* the KiSS doll artist - that information can be found in the Artist Credits page), the images must be altered enough so you can justifiably call it your own!

Additionally, Fan Art (anything in the Aqua Fan Art gallery, or images that have been credited to someone else other than Cammy-san) cannot be taken. That just wouldn't be fair ^_^; If you like something someone else has made, I've supplied either a website or an email so you can contact the artist yourself. =) Usually the name next to the image is a link to their email. =)

I think that sums it up a bit. ^__^ When Cammy-san posts the policy, please do read it, okay? =)
*Pokes Aqua in the ribs again* Come on, we have a lot of work to do! *Poke* *Poke* *Poke*

Eee! *runs around in a circle* All right, all right! I'm off now - y'all have a good time now, y'hear? ^__^ If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop me a line via email or sign the ... kyaa~~~! *runs off*

*winks* ...Guestbook.

Talk to you all soon!

Love always, Sailor Aqua

Back to Sailor Aqua's Realm
Tra la la!August 10, 2001. 4:32am. Ai! Aqua is tired ^.^;; Can you believe it's already 4:30 in the morning? *laughs nervously* Well, sleep, wild horses, and evil Negaverse monsters couldn't drag me away from Bubble-dom ;) On with the updates! *Charge!*

Sailor Moonburst's voice clips are now up in her gallery! ^__^ There's a clip of her transformation phrase, and also of one of her attacks. Kewl, eh? =)

More lovely fanart from the venerable Windy-chan. =) This time in the form of cute animated GIFs! Look for her GIFs in Sailor Moonburst's gallery, and in my Fan Art gallery. =)

Oh! Have you noticed the different Bubble-dom theme song? It's "Chocobo Forest", from Final Fantasy II, I believe. You can download it from Aqua Music! Isn't it the cutest ever? ^_____^;;

New adoptions! ^______^ Hehe...I will never get over these ;) They're Kao-ani Sailor Mercury and Sailor Uranus! Honestly, these are too adorable for words ;) Go have a look in my Adoptions Room, then visit Pipsi Online to adopt some of your own. =)

Aye! So now you've been updated on the goings on here at Bubble-dom. =) Oh - one last thing - Cammy-san apologizes for being a bit late with quite a few of the Senshi Requests. But don't worry, if you've made a request, you *will* get it. =) She's working on Princess Mercury's Sailor Comet at the moment, and from what I've seen, she looks to be about halfway done. =) So hold tight! ^____^ Just a bit of a warning though - new rules may soon be applied to the Senshi Request - such as time limits, or at least a warning that requests may take a bit longer. This is because... *lowers voice* Cammy-san is starting a new project! The Realm will soon be offering a different kind of Senshi Request. =) But that's all I can say about that for now... just want to keep you on your toes. ;)

*Speaks in normal voice again* Well, I hope you'll enjoy your stay here at the Realm. ^___^ I'll talk to you all very soon!


Love always, Sailor Aqua

Back to Sailor Aqua's Realm
Peace, love, and harmony =)August 7, 2001. 1:15pm. Aqua Cosmic Power! Ka-ching! ^__^;; Whoops! Sorry! Heheh... update time!

The Element Senshi Adoption Center is now up and running! Yay! Now you can adopt a cute little Senshi for your website. =) Right now, the Inner Senshi, plus one Outer Senshi (Sailor Storm) are available. Keep your eyes open for the other three Outer Senshi - Sailor Dream, Sailor Europa, and Sailor Life. =) And hopefully it won't be long before you can adopt our friends - The Zodiac, Neo, and Soul Senshi! =) Oh yeah - there's also a link on the Adoption Center page to my own adoptions ;)

Two new songs have been added to the Aqua Inspirational Soundtrack. Please read the lyrics to Bif Naked's Violence - this song is very personal, and it has an important message!

Ou! Have a look at Sailor Wind's Gallery! There are voice clips! ^_____^ Now you can hear Sailor Wind say her transformation phrase, and there's also a complete version of Carry On - Sailor Wind's theme. And it's sung by Sailor Wind herself! Sailor Fire and Moonburst were also kind enough to give me their voice clips - keep checking their galleries because I should have them up very soon!

