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(Summary) (Analysis) (Characters) (History of Macbeth) (Shakespeare) (Trivia!)

(Duncan) (Malcolm) (Donalbain) (Macbeth) (Lady Macbeth) (Banquo) (Fleance) (Macduff) (Lady Macduff) (Lennox) (Siward) (Hecate) (The Three Murderers)

Tired of being the younger son? Hate being the baby of the family? Well, Donalbain was the younger in his family and shows that he hates it by not supporting his brother (Of course, this is pure*).
Donalbain, Duncan's younger son, escapes to Ireland after his father’s murder for fear of his life. When Malcolm revolts against Macbeth, Donalbain does not join. Otherwise, Donalbain is a very minor character and in the end, Malcolm says he intends on "calling home our exil'd friends abroad", which may be a last reminder of Donalbain.
Like Malcolm, the real Donalbain was a child when Macbeth took the throne. The name Donalbain is from Donald Ban, or Donald the White, suggests he was flaxen-haired. Shakespeare had increased the ages of the brothers for dramatics but they did leave Scotland for different exiles; Donalbain went to the Hebribes Islands off Scotland's north-west coast. When Malcolm died, Donalbain desposed of Duncan II with help of one of Duncan's brothers. They ruled jointly for three years but another brother conquered Scotland with aid of England and in 1099, Donald was caught, blinded, and imprisoned for life. GAH! What kind of family feud is this? Brother killing brother...victims of Stender, let this serve as an example as not to fight among yourselves. We must be united in our fight against the cruel regime of Stender!
