Students in schools across Ontario require consistent, challenging
programs that will capture their interest and prepare them for a lifetime of
learning. They require knowledge and skills that will help them compete in a
global economy, and allow them to lead lives of integrity and satisfaction,
both as citizens and as individuals. The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8
outlines the knowledge, skills, and high standards of learning required to meet
these goals.
The mathematics curriculum set out in this document is significantly
more rigorous and demanding than previous curricula. This curriculum includes a
broader range of knowledge and skills and introduces many skills for
example, the mastery of number facts and the use of such standard measurement
terms as centimetre and kilogram in earlier grades. Expectations for
pencil-and-paper skills in mathematical operations have been raised and are
clearly stated (in the sections on Grades 4, 5, and 6). The expectations
related to students' problem-solving skills are also more stringent. Students
will be expected to describe what they are doing in mathematics and to explain
why they are doing it.
Where previous policy documents identified general outcomes for Grades
3, 6, and 9 only, The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8: Mathematics, 1997
gives precise and detailed descriptions of the knowledge and skills required
for each grade. This provision of detail will eliminate the need for school
boards to write their own expectations, will ensure consistency in curriculum
across the province, and will facilitate province-wide testing. Province-wide
consistency will be helpful to students who change schools, and will help
parents in all regions of the province to have a clear understanding of their
child's progress.
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