Another new image in the Otaku Senshi Mini Gallery! It's Sailor Onyx, who's special because she's Cammy-san's self-portrait Senshi ;) Keep your eyes open for a gallery and info section on Onyx - as embarassed as Cammy-san is, I think she deserves some recognition ;)

Pssst... One last thing before I go - tomorrow is Cammy-san's best friend's birthday! ^____^ If you'd like to wish him a happy birthday, send your greetings to my email and I'll forward them to him! His name is Hardcore Bass Player and he is a cutie patootie if I do say so myself! ;)

^___^ *grins widely* Ah! I hope you'll have a good time here at the Realm. Talk to you all very soon!

Love always, Sailor Aqua

Back to Sailor Aqua's Realm
These boots were made for walking, and that's just what they'll do!August 4, 2001. 3:18am. ^_____^ My adoption from Tower of Time Adoptions has evolved! *lol* It's a cute little baby now! Koo-chee koo-chee koo? Koo-chee koo-chee...
*clears throat* Aqua! Get on with it!

o_O Oi! All right, all right! Here are the updates, everyone!

New Fan Art in the Fan Art Section! (where else? ^_^;;) These make me soooo happy ^____^ Please go take a look! The first one is the aforementioned picture from Lori-chan. =) Be sure to check out her site, all right? Next, I got the kyoooooootest drawing from Windy-chan! lil insider information for my Bubble-dom visitors - the Realm's main page is going to have a makeover soon... keep your eyes open 'cause Windy-chan's adorable fan art will most likely be making an appearance ;)

Lots of additions to the Otaku Senshi Showcase. =) Sailor New Moon's gallery has been opened. Big thank you to Julie Powers for all of the graphics she contributed. Wow!

The Otaku Mini Gallery has a couple new additions, as well. =) There's Sailor Zodiac, created by Cterry, and Sailor Undine, who is one of Cammy-san's characters! =)

There are new images in Sailor Wind and Sailor Moonburst's respective galleries. =) And I'm in the process of adding more as we speak! ^___^ Most of the new images are videogame GIFs... I've finally learned how to make my own! *is quite proud* Of course, I have the tutorial from KatC's Sailormoon Goodies to thank for that. =) Have a look, all right? ^_^ There's a totally cute animated comic by Ximeng Wang (who did all of the comics in my Fan Art gallery!), and an edit by Sailor Moonburst herself. ^-^

*grins widely* There we go! Lots of new updates (*lol* wait... if it's an update, then of course it's going to be new ^.^;;). So have a peek around, and let me know what you think, all-righty? I'd love to hear from you! If you have any questions or comments, please do share, because I want to make your visits to the Realm enjoyable! *runs towards everyone with arms outstretched* Heyyy! Where are you all going?
I do believe you have some more things to say, Aqua.

*sweatdrop* Oh! Right. (Hey, how come you're here so often now, Earth?) The Realm just may be moving! To...! That's still tentative though...both the idea and the name. ^_^;; If I do move, what do you think of Other names I've thought of are and ...I actually prefer the last one, but it's a WWF term so I'm not sure if there's a copyright on that. *lol* Any suggestions? If you have any ideas, please pass them on! You can contact me by sending an email to or by leaving a message in the guestbook. =)

Oh, and one last thing... ermmm... *clears throat* Please try to ignore the super-large banners that appear on every page now. *ducks head sheepishly* I was playing around and now I can't get them to go back to normal size! The only solution (other than leaving them as is) would be to switch to pop-ups... but aren't those annoying? ~_^ *lol*
*Pushes Aqua out of the room* All right, that's enough!

Kyaa-! I'm being transported. Well, I'll talk to you all next time! Have fun!

Love always, Sailor Aqua

Back to Sailor Aqua's Realm
Glitter! Shine!July 31, 2001. 6:36pm. ^__^() I'm in a little bit of a rush here, but I wanted to make a short update. =)

I've just received a beautiful drawing by Lori-chan of Pandora's Box! ^____^ Thank you so much, Lori! I'll have it up in the Fan Art section as soon as possible, so y'all can see how pretty it is. =) As I mentioned earlier, I'm a bit pressed for time at the moment, but it's so lovely that I can't wait to show it off - so you know it'll be in the gallery soon ;)

I've opened a new music section, where you can find all the MIDIs from the Realm! At the present time, there isn't an official name...I've just called it Aqua Music. *ducks head sheepishly* ^.^; There's a link to the partially completed Music page on the Main Page. =) Keep in mind that it's just a preview - so it looks a bit messy and unfinished. However, all the downloads should be working, so feel free to check it out. =)

Whew! I don't think I've ever typed so fast in a long time. *lol* Sorry to be so in and out today; I promise I'll be back really soon! Talk to you all later! *throws kisses*

*Woosh* - and she's off!

