If you bought the game Gauntlet without the manual, then you may enjoy these scans of "maps" for the different worlds. Basic, but interesting nonetheless.
Below is the link to a small poster which came with the game King of Kings (Version 2 for sure). Mine seems to be in pretty good shape, a reduced sized scan is below for all of you to enjoy.
I myself am a mediocre drawer. I draw some pretty basic Nintendo stuff mostly, and you can view it all below. Most is pretty good replica of the original sprite.
Both of the above games were manufactured by the Asian company Sachen. Challenge of the Dragon was developed in the US by Dan Burke, the Sachen version has a different title screen too.
The above three lists weren't written by me. The fourth list was indeed typed by me, the unreleased games list that is. It is horribly inaccurate, and I haven't gotten around to redoing it yet. Etler's list is a must for any NES collector. The European NES game list is nice for al you European NES collectors, and the proto list is nice to keep on hand too. Below are a few advertisments for Nintendo's line of VS Games, which were playable in the arcades. Ever see those "cool" looking drawings, completly made out of text? I have, so I decided to draw up a NES zapper of this sourt. Then I colored it both orange and grey, thus the two Zapper colors.