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Age : 17
Height : 5' 1 1/2"

We first meet Selphie as she runs into Squall in the corridor and falls over.  The next time she appears she is falling down a hill as she chases after squad C in her SeeD exam... she doesn't seem to have much luck staying on her feet does she?  She is best known for saying 'Booyaka' and 'Everybody love and peace' and for constantly being on the go.  In a lot of humour fics she is portrayed as ditzy even though most people know from playing the game that she is deeply affected by what happens to her home and friends.

She is probably the most hyper of the characters but is often portrayed in fics as the nicest.

Changing Times (Zelphie) Chapters: 1-5|6-10|11-15|16-21 written by Meeky
Little Brother (Squall x Selphie) written by Eaglewing
Pale September (Selvine) written by Mariye
Please don't leave me (Zelphie) written by Zellybaby
Sting in the tail (Selvine) written by Meeky
Wilted roses (Zelphie) written by Zellybaby
Purest of pain (Zelphie) by Butterfly
Reflecting (Selvine) by Selphiebabe
Tears (Selvine) by Selphiebabe