Love always, Sailor Aqua

Back to Sailor Aqua's Realm

I like mooncake!July 29, 2001. 12:40am. Update time! *big wide grin* ^______^ Wanna see what's new in Bubble-dom?

The Otaku Senshi Mini Gallery is *finally* up! Yay! Here's where you can find the single images for characters from the Senshi Request. =) If you'd like your Senshi to have her own page (like the Element Senshi), send in your pictures! ^__^ Or you can wait... no worries, because Cammy-san promises she's working on getting everyone their own page. ^-^

Speaking of which... Sailor Callisto's gallery has been opened! Callisto was created by Aisha, a good friend of mine. ;) Hi Aisha! So go have a look, all right? *wide grin*

Since we're on the subject of pictures and art... I'd like to announce that the Realm is now making a request for fan art. We'd really like it if you could send in pictures of Sailor Aqua and/or the Element Senshi! =) Pretty please? ^_^ If you'd like to know more, please check out this page. =)

Lastly (but not least, of course ^_^), the Realm has joined yet another clique. ^-^ This one is called Shoujo, and it's dedicated to admirable females in anime. My choice is Yohko Mano!

*grins* You know, I never really realized the change, but when I first met my friends and became Sailor Aqua instead of just May, I must have been a completely different person. ^_^; I was a lot quieter back then, and - would you believe it - shy! But now things are almost the exact opposite of that, and I couldn't be happier. =) I even got the courage to start this website! *starts to get teary-eyed* Sniffle! I have you, all my friends, to thank for this. You guys are the greatest!! ^_________^

Big thank you and much love to each and every one of you who has helped me and supported the Realm. *throws kisses* Muah! Please keep coming back - there will always be a place for you here. =)

Love always, Sailor Aqua

Back to Sailor Aqua's Realm
Meowth! That's right!July 24, 2001. 4:41am. *Stretches and rubs eyes* Ee! Take a look at what's new:

The Artist Credits Page has finally been updated! *lol*...I should have done that a long time ago. There are a lot more pictures on the site than when we just started! ^_^* Please do check it out, because I've linked the artists to their actual homepages now. Before, everyone was linked to Otaku World, which is where I got all the KiSS dolls, but it seemed a little pointless to do it that way ^.^;; Also, if I was mistaken anywhere, please let me know right away! =)

Sailor Star's Gallery is finally up in the Otaku Senshi Showcase. Only two images at the moment, but we're working on more, I promise! ^_^ Speaking of which - if you don't see your Senshi's gallery up yet, even though you know Cammy-san has completed your doll, don't fret. I'll still be putting the completed dolls up in the old Otaku Senshi Gallery. Once everything has been more organized, the old gallery will be taken down.

New cliques! Since the last update, I've joined the Chibi-Princess Clique, and Blue-Haired (fixed the link for Blue-Haired, as well ^.^;;) . =) Yay for Sailor (Chibi-Princess ^-^) Neptune and Aluminum Siren! ;)

*dances around* I think things are starting to come together now (if not a little messy still... heh). ^_^ Well, while I get back to work, why don't you have a look around? And remember, feedback is always appreciated ;)

Slainte! ^____^

Love always, Sailor Aqua

Back to Sailor Aqua's Realm
Yayyyy!July 18, 2001. 5:29pm. Weee! Just wanted to pop in to say...

Chapter Four of The Lone Sailor Soldier is now up in the FanFiction Page! ^_______^ Go have a look, eh?

Aaaannnddd... there's a new group picture up on the Element Senshi Page! *happy happy* It was made using several of Punky's KiSS dolls (yes, the Artist Credits page *will* be updated soon!). *happy happy happy*

Can you tell I'm happy? *^____^* Well, it's back to work for me... y'all have fun, eh?


