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Miscellaneous Information I

"A Salute to Courage
"A Salute to Courage", Edited by Dennis P. Ryan, Columbia University Press, NYC, 1979
Jacob Piatt Orderly Book; 30 Nov 1777; photo and text

Arizona - Cochise County
From "Cochise County Stalwarts" ...Vincent Igo who owned a ranch within/near the Babocomari Land Grant area - "Never securing clear title to the homestead, he eventually sold out to the Babocomari Cattle Company, which sold the Igo place to Henry Pyeatt, a Texan, in 1901."

Arizona - Cochise County - Huachuca City
(I do not know what book this came from. MCP)
pg 37 Roland Pyeatt - Huachuca City, Arizona Roland, better known to all his friends and relatives as Buster, Pyeatt was born on his father's ranch on April 18, 1906. Roland's father, James Henry Pyeatt, had come to Arizona with the Turkey Track Cattle Company (brand, (looks like an M with feet.mcp)) from San Sabo County, Texas in 1884, and located at the old John Slaughter place in San Bernadino which straddled the International Line at the New Mexico boundary. Slaughter, at this time, was famed for being the sheriff who rid Cochise County of so much crime. James Henry Pyeatt married Mary Ollie Kelley in 1887 at old Charleston, Arizon. They lived at old Palominas for several years. Then, about 1890 Henry acquired a ranch at Hereford which he sold later to Colonel William Green about 1897. In 1899 Henry purchased the old Igo ranch (bland, I G O) nestled at the west point of the Huachuca Mountains and it has remained in the Pyeatt family ever since. The I G O brand was changed for the (M over X) brand in 1902, one that is still being used by Roland. Roland was one of nine children, six boys and three girls. Only Roland and his sister, Luella Cooper, remain. Roland acquired the ranch after his mother's death in 1949 and has lived and worked on the ranch all of his life. He likes to boast that he has never even been out of the county. ("Tch, Tch!") He also states that "these old Huachucas have been good to me." At one time, the ranch had a lease on the Huachuca Military never been Reservation which consisted of about 40,000 acres. At the beginning of World War II all grazing was restricted, so the lease was terminated. At one time, the Pyeatt ranch was noted throughout the area for the lovely fruit from their orchards. Many of the fruit trees were planted by Mr. Igo prior to 1900 and are still bearing very palatable fruit. The orchard is slowly declining, as we all are, but there is still ample fruit for the families. An article taken from the 'Arizona Daily Star', dated July 1896, reads as follows: "One of the finest orchards in Arizona is owned by Mr. Igo, at a point of the Huachuca Mountains, five miles west of the Post. He has hundreds of bushels of peaches and apricots now ripe. The grape vines can hardly sustain the weight of their fruit. It is a remarkable fact that while his neighbors have for years tried to raise fruit and have been unsuccessful because of the late frost, Mr. Igo's orchard is never damaged in the least. The water on the ranch is all from springs and is delicious. At one time, there was a large spring-fed "pond" on the place where many people found it to be a beautiful spot to picnic, swim, boat, or just relax. This pond was eventually dried up and the spring used to fill a stock dam on the ranch." Roland attended the old Canelo School (still standing) during his grammar school days, riding the five miles horseback every day. Roland married Rose Ritchie and had two sons, Ronald and James. Roland now lives at Huachuca City and James has a home on the ranch. Rose passed away in 1969. In 1977 Roland married "an old sweetheart", formerly Mildred Wilcox, who was born and raised on a ranch just north of Sierra Vista, then known as Buena. Mildred had lived in Orange County, California for forty-five years prior to their marriage, and she has two children, a son Fred and a daughter Patricia. Both Roland and Mildred attended Tombstone High School. Roland and Mildred live in the old adobe house built in 1917. The walls are 18 inches thick and there are 11 foot ceilings. At one time, it was a two-story house but in later years was reduced to a one-story. Roland is cited as being one of the three oldest ranchers in the Canelo Valley; that is, he has lived in the area longer than most of the ranchers. The other two are George Berceich and Blain Lewis. Roland says he can remember when there were more wild horses in the country than there are cattle today. You can find Roland and Mildred riding the ranch checking out the cattle, looking for deer, antelope, and Javalinas many days out of the week, enjoying this great outdoors of this great area.

