| NES Cheats The Good Ones
Codes/cheats/glitches, you'll find them here. I personally know that I am missing alot of codes, but what you have to remember is that I only type codes up for games I have. Another thing is that I found it pointless to type up codes for games, especially when you can probably find that exact same code on another site. Just remember this: if a code has the text (TWZ Exclusive) next to it, that means that it is a code only found on this site, and it had better stay that way too. Sorry if it seems harsh--I just like having exclusive stuff--especially when it is pretty cool stuff. Another note: Calx is in charge of getting me the Mega Man cheats, he said he'd try to get them to me in the next week or so, so they'll be added then. Enjoy the cheats, you cheater.
8 Eyes Little Nemo
Afterburner Ninja Gaiden
Alien Syndrome Power Blade
Astyanax Raid 2020
Bayou Billy Rambo
Captain Comic Robin Hood: PoT
Castlevania 2 Robocop
Castlevania 3 Rescue Rangers
Codename: Viper Shadowgate
Conquest of the Crystal Palace Silver Surfer
Dick Tracy Super Mario Bros.
Double Dragon Super Mario bros. 2
Double Dragon 2 Super Mario Bros. 3
Dr. Mario Solstice
Duck Hunt Spiritual Warfare
Dudes With Attitdues Super Sprint
Fire Hawk TMNT 2
Ghosts N Goblins TMNT 3
Goonies 2 Vice: Project Doom
Hogans Alley Wild Gunman
Hunt for Red October Xexyz
Mega Man
Mega Man 2
Mega Man 3
Mega Man 4
Mega Man 5
Mega Man 6
Mickey Mousecapades
Micro Machines
Mig 29