Love always, Sailor Aqua

Back to Sailor Aqua's Realm
I'm blue...da bu de da bu da...July 16, 2001. 2:28am. Weehee! It's update time ^_^

I'm making progress with the new Otaku Senshi Showcase ^_^ My two galleries (one for my Sailor Aqua persona, and the other for my May St. Lawrence persona) have been renovated, and are now up and ready. =) The images have been thumbnailed, which makes it a lot easier to view! Also, the images in my Fan Art Page have been thumbnailed as well.

Speaking of fan art (and yes, I will refer to that as both one and two words, because I'm not sure which it is *sweatdrop* ^_^*), there are several new images! First is a lovely hand-drawn picture of me in my civilian form, by the talented Windy-chan. There's also another beautiful hand-drawn picture of me as Princess Aqua - big thank you to Elaby Moon! I'll also be adding three images by Fire-chan, our game-icon expert ^_^

Another Senshi from the Senshi Request has been completed! Her name is Sailor Solar Angel, and she was created by Maurae Grabeklis. I should have her up in the Senshi Showcase soon, but until then, you can see the completed doll by clicking here. =)

^_____^ Hee hee! Can you tell I'm happy? There are lots of pretty things in the Realm now =) *lol* So why don't you have a look around, and let me know what you think? If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to email me or leave a message in the guestbook! =)

Talk to you soon! =D

Love always, Sailor Aqua

Back to Sailor Aqua's Realm
Bwahahah! I am Sailor Earth!July 12, 2001. 3:17pm Hiya! Time for another mini-update, plus an important announcement. =) *Wheels out the flashing lights* This is regarding the Senshi Request! Cammy-san has received a request for "Sailor Underworld", but no email address or name was supplied! If this was you, please let Cammy-san know, so she has somewhere to send the doll once it's finished, okay? =) You can email Cammy-san at, the email address she uses exclusively for Senshi Requests.

And now for the updates! ^_^

Sailor Earth's gallery is now up in the Otaku Senshi Showcase! A new image was added to her gallery, which is the (all right, I admit it) totally cute animated gif you see laughing up there! Big thank you to Sailor Aqua (the other Sailor Aqua! ^_^) for creating it! She also made the jumping Aqua (this Aqua... *giggles*...this is getting confusing!) I used on the June 29 update. =) Aren't they the best? ^_^ If you'd like to request a doll from Sailor Aqua, visit her site, Liquid Dreams!

Notice anything different about Bubble-dom Updates? *winks* There's a new background MIDI! This one is "Cinco De Chocobo", from the Final Fantasy VII soundtrack. The previous melody was "Techno de Chocobo", from Final Fantasy VI. Hee hee... gotta love those Chocobos! ^___^

All ritey... that's it for now! I hope you'll enjoy your stay at the Realm. =)


Love always, Sailor Aqua

Back to Sailor Aqua's Realm
I think... I am getting dizzy!July 11, 2001. 5:58am. All-ritey! Methinks it's time for an update. =)

I have been *busy* lately! Which is a good thing of course... because it's the Realm I've been busy with. ^_^ I'm in the middle of quite a few projects, so there's still lots to be done, but I think I'm making progress. Of course... that's what you always think before something else pops up ;)

First and foremost - I've created yet another new Otaku Senshi Gallery!. It's a bit different from the older Galleries. Those served as a showcase for Cammy-san's KiSS doll edits, but now we want to focus on the actual Senshi! So, now you can send in pictures of your own (or someone else's, just remember to give credit! ^_^) otaku Senshi. I'll need a bit of information, too - mostly what you see in the Senshi Request form. =)
Anyway, so far three galleries are up in the Otaku Senshi Showcase (yes, that's the new name! ^_^) - Sailor Wind, Sailor Fire, and Sailor Moonburst. Have a look, 'kay? ^-^ Oh - a little N.B.: Senshi that have only one image will be placed in the Mini-gallery. You'll need at least two for your character to have her own page. =)

Three cliques have been added to the Cliques page. Yes...three! ^_^ They are Anime Plushie, Fierce 2gether Pride, and Faerie Dream. =)

Three new pictures have been added to Sailor Wind's gallery. One of them is the animated gif I'm using for today's update! ^_^

Another adoption has been added to the Main page. =) It's an evolving Senshi, from Tower of Time Otaku Senshi!