Arizona - Cochise County - Tombstone
Tucson Daily Citizen | Tucson, Arizona | Thursday, November 27, 1941 | Page 9
Tombstone Woman's Club Holds Meeting TOMBSTONE, Nov. 27,, (Special to the Daily 'Citizen) The Tombstone Woman's club held its regular meeting Tuesday afternoon at the Community hall....Mrs. Lon Pyeatt was voted into membership by a unanimous vote.

Arizona - Gila County - Payson
The following was dictated to Bessie I Carpenter by her grandma, Margaret Ann Platt in Phoenix, Arizona on, N. 15th St. June 25, 1933. It gives Mary Vinah "Molly" Birchett Pyeatt's sister's account of their childhood.
“My name is Margaret Ann Birchett Chilson Platt. I was born Feb. 16, 1851 in Burleson County, Texas. My parents were Elizabeth Cole and John Birchett. My father died before my birth and my mother died when I was less than 3 years old. My brothers John and Joe Birchett, my sister Mollie (Pyeatt) and I were reared by our grandparents, Sampson and Vina Cole.
When I was 8 years old my grandfather sold out in Burleson County, Texas and we moved to Sansaba County, on the frontier, and the Comanche Indians were bad. I was 10 years old when the Civil War broke out and as we lived in the South we encountered many hardships. We had to “card and spin” and make our own clothes and clothes for the boys at war. Up to age 10 I had never done anything, but my work began at that age. We had plenty of food as we raised everything and had plenty of cattle, sheep and hogs. Raised cotton so had our own wool and cotton. What schooling we got was by a governess, but, at the outbreak of war, we let her go and my youngest brother and I walked 3 miles to school and had to carry a gun on account of Indians. My grandfather was shot from ambush by Indians, but not killed, and recovered. The Indians stole his horses. Often our cattle would come home with arrows in their sides.
The year the war closed we left Texas and crossed the Plains to California with ox teams. There was a big train of wagons and teams. It took us from March until the following January to make the trip. We had no trouble with Indians, but came to places where their fires were still smoldering. One time we saw a great cloud of dust ahead of us, and corralled our wagons and made ready to fight Indians, but they turned out to be an enormous herd of Buffalo going to the Pecos River for water.
We settled in Downey, Calif. 12 mi. east of Los Angeles. Of course there were no railroads at that time and the old stagecoach was much in evidence. Sept. 6, 1866 at age 15 I was married to Emer L. Chilson at Downey, Calif and lived there until our 5th child was 1 yr. old, when we left June 1st with wagons and horse teams for Globe, Ariz.
We reached Globe about July 1, 1878 and located 5 miles west known as Old Miami, where the first old mill was located. When we reached Globe there was not a shingle roof or lumber house in existence. The houses were all made of adobe with dirt or grass roofs. Our first shack was made of “Bear grass” by a Mr. Abbott, who until his death a few years ago was known as “bear grass Abbott.” My husband, Emer Chilson, helped too put up the first mill (in Miami). My 6th child, Guy, was the first white child born in Miami. I had no white neighbor women, but 5 bachelor neighbors. The morning after the baby was born they sent me breakfast composed of fresh fish from Salt River, hot rolls, beef¬steak, rabbit, quail and such things.
During our time in Globe, we went up to Richmond Basin and I cooked for Gip Chilson; owner of the Silver Nugget Mine and 15 men. My husband worked in the mine. Silver was good then and my children dug out several dollars worth of nuggets from the waste dump with spoons.
We went back to Miami and organized a school and Miss Venie Kenyon taught the first school of about 9 children, 3 of whom were mine. Miss Kenyon lived with us and was married to Hinson Thomas in our house. She was Goddess of Liberty at the first 4 of July celebration held in Globe about 1880. I made her costume.
Then my husband and my brother opened the first store in Old Miami; also a branch store in Marysville, 80 miles north of Miami, to where we moved. A few mines were being worked and we took gold bullion in trade for goods. Then in 1882 the Indians broke out when old Geronimo was up to so much mischief, so we went to Globe for safety. During our time there our 7th, Irene, was born, 1882. While we were gone our store was broken into and a great deal of goods taken.
We then traded the Marysville store for the Golden Wonder Mine, which was nothing more than a rich prospect and moved to Payson, where my husband and brother worked the mine and “arasted” (I can’t find the word in dictionary. -BIC) the ore. We had to fort up twice from the Indians. My 8th child, Jesse B. was born in Payson 1884. In 1891 my husband died and left me a widow with 6 children, as 2 of the 8 had died. [Lillie Dale and Guy W.]
We lived in Payson from then on, and my present home is there and I have had all my 6 children near me all these years though they are all married; until 3 years ago I lost a daughter, Irene in Globe. They are the pleasure of my life and I love to be with them and I feel they are worth all the work and hard struggles of the early days.
I am now 71 years old and more hale hearty and strong and spry than most old ladies of that age, who had the trials that I did. I spend each winter in Phoenix and then return to my home in Payson for the summer. I am grand¬mother of 16 and great grand mother of 4. My sons are well known and are prominent cattle men of northern Gila County. (Ariz.)., I am a member of the Christian Church.
I had relatives in the Revolutionary War but my records and data are all at home in Payson. In the Mexican War I had an uncle George Cole and brother-in-law, Sam Chilson, who were mere boys then. In the Civil War, my husband, Emer Chilson and 5 uncles: George, Jack, Ben, Joe and Ike Cole.
In World War I: 2 grandsons: Lloyal Gibson and Sieber Armer who gave his life. A nephew, Edward Chilson, now a Law student at Berkley, Calif., a cousin Ben Robbins.
I sold the old home place (now N B Ranch) to Guy Barkdoll for $400.00, but kept a room there until sons, Boss and Charlie traded cattle to Bill McDonald for the old Birch place, then moved there. When the boys (Boss and Charlie went to Sunflower, Boss gave his interest in the Birch Place to me. While I was still living. There the Narrons and their daughter Lillie moved in and crowded me out. Then I moved to the old Hilligase Place and lived there for awhile. Later I prove up on the Birch place, in my name, same being recorded in the Phoenix Land Office with John Birchett and John Robbins as witnesses. Then I traded the Birch place to Guy Barkdoll (my son-in-law) for the town property (Payson) and Guy paid Charlie for his interest in cash. Son Jesse lived with me and built the house where we live, saying he would never marry. At my suggestion Jesse paid Boss something for what he was out, still leaving an interest of the place as mine. I proved up on it in my name with a deed made over to Jesse to go to him at my death. The deed in son Charlie’s possession.

