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Journal Entry:  October 2, 2000

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Canadiens 8, Wolfpack 2

Overall Record:  1-2-0

Record With Beer:  1-1-0

Record Without Beer:  0-1-0

     Back on track with a W against the overmatched 'Wolfpack'.  Actually, we never were on track this season so we’re on the tracks baby!  Whatever that means.  The team we played stunk.  They were stinky.  Not good.  

     Question to Carrier:  Is it really sexual abuse when the sex was consented and encouraged by J.J.?  

     Well, it turns out that the wedding a couple of weeks ago was actually official.  I tried contacting Chuck by phone, but Andrea didn’t think it was a good idea for Chuck to use the phone anymore, so needless to say, Chuck fell off the face of the earth.  Note to self:  great hat-trick, dude!  Vegas won’t even take odds that J.J. is not going to show up with beer on Monday, but I’m sure he’ll rip some tubes of dank nugs before the game.  Can’t wait until we get to Courtney’s turn so we all can enjoy a four-pack of Bacardi Breezers after the game.  As long as we win games, Courtney can wear his tube-tops and lipstick if he so desires.  

     I will be revamping my journal in .html format along with player statistics and possible box scores from the game if I’m a big enough loser to do so.  Seems like things are running real smoothly at the New England Sports Center.  Supposedly, in a few months, we are going to get the schedules for the season.  On a scheduling note:  The Wednesday night Red Wings will clash against the Monday night Canadiens in a game that will show where Rogie, myself, and Charlie’s loyalty lies.  I think we should make it a habit of not picturing everybody naked.  Just a thought.  I finally moved out of my parent’s house and am living in Waltham.  What does this mean?  More Driving Time = More Dedication = More Production = More Chicks.  Can we get a goddamned schedule please?  It’s times like these when I wish we had a GM to handle such matters.