An "Out of the Trees" in the hand is worth two "Yellowbeards"in the shrubbery
Posted Fri Sep 1 13:29:54 BST 2000 by Mr Griffiths
The Corpsemen were right to post the OOTT script but Jim Yoakum simply wants to be seen to be doing the right thing via a vis the Chapman estate.
And next week I'll be encapsulating another protracted multi-thread argument into a single pithy sentence. Join me.
Subject: Re: An
Posted By Mr Griffiths on Fri Sep 1 19:13:13 BST 2000:
with more spelling errors too
Subject: Re: An
Posted By Mr Puzzled on Fri Sep 1 19:33:46 BST 2000:
What's wrong with this picture?
> Jim Youkum's The (Non-Inflatable) Monty Python TV Companion (Dowling Press
> 1999) requotes a few old biogs in a short section given over to Adams/Python
> crossovers. He mentions that the never-filmed second show included an Adams
> sketch about a haddock being accepted at Eton and that Chapman's adopted son
> John Tomiczek claimed that Adams nicked it from rejected Python material.
Chapman and Adams were writing Out of the Trees together, right? Chapman was a member of Python, right? What does 'Adams nicked it from rejected Python material' mean? Doesn't make sense if you think about it. Has anyone asked Yoakum what it means? Has anyone asked Adams about it?
Subject: Re: An
Posted By Jim Yoakum on Fri Sep 1 22:37:10 BST 2000:
>What's wrong with this picture?
>> Jim Youkum's The (Non-Inflatable) Monty Python TV Companion (Dowling Press
>> 1999) requotes a few old biogs in a short section given over to Adams/Python
>> crossovers. He mentions that the never-filmed second show included an Adams
>> sketch about a haddock being accepted at Eton and that Chapman's adopted son
>> John Tomiczek claimed that Adams nicked it from rejected Python material.
>Chapman and Adams were writing Out of the Trees together, right? Chapman was a member of Python, right? What does 'Adams nicked it from rejected Python material' mean? Doesn't make sense if you think about it. Has anyone asked Yoakum what it means? Has anyone asked Adams about it?
It means what it says. You got a problem with that? Ask the late J Tomiczek what he meant. Hey, lemme ask you, what books have you ever written?
Subject: Re: An
Posted By Mr Puzzled on Fri Sep 1 22:51:51 BST 2000:
It's just that what it says doesn't make sense, is all.