From The Payson Roundup, October 1, 2008 [this is about the sister of Mary Vinah Birchett Pyeatt]
On May 1, 1881, Emer and Margaret Chilson came from Globe to the mining camp and opened a mercantile store. The store had a wooden platform with tent sidings, as did the other buildings. The Chilson store soon became the camp’s social center and primary supply center for the surrounding ranches and mines. Emer Chilson’s journal of transactions, found at the Arizona State archives in Phoenix, records the names of early Rim Country settlers, including notes on their purchases of tobacco and liquor. Burch, Cole, Craig, Gowan, McDonald, Middleton, Nance, Nash, Pyeatt, Vaughn, Vogel and Sieber are some of the names that appear. Since the camp did not have a name, the Chilsons took the prerogative of naming it Marysville, after their daughter, Margaret Mary Chilson.
The Chilson family history is so imbedded with Payson history we need to look at it more closely.
Margaret and Emer Chilson would play an important role in the development of the Payson community. Margaret Ann Birchett was born in Burleson County, Texas, Feb. 18, 1851, and while very young she was orphaned. Her maternal grandparents Cole raised her and her siblings. Living in dangerous Comanche Indian country, the children carried a gun as they walked daily to school. At the close of the Civil War the family moved to Downey, Calif., and there, Margaret Ann met Emer L. Chilson. She was 15 and he was 25 when they were married Sept. 6, 1866. They had five children, John C., Littlie Dale, Charles E., Margaret Mary, and Napoleon W. Chilson (later nicknamed “Boss”).
The family decided to return to Texas in 1875, but when they reached Globe/Miami in Arizona Territory, the prospects for mining were so good they decided to settle there. They built a house from adobe and bear grass, and proceeded to put up the first ore mill in Miami. Their sixth child, Guy, was born, and Margaret later claimed he was “the first white child born in Miami.” The morning after the baby was born, her bachelor neighbors brought breakfast to the family, consisting, she said, “of fresh fish from the Salt River, hot rolls, beefsteak, rabbit, quail and such things.”
In Miami the Chilsons organized the community’s first school and housed the teacher. The family opened the first mercantile store in old Miami with Margaret’s brother, Joe Birchett. They realized there was more money in selling to the miners than in being a miner. In 1881 the excitement of expansion wooed the family to Marysville, and they left the Miami store in the hands of brother Joe.
The Marysville camp was short lived because the gold was running too thin to sustain it. When the area received word of a major Apache war party headed that way in 1882, Emer Chilson decided to take his family to Globe for safety. While there Margaret gave birth to their seventh child, Irene.
When they returned to Marysville they found their store had been looted of all its merchandise, and Emer decided to give it up. He traded the store to L.P. Nash of Strawberry for a cut-rate price on a nearby mine called The Golden Wonder.
It soon became evident the mine would not feed his growing family (their next child Jesse was born in 1884), and when Chilson could not make the final payments, a distant relative from California, John Robbins, rescued them by purchasing a share of the mine.
Emer and his older sons worked in the mines as far away as Bisbee to support his family, and they began raising cattle in Green Valley. That was where the future lay for this pioneer family, and Payson soon became their base of operations. Emer died in 1891, leaving Margaret with six children. His children Lillie and Guy had preceded him in death.
The Chilson men went on to develop extensive cattle ranches, while their mother remarried and came to be known affectionately as Grandma Platt. Margaret and her sons parlayed their land holdings, selling their NB Ranch at the mouth of Pine Creek to Guy Barkdoll, a son-in-law. Boss and Charlie Chilson traded cattle to Bill McDonald for the old Burch ranch, which included today’s Payson Golf Course.
Margaret later traded that ranch to Guy Barkdoll for property on Main Street and cash. Jesse built a house for his mother and himself at 703 W. Main, saying he would never marry. But he did, falling in love with a local teacher named Lena Chapman. He built a house next door to his mother’s where he lived with his wife until his death from cancer. Margaret Ann Chilson Platt died in 1941 at the age of 90.
So the scene shifted from Marysville to Green Valley, a settlement that was soon to be named Payson.

