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Rebel Ships & Vehicles


Ships & Vehicles

A-Wing Interceptor
Small, wedge-shaped, and fast, the A-wing is the Alliance's main intercepter fighter.

B-Wing Bomber
The B-wing is the Rebel Alliance's most powerful heavy-assault starfighter.

Corellian Corvette
The Corvette can function as either a troop transport, light escort, cargo or passenger carrier.

C-Wing Interceptor
Combines all the best elements of the B-wing, and X-wing in a design similar to the A-wing.

E-Wing Fighter
The E-wing offers performance that until recently was thought to be impossible.

Hex-Wing Fighter
The Hex-wing is a highly advanced adaptation of the X-wing due to its unusual wing configuration.

K-Wing Bomber
The K-wing is a smaller, faster heavy bomber than the B-wing, with a heavier payload.

Millenium Falcon
Han Solo's modifications push the ship far past the manufacturer's original specifications.

Nebulon-B Frigate
The Nebulon-B was the Rebellion's first capital starship to enter into their small fleet.

The Outrider is an ebony Corellian YT-2400 freighter converted for smuggling duty.

Rebel Transport
No-frill vessels that are little more than flying cargo carriages equipped with hyperdrives.

Snow Speeder
Snowspeeders are heavily modified Incom T-47 airspeeders.

T-Wing Fighter
The T-wing can be summed up to be a poor man's A-wing.

V-Wing Airspeeder
This ship page is in the works! Coming soon!

W-Wing Fighter
The W-wing is a fighter that never made it past the prototype stage.

X-Wing Fighter
The X-wing was the last design produced by Incom before its seizure by the Empire.

Y-Wing Fighter
The Y-wing is a multipurpose vessel with a secondary mission profile as a light bomber.

Here you can find out everything you've ever wanted to know about the Rebel Alliance's ships and vehicles. Each entry includes information, history, and images.