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Journal Entry:  September 25, 2000

Game Log:  Summer 2000 Recaps and random thoughts

Bob 2K's Weekly Journal Entries for the Fall 2000 Season

Coutney Carrier's Weekly Rants for the Fall 2000 Season

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Canadiens 4, YYZ 6

Overall Record:  0-2-0

Record With Beer:  0-1-0

Record Without Beer:  0-1-0

That makes it two consecutive losses coming out of the gate.  The Habs fall to last year’s NESHL Champions by a score of 6-4.  Now that I have the score sheet I can give some statistical information.  Rogie Boudreau figured in all of the goals, notching a hat trick and assisting my goal on a 2-on-1 that even Jenna Jameson would envy.  We were undermanned in this game and it took its toll early.  The game was wide open going back and forth with way too much skating for seven players.  Courtney Carrier turned in one of the worst performances in his tumultuous NESHL career.  Rumors have been circling about a potential trade where Carrier would leave the Canadiens, with the team receiving a six-pack of Zima in return.  “I’m trying to get out of this slump badly,” the dejected Carrier admitted.  “It’s just so hard for me to concentrate this year knowing that while I’m on the ice, I’m missing back-to-back episodes of ‘Sister, Sister’ and ‘Malcolm & Eddie’ on the WB.”

It looks as if the beer schedule is going to work wonders this year.  Even though there wasn’t a date next to the names of the providers, John Postizzi somehow recognized that it was his turn to arrive with the Champagne of Beers.  For some bizarre reason, the Canadiens lost the game despite having the High Life waiting for them in the locker room.

As for the highly touted dek hockey season, the Orphans lost to the Chiefs in the finals of the Acton pseudo league.  There were four teams in this league with everyone making the playoffs.  Next season, which subsequently starts next week, will have FIVE teams!  WOW!  I think I’m going to hang up the sneakers.

Note to Charlie:  Get that weekend pack of Bruins tickets.  Now that we got Sergei and Thornton signed I feel much better about shelling out $150 for a pair of tickets to see the Bruins and Predators do battle.  They better make the playoffs or I’m going to take matters into my own hands.