Arizona - Gila County - Payson
From "Rodeo 101" by Jinx Pyle and Jayne Peace Pyle
Andrew Pyeatt and others in the Marysville settlement, west of Payson, had cattle and took part in the Green Valley roundups. Also Joe Gibson moved his cattle from Rye to Round Valley in 1879, and Rial Allen was running cattle on the East Verde River that same year."

Arizona - Maricopa County - Phoenix
UPPER TONTO Our beautiful spring weather continues and "all nature has taken on a look of gladness. The fruit trees in full bloom are a beautiful sight; the greenness of the fields of grain and foliage of the cottonwood reminds us of early springtime. Mr. Thompson has gone to Gun creek to work on the Maybell mine, owned by Gilliland and Tardy. Fred Haught has returned from a successful prospecting trip to Spring creek. He will return In a few days to commence work on his claim. Andy Long has purchased the remnant of the Curry cattle. He and Henry Lopez are now gathering for the purpose of removing them some fifteen miles farther up Tonto. Miss May Herron of Rlm Rock and Miss Irene Chilsona of Payson are the guests of Mrs. A. M. Pyeatt and Mrs. L. P. Cole this week. The fishing party the other afternoon was quite a success in its way. Pink Cole "roped" two stripers. H. D. Hardy fell in the creek and the ladies stood on the bank and laughed at him. There is talk of organizing a school district at Rye. This Week closes the sixth month of our school. There will be two months more. Sliver Bell.

Arizona - Maricopa County - Phoenix
Arizona Independent Republic | Phoenix, Arizona | Monday, December 30, 1940 | Page 31
Florence Rodeo Trophy Is Won By Frankie Pyeatt
(Exclusive Republic Dispatch) FLORENCE, Dec. 29—Frankie 16 years old, won the horse trophy offered by James Herron, jr., Pinal county sheriff, as outstanding performer at Florence's two-day Junior Parade which closed today....Pete Dlxon was runner-up to Pyeatt. Pyeatt scored 19 1/2 points and Dixon 19.

Arizona - Pima County - Tucson
Tucson Daily Citizen | Tucson, Arizona | Friday, June 05, 1942 | Page 2
Public Records - SUPERIOR COURT William G. Hall, presiding
C. R. McFall vs. Paul A. Pyeatt, suit on note.

