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Journal Entry:  September 18, 2000

Game Log:  Summer 2000 Recaps and random thoughts

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Canadiens 2, TCI Beavers 4

Overall Record:  0-1-0

Record With Beer:  0-0-0

Record Without Beer: 0-1-0

A shaky start for the Canadiens, as they fall 4-2 to the mighty Beavers.  The Canadiens bench were on the referee’s due to some questionable officiating during the game.  We clearly out-shot the Beavers, but failed to finish on several occasions, coupled with extraordinary goaltending by the Beavers’ net-minder.  My excuse for the game was that I am currently involved in dek hockey playoffs that fall on the same evening as our games.  I would have had more energy, however Rogie and Billy decided to show up an hour late to the aforementioned dek hockey game, in which I carried our team to another victory.  You can check out our team stats for dek hockey at:

If anyone can find a sticker of Jessica Simpson, it would be greatly appreciated if you could bring it to the next game, as I am sure it will enhance my physical and sexual performance (if upgrading my sexual performance from demigod/stallion is possible).

As you should see, I created a Beer/No Beer record for the team.  I pray that this is our last game without beer and that I eventually take this stat off my journal, but for now, it will emphasize the impact that Beer can have on a team’s performance.  As someone (must have) once said:  “Beer is the ultimate motivator.”  I think we all owe Mr. Postizzi a big “thank you” for posting a beer schedule, and everyone should respect and obey this schedule.

Courtney Carrier, the Canadiens goalkeeper, appeared to be a bit tight in his first game back with team after a disappointing loss in the semi-finals to the detested Bulls.  Many skeptics point to his off-season holdout as the culprit in his sub-par performance, but an undisclosed source has another opinion.  “Before the game, he put on a St. John’s tube-top that had to be from the 1800’s.  This completely disturbed most of the players in the locker room, with the exception of myself.  I thought it was sexy.  I think Courtney felt self-conscious during the game” said ‘Bogie Roudreau’ (name disguised).

I sincerely hope Chuck is having a good time on his honeymoon.  It’s absolutely unacceptable though for him to miss an NESHL game because of it.  Hopefully the team can get on track with a victory and a 30-pack next week.