Speaking of adoptions... that's another thing that has been added to my ten-billion-miles-long to-do list ^_^;; I'll be putting up an Adoption Center, where you can adopt little chibi dolls of me and the Element Senshi! ^__^ So far, the Inner Senshi are complete, so I'll be putting up the Center soon.

And yes...I've really got to get around with fixing the MIDIs, eh? ^_^;; I will! I will! Promise. =)

Sooo...back to work for me. =) Why don't you have a look around? If you have any questions, comments, suggestions (or henshin commands!) feel free to share! (Because sharing is good! ^_^)

Until next time!

Love always, Sailor Aqua

Back to Sailor Aqua's Realm

Get down! Boogie-oogi-oggi...July 7, 2001. 11:16pm. Heheh... again, I don't have an animated gif of myself, so instead you get this dancing Tuxedo Kamen ^_^;

Things haven't calmed down since the last update, so this is another "updating-so-there-won't-be-a-mountainload-of-updates-at-the-end" type things (phew!). ^_^;; ... So! Shall we see what has been added? =)

A few more pages now have the nifty "colored scrollbar". ^_^ Most of them are in the Bishoujo-dex.

Speaking of the Bishoujo-dex, I've added pictures to some of the profiles. Sailor Cosmos, Sailor Jupiter, and Hello Kitty now have a small image gallery! I'm working on getting at least four or five pictures for each of my Bishoujo before I go back to catch some more ;) If you'd like to contribute, or know of good websites where I can find pictures, please let me know! You can email me or, like I've been saying a lot lately (*wink*), leave a message in my spiffy guestbook! ^_^

A new Evelyn picture was added to the Otaku Senshi Gallery!

Two new adoptions! ^___^ I love these; they're so cute! The first one is Eternal Sailor Mercury, who I adopted from Sweet Suger Usagi. The second is Princess Starfighter, adopted from Usagi-san's Eternal SailorMoon Shrine. *big wide grin* ^______^

Not completely significant, but I might as well just mention it for the records ^-^ The background MIDI of the Otaku Senshi Gallery was changed from the Chinese Sailormoon Theme Song to "Carry On", a song from the North American dub. =)

I've finally learned how to make transparent gifs! ^_^ *proud* Yesterday's update gif looks a lot better now, doesn't it? ;) So there's another thing to add to my ever-growing to-do list... make the images in the Realm a lot prettier. ^-^

The Aqua Transformation Locket has been added to the "accessories" shelf of my SEC doll cabinet. =) I haven't linked to the doll cabinet yet, because the results of who's gotten in haven't been released yet. *nervous* But if you'd like to see my Locket, it's located right here. =)

*^_^* Okay! That seems to be where I'm at right now. So while it's back to work for me, why don't you have a look around? =) If you have any questions, comments, or henshin commands, let me know by... oh, you know what I'm going to say ;)

All-ritey then! Enjoy your stay, eh? ^____^ I'll talk to you all very soon. =)

Love always, Sailor Aqua

Back to Sailor Aqua's Realm
Bwee!July 6, 2001. 4:44am. Eep! I'm not exactly done updating, but so much was happening that I thought I'd post an update now so I don't end up writing about half a billion pages, once I do finish ^.^;; Let's see... now, how to do this in an organized manner? *lol* I don't think I can! ^-^

Well, first thing (although it's actually the last thing I completed before I decided to write this), Sailor Cassiopeia has been added to the new Otaku Senshi Gallery. =) She was created using Sailor Orion's excellent Portait Shoppe Set, which can be found on her website. ^_^

One of Cammy-san's own otaku Senshi, Sailor Freedom, was added to the Otaku Senshi Gallery as well. I'll have a bit more info up on her soon, too.