Tucson Daily Citizen | Tucson, Arizona | Saturday, February 01, 1958 | Page 8
ST. MARY HOSPITAL - Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Pyeatt, 321 Almartin, a boy at 10:43 p.m. Jan. 31.

Tucson Daily Citizen | Tucson, Arizona | Saturday, November 22, 1958 | Page 4
11 Graduate, Go On Police Duty Monday
Eleven men were graduated this morning from the recruit training program of the Tucson Police Department and were made patrolmen. The 11—who have completed an eight-week course covering all phases of police work—will go on regular duty Monday. Their inservice training will continue and they will serve a probationary, one year period with the department. The men receiving diplomas are: John Pyeatt, Andrew Deming, Anthony Fortuno, John Keller,Alfred Lingham, Benjamin Lawwill, Harry Southard, John Ritter, Robert Todd, Norman Villard, Edward Swierc.

Arizona - Pinal County - Casa Grande
The Bulletin | Casa Grande, Arizona | Saturday, January 18, 1918 | Page 1 Ben Pyeatt New Cattle Inspector
The new Live Stock Sanitory Board which perfected its organization last Monday has been busy the past week revising the list of live stock inspectors in the state and a number of changes was made. For this district Ben Pyeatt was appointed vice Carr M???att. Ben had strong endorsements not only from this county but from other sections of Arizona. He has made the cattle business his occupation for many years.

Casa Grande Dispatch | Casa Grande, Arizona | Thursday, July 11, 1919 | Page 4
Returned to Phoenix Sunday
After making a visit of two weeks here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pyeatt, Niler Pyeatt returned to Phoenix Sunday, where he is employed as pressboy at the Arizona Repulican.

Casa Grande Dispatch | Casa Grande, Arizona | Friday, August 28, 1925 | Page 1
....Tom Whaley and Niler Pyeatt narrowly escaped drowning Saturday afternoon when the light touring car in which they were riding was stalled in the Santa Cruz Wash, three miles south of the city. Before they could escape from the car a vertiable wall of water bowled them over and the boys were forced to swim for the bank. According to John Pyeatt, who has charge of the government wells at Chui Chui, at least $5,000 damage was done to government property and damage he estimated at $4,000 to the county roads in the Chui Chui district.....

Casa Grande Dispatch | Casa Grande, Arizona | Friday, February 18, 1927 | Page 4
Visiting Here
Mrs. John Pyeatt and son, Nyler, spent a few days here this week at the home of Mrs. Pyeatt's daughter, Mrs. Jack Whaley.

Casa Grande Dispatch | Casa Grande, Arizona | Friday, April 05, 1929 | Page 5
Mrs. John Pyeatt and her daughter Mrs. Jack whaley have purchased the Florence Cafe on Florence street which they will rename "Mother's Kitchen". The cafe will be re-decorated, new equipment including a steam, table, will be installed and opened during next week. The new owners plan to serve as many vegetables as possible to obtain on the market and make this a specialty.

Casa Grande Dispatch | Casa Grande, Arizona | Thursday, August 01, 1929 | Page 7
Niler Pyeatt was here from Phoenix Friday night and Saturday visiting his parents Mr and Mrs John Pyeatt.

Casa Grande Dispatch | Casa Grande, Arizona | Thursday, September 05, 1929 | Page 7
Miss Georgia Pyeatt arrived home Thursday from Tree Predas, N. Mex., where she was a guest for two months of her aunt, Mrs. Lulu Carpenter.

Niler Pyeatt of Phoenix spent Tuesday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pyeatt.

Casa Grande Dispatch | Casa Grande, Arizona | Thursday, January 16, 1930 | Page 9
NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION / Department of the Interior, General Land Office at Phoenix, Arizona, December 11, 1929. NOTICE is hereby given that Ben F. Nelssen, of Casa Grande, Arizona, who on December 21, 1927, made Homestead Entry, Sec. 2289, R. S., No. 062302, for NW 1/4 Sec . 29 T, 9S, R 7E on October 10, 1928, made Additional Stockraising Homestead Entry No 062591, for Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Section 4; and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, N 1/2 S 1/2 S 1/2, SE 1/4, SE 1/4, SW 1/4, Sec. 3; NE 1/4 NW 1/4. Sec. 10, Township 9S., Range 6E., G & S. R. Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Three-Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Henry A. Morgan, Register, United States Land Office, at Phoenix, Arizona, on the 13th day of February, 1930. Claimant names as witnesses: Cora Moyers, William Bingham, John La Force, John Pyeatt, all of Casa Grande, Arizona. HENRY A. MORGAN, Register. First pub. Dec. 26, 1929. Last pub. Jan. 23, 1930.

