Adapters? Why would you have a whole section on adapters? Strange. Very strange. Let me explain. It started way back when I went to my local game store and I found 2 weird Famicom games for the Nintendo system. I bought them both and I immediately went home to play them and "gasp" they didn't work in my control deck.
What's a panic stricken Nintendo gamer supposed to do? I went straight to TSR's NES Archives in search of an answer. I searched and searched and finally I found it, a section on Famicom adapters in NES carts. I looked it over twice or so, and I finally decided to look through my carts for Famicom adapters, yes this must be the way to go. I look through my collection to find out that all of the carts have those security screws thus I couldn't open any up to take an adapter out. I go to Funcoland and I buy myself a copy of Hogans Alley. It was one of the games listed to have adapters in it, wasn't it? I get the game home and finally manage to get it opened. All of this work for?!?! NOTHING!!!. Absolutely nothing! There goes five bucks down the drain along with a Hogans Alley cart. A few weeks later I stop over at Funcoland again. The employee asks me what I want and I ask him if I can look at several Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt carts. Not sure why I did this for SMB/DH wasn't supposed to have an adapter inside of it. Anyways, the guy asks why and I explain that you can tell a difference between carts with adapters and ones with out adapters by their slightly different weights. The employee then grabs a stack and sticks one in each hand and he starts balancing them up and down to see if one weighs more than another. He claims they all weigh the same so I leave. Several months until I get to the mall. I finally go the mall and I stop in at Babbages, they sometimes have a few used NES games. I see a Gyromite cart so I grab it and then I try to see if it weighed more than any other cart. It seemed to weigh more, but could it be my imagination? I decide I'll risk it just incase. I get home and this cart does have a Famicom adapter in it, to my amazement. The point is after my Famicom adapter experience I started getting interested in Famicom adapters so here they are.
Well guys, that pretty much wraps it up for adapters. I could include the Game Genie and Action Replay if I wanted, but I decided to place them somewhere else where they fit in better. I hope your Famicom adapter experience turns out to be better than mine. Now go out and buy some import games! |