| Unofficial NESThe Other Nintendo Market
The Warp Zone doesn't support unofficial NES/Famicom games, this is a buyers beware section warning buyers what not to buy when over in Asia. Unofficial games aren't as good as the real thing, and of course Nintendo doesn't like them either. Okay, now read below.
Generic videogame stuff is a bigger problem in the Eastern world then it is over in the US. In parts of Asia it is harder to find official Nintendo products. The Famicom was released in the Eastern hemisphere, that is why most unofficial games are Famicom games. Before we continue, there are a few terms that might be handy to know.
Hong Kong Originals - Games that were not released by Nintendo or any 3rd party manufacturer
Hacks - Games which have their graphics changed to "form" another game
Multi Carts - Carts that contain more than 1 game. Usually have piece-meal labels
Famicom Clones
Throughout Asia there were many Nintendo/Famicom clones around. Some look cool, others don't. The clones usually contain a multicart or so, 2 generic joypads, and a cool western style zapper. I just love some of these clones wish Nintendo would have released them.
Personal Education Computer
Personal Education Computer
Master Game System
Famicom Playstation Clone
Famicom Playstation Clone (Box)
Nevica He he, looks really cool
Famicom Built In Controller
Game City
New Century Joypad Player
Red Famicom Clone Very Weird Looking
Power Player (Box)
Russian Famicom Clone (Box)
Rumble Station 29 in 1
Multi Carts
So you want to see some multi carts? Below are pics of mostly Famicom carts though there are a few US multi carts around also. THese carts are advertised for having anywhere from 13 to 9,999 games or more. The sad truth is most of the games are repeates, with about 10 different games, the rest being hacks.
15 in 1 (NTDEC)
110 in 1 (NTDEC)
150 in 1 (Supervision)
31 in 1
Golden Game 150 in 1
80 in 1 High Standard Card What makes this high standard?
Mario Party Contains Mario Bro, Super Mario Bro I, Dream Mario Bro, Super
Mario Bro II, Super Mario Bro 3
Mario Party Same as above only in Famicom Cart
Gold Casssette Series 260 in 1 Where they get this gold from I don't know
82 in 1 (Supervision)
4 in 1 Common multi cart containing Macross, Hogan's Alley, Duck Hunt, and Wild Gunman
64 in 1 Orange casing, sourta ugly looking
Super 3 in 1 More gold series magic. Contains Batman, TMNT II
7 in 1 Featuring Mario
8 in 1 Featuring Pokemon, Mario 14, Mario 15, and multiple other hacks
22 in 1
Racing 46 in 1
Rockman 6 in 1 So cool
Mario 4 in 1
280 in 1
4 in 1 Weird writing
42 in 1 It came from space--and it flew to Egypt!!!
4 in 1 Super Mario, Twinbee, 1942, Xevius
Hong Kong Originals
These are some of the better carts of this category. Why? These games are unique to the Famicom, so they would be quite fun. Somari comes to mind. And then there's Super Mario World which was ported to the Famicom, quite impressive task actually.
Donkey Kong 2
Somari (more info)
Sonison Same as Somari?
World Heroes 2 (more info)
Super Mario World (more info)
Somari (Different Cart)
Yes, I've said the dreaded h word. Hacks. Hacks aren't really as good as they might seem at first glance. They include poorly coded graphics and choppyness throughout. Some hacks may have alittle novelty to them, such as Mario 14, but the nolvety soon wears off. Read on.
Chip Dale 2
McMairo Hack of McDonald Land Kids, 1st grader artwork
Mario 7: Grand Dad Hack of Flintstones
Pokemon Red
Super Mario 14
Pokemon Gold
Pokemon Silver
Rockman 7 Hack of Mega Man (Rock Man) 6
Mostly stuff which doesn't fit into other categories. These games I think are mostly ports of the original--without the copyright screens and such. I guess they could be hacks, but I decided to put them here instead.
Contra Spica Version
Arkanoid What is with this "smart boy" stuff?
King's Knight
Kung Fu
Life Force