Yes! Another Senshi Request was completed, and posted in the ... where else? ^_^ Otaku Senshi Gallery. Her name is Sailor Star, and she was created by Princess Mercury. Cammy-san also made a doll of Sailor Star's civilian form, Crystal. =)

You might have noticed this already. =) On some of the pages here, the scroll bars have changed color! ^_^ Yes, Windy-chan the internet genius has taught me another neat HTML trick. =) Not all the pages are done yet, but they will be soon... I hope. ^_^;;

The third chapter of The Lone Sailor Soldier now has a background MIDI. =) It's called "Tuxedo Mirage", and I got it from

Yet another update to the Otaku Senshi Gallery. =) A new Molly image was added to the Sailor Fire section!

A teeny change to the Element Starlights Teaser in the Fanfiction Section - if you point your cursor at the pictures of StarEcho, StarInferno, and StarMist, they each say their respective "Sailor Star" attack phrase! Neat, huh? ^_^

Hmmm... I'm getting the feeling I've forgotten something. I was so sure there's something else! ^_^;; Aah well, it'll come to me. =) In the meantime, why don't you have a look around, and then check out some of the sites in the Links Section? =) (Psst... speaking of links, if you'd like me to link to your site, you can contact me either by leaving a message in the Guestbook, or emailing me at By the time you come back (which I hope you will... *grins*) there will be lots and lots more pretty things up here. ^_____^ hee hee!

Peace, everyone!

Love always, Sailor Aqua

Back to Sailor Aqua's Realm
Turn, turn, turn...July 2, 2001. 4:52pm. I don't have an animated Aqua gif for this update yet, so I'm using that little spinning star... hee hee.

Well! There have been a few changes here at the Realm =) First thing being - I've put up another Otaku Senshi gallery! ^__^ This one's slightly easier on the eyes, because all the images have been thumbnailed (well, most of them - if you find something that isn't a thumbnail, that's its actual size- it was probably too small - and therefore pointless - to make any smaller ^-^). I added something else, too - Modified game graphics! =) They're graphics which have been taken from Sailormoon ROMS like Another Story and Fuwa Fuwa Panic, and edited to look like the various members of the Element Senshi. ^_^ These particular originals are from KatC's Sailormoon Goodies (that is, the gifs are from Katc's website, but they were edited by Cammy-san!).
Oh, a little N.B. - I haven't updated the artist credits page yet, which is why I've left the old Otaku Senshi gallery up. =)

The poem "Wind in the Water" has been added to the Fanfiction section. Please take a look! =) It's about my best friend Jessica - also known as Sailor Wind! If you like it (or hate it), feel free to send your comments to the writer, Cammy-san! She can be reached at =) ...Or you could sign my brand-new guestbook. Tee-hee! ^___^

I added a new category to the Senshi request form when I realized I goofed, here in Bubble-dom *sweatdrop* I thought that Part Two contained a bit of the Senshi's background story. That is something Cammy-san needs, even if it's just a single line! ^.^;; Sorry for the confusion!

Whew! That's a lot of work for just a few hours ^.^;; Oh, I should point something out about the new Otaku Senshi gallery, though. It's only temporary! I wasn't exactly satisfied with the way it turned out, so I'm thinking of giving each Sailor Senshi their own page. And the reason there's no pictures of myself is because I have my own gallery... ;) Which has yet to be thumbnailed. o_O! *Realizes all the work that needs to be done*

So keep coming back - I'll have this place looking really spiffy! ^_______^ Hee hee hee... now where did I pick up that word? ^-^()

Love always, Sailor Aqua

Back to Sailor Aqua's Realm

*nod nod*June 30, 2001. 4:30am. Yipee! The Realm now has a new guestbook. Did I ever tell you I work quickly? ^.^ So everything should be okay if you click on the guestbook link on the main page... which... I highly recommend you do ;)

Yes, there were some updates! Even though I haven't officially left my computer since... erm... the last update *sweatdrop* *coughs* Anyhoo! You'll notice that the pages here are looking a lot neater... ^_^ I've made it so that all the backgrounds are fixed, and only the text scrolls!

Third addition is the new clique which can be found on the main page and the cliques page. =) It's Moody, where you can get nifty images for your site, displaying a certain mood or theme =) Mine is Ocean! ^___^

~Well, just a teeny update for now ^_^;; Until next time!

