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Lady Macduff


(Summary) (Analysis) (Characters) (History of Macbeth) (Shakespeare) (Trivia!)

(Duncan) (Malcolm) (Donalbain) (Macbeth) (Lady Macbeth) (Banquo) (Fleance) (Macduff) (Lady Macduff) (Lennox) (Siward) (Hecate) (The Three Murderers)

The humanity! You killed my son! NOOOO! Save me someone, anyone!
The wife of Macduff, victim of Macbeth's hired murderers, minor and pathetic character, yadiyada, and only other woman besides the witches and Lady Macbeth. She is a good example of Shakespeare's mastery over small-roles. Within her brief appearance, Lady Macduff contrasts sharply with Lady Macbeth in her concern for domestic life, rather than politics, and is everything in a woman that Lady Macbeth is not. Lady Macduff's death is a turning point since it motivates Macduff to fight against Macbeth with more will than politics alone could have given him.