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(Summary) (Analysis) (Characters) (History of Macbeth) (Shakespeare) (Trivia!)

(Duncan) (Malcolm) (Donalbain) (Macbeth) (Lady Macbeth) (Banquo) (Fleance) (Macduff) (Lady Macduff) (Lennox) (Siward) (Hecate) (The Three Murderers)

Nice "effects"!!! Looks more like grape jelly slapped on.
A commander of Duncan's army with Macbeth. He was included in the witches' prophecy, that his children would be in the Scottish line for the throne. He is like Macbeth in that he has ambitious thoughts, but a major difference is that he did not let it lead to action. Banquo is concerned about the witches' prophecy as a trap and this contrasts with Macbeth, who easily gives into evil tendencies.This shows up Macbeth's flaw which makes the tragedy possible. When Macbeth decides to kill Banquo, he acknowledges his 'royalty in nature' and fears this will turn Banuo against him. So, we see that Banquo's fate is reuled by his virtue as Macbeth's is with his evil.
In history, Banquo actually assisted Macbeth in overthrowing Duncan and was killed for knowing too much. Shakespeare most likely altered this since a single villain makes the play stronger and Banquo's ancestry to Duncan and his stand against the 'villain' makes him stand out as a virtuous comrade.