Love always, Sailor Aqua

Back to Sailor Aqua's Realm
Yay! Yay! Yay!June 29, 2001. 11:19pm. Bwee! Did you hear the new MIDI on the main page? That was a custom-made song, composed by Whirlwynd! Isn't she most excellent? *Applauds* Check out Whirlwynd's site... and if you have your own website, request a MIDI! Click here: =)

In other teenier news.. ^_^ I've changed the name of this section to "Bubble-dom Updates". Bubble-dom is a sort of pet name for the Realm, and I thought it was more interesting than simply "Updates". ^_^;;

Erk... and now for something slightly less pleasant... my guestbook appears to be down. If you click on the link (on the main page), it takes you to a page that says something about an update in progress. =P I'm not sure how long this'll last, so if you want to contact me, remember you can always email me =) I'll be taking the old guestbook down and getting a new one, even though ... *sniffle* I really don't want to loose the lovely entries I had. Anyway, hold tight, and I'll have a much better one up soon =)

Ou! The adorable jumping Aqua gif you see up there was made for me by another Sailor Aqua! Click here to visit her site, Liquid Dreams. =)

In not-so-teeny news (^_^), I completed Angel Anderson's Sailor Tenshi doll request. =) You can find it on the last page of the Otaku Senshi gallery. Speaking of Sailor Tenshi - since there isn't a website, it would be nice if we could learn just a little bit about the Senshi... ^_^ So remember everyone, if you send in a request, the second part is optional, but the *first* part is mandatory! ^___^ Thanksies ^.^

Since we're on the subject of galleries, I'm working on getting all the pictures thumbnailed, for easier browsing =) The old galleries will be up until I'm done, though. This might take awhile... because there are actually quite a few pictures which haven't even been posted yet ^.^;;

And another thing for the future - there *will* be the option to turn off the background music! I'll be putting up one of those cute little MIDI players on each page, so if you want to stop the music, you just press stop. =) And you can start it up again, too. You know those things... ;) The music can be stopped now too, however - simply use your browsers "stop" button (but you'll have to refresh in order to hear the music again).

Anyhoo, that seems to be about it for now. =) Hope you enjoy your stay!

Love always, Sailor Aqua

Back to Sailor Aqua's Realm

What's going on in Bubble-dom? June 27, 2001. 3:57am. *Stretches* Aah! I've finally decided to put up an Updates page. =) That way, you don't have to go searching all over the site to see if there's anything new. Er... and another reason is, Windy-chan and I just spend hours fixing the form to the Senshi Request! After all that work, we deserve some credit, don't you think? *giggles*.

So! What's new?

Well, before I say anything else - The Senshi Request Form has been fixed!! Now the forms will actually be emailed to me. =) Just a teeny word of warning, though - after you click the "Submit" button, you'll be redirected to a page. =P Disregard that... I'm working on getting that fixed.

Part Three of "The Lone Sailor Soldier" is now up in the Fanfiction section.

Ooh! See the cute little animated gif of me, up there? That was made by the very talented Sailor Yuki from Sailor Orion's Senshi Exchange Club. Pop!

There's a new pic on the main page! Did you see it? ^___^ It's an edited videogame graphic! I got the original from KatC's Sailormoon Goodies.

The Element Senshi section also has a new pic =) I've yet to have it "transparentized" (Windy-chan's word ^.^), so it might look a little funny... ^-^;; Anyway, it features Sailor Wind, Fire, Earth, Moonburst, and me *grins widely*.

I still have an extensive "to do" list, of course. One of the major things is to get some thumbnails in the galleries! Eek! I know the pictures there are super huge. *ducks head sheepishly* Well, Windy-chan, my resident Internet genius, has taught me how to make nifty little thumbnails... I intend to practice that skill on the Otaku Senshi galleries soon. =)

Oh! And before I go, a little N.B. - Angelfire hadn't been working for me lately, and it's still a little ...creaky, so I might disappear for awhile, or parts of the site might be inaccessible. I'm *hoping* this problem with be fixed soon, though - unfortunately the matter is out of my hands. =( I have been considering moving the Realm somewhere else, perhaps ~~~ I'm not sure yet. =)

Just be aware for the next little while, and hopefully things will be back to normal soon. =) Remember, if you ever want to contact me, you can email me personally at; and if all else fails, try ^_^

Ta-ta for now!

Love always, Sailor Aqua

Back to Sailor Aqua's Realm!