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(Summary) (Analysis) (Characters) (History of Macbeth) (Shakespeare) (Trivia!)

(Duncan) (Malcolm) (Donalbain) (Macbeth) (Lady Macbeth) (Banquo) (Fleance) (Macduff) (Lady Macduff) (Lennox) (Siward) (Hecate) (The Three Murderers)

RRAAARRR!!! I am big and I shall cut you down with my sword!!!MUAHAHAHAHA!!!
Earl of Northumberland and general of the English forces, who helps Malcolm regain the throne. As a noble and knightly figure, he stands for the virtues lost under the rule of Macbeth and as a foreigner coming to the aid of the country's health shows the extend of Scotlands need.
The real Siward, or Siguard, was of Danish decent. His family had seized Northumberland during the Danish conquest of England. He was a famous warrior who fought for the English King's Hardicanute and Edward the Confessor. He was either Malcolm's brother-in-law or uncle.