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(Summary) (Analysis) (Characters) (History of Macbeth) (Shakespeare) (Trivia!)

(Duncan) (Malcolm) (Donalbain) (Macbeth) (Lady Macbeth) (Banquo) (Fleance) (Macduff) (Lady Macduff) (Lennox) (Siward) (Hecate) (The Three Murderers)

Hate being the the younger brother or sister? Well, Fleance was the younger brother and hated it, as shown when he is not with Malcolm in his revolt against Macbeth (of course, this is pure speculation).
Son of Banquo and minor character. He is supposed to be a part of the king's line, according to the witches' prediction. He appears only once when Banquo is killed to establish his existence. His future is not shown, but it is presumed he later becomes a king of Scotland.
Banquo and his son Fleance are forefathers of the Stuart dynasty in Shakespeare's source for the play, Holinshed's Chronicles. However, this was simply a legend, so Fleance never existed, although the name may have been used by some ancient Scottish lord.