Casa Grande Dispatch | Casa Grande, Arizona | Wednesday, December 21, 1932 | Page 2
ELOY - Mr. and Mrs. John Pyeatt of Maricopa, visited their daughter, Mrs. Jack Whaley and Miss Georgia Pyeatt, Saturday evening. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Green of Chuahuca.

Casa Grande Dispatch | Casa Grande, Arizona | Friday, March 17, 1933 | Page 5
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Whaley and Mr. and Mrs. John Pyeatt, Mrs. Whaley's parents, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smart at Hidden Valley Saturday evening. The Whaleys spent the week end at the Pyeatt home at Maricopa.

Casa Grande Dispatch | Casa Grande, Arizona | Friday, March 31, 1933 | Page 5
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Whaley and daughters spent the week end at Maricopa at the home of Mrs. Whaley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pyeatt, who left Sunday for Los Angeles to be gone about two weeks.

Casa Grande Dispatch | Casa Grande, Arizona | Friday, May 07, 1937 | Page 1
Grandsons Present At Golden Wedding
Grand children from Casa Grande were among the many members of the family which were present at the celebration of the golden wedding aniversary of Mr. and Mrs. James Henry Pyeatt, pioneer Nogales couple, conducted Sunday at their ranch in the Huachuca mountains. Ben Pyeatt and Roland Curry were the Casa Grande grand sons present. Mr. and Mrs. Pyeatt were married 5O years ago at Ramsey canyon in the Huachucas being among the early white settlers in that section.

Casa Grande Dispatch | Casa Grande, Arizona | Friday, May 22, 1942 | Page 5
MRS. JOHN PYEATT and Mrs. Nyler Pyeatt, of Fallbrcok. Calif., are visiting friends here and also Mrs. Pyeatt's daughter, Mrs. Jack Whaley and family, of Maricopa. The John Pyeatt , family lived here a number of years. Mr. Pyeatt was connected with the U. S. Indian service.

Casa Grande Dispatch | Casa Grande, Arizona | Friday, November 27, 1942 | Page 5
JOHN PYEATT -of DeLuz,Calif., who is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Jack Whaley and family of Maricopa, visited friends in Casa Grande. Mr. Pyeatt is a former resident of Casa Grande.

Casa Grande Dispatch | Casa Grande, Arizona | Thursday, May 25, 1950 | Page 5
Ben Pyeatt, age 77, was taken to the Casa Grande Hospital early Thursday evening for treatment and observation of bruises and lacerations received when he was struck by a pickup truck driven by Jack Butler while crossing Main Street at the intersection of Main and Florence Streets. Mr. Pyeatt, a long time resident of Casa Grande, was given first aid treatment at the scene of the accident by Dr. J. E. Redden. He was taken to the hospital where he received treatment. and X-rays were taken Friday. Mr. Butler was cited by Officer Green for failing to yield the right of way.

Casa Grande Dispatch | Casa Grande, Arizona | Wednesday, October 10, 1973 | page ?2
Sentencing Faced: Medical Problem Cited In Failure to Appear A Casa Grande man who failed to appear in court for questioning on a grand theft charge last week couldn't do so because of urgent medical problem that required hospitalization, his attorney said today. Frank Lawrence Pyeatt, 47, of 426 W Cottonwood Lane suffered a sudden ulcer attack and needed immediate medical attention Friday morning shortly before he was to leave for Phoenix to appear for sentencing before Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Harold D. Martin, attorney Lloyd Brumage said. A spokeman at Hoemako Cooperative Hospital said Pyeatt was in fair condition this morning. Brumage said he informed the judge by telephone that Pyeatt could not be located, then learned of his client's condition later in the morning. A clerk in Martin's court said this morning a bench warrant issued for Pyeatt's arrest when he failed to appear remains in effect but she assured a reporter that no legal action will be taken until Pyeatt's condition allows. He faces sentencing on a grand theft charge in connection with the theft of four cows from the Box Bar Ranch on Dec. 18, 1972, while employed there as a foreman. The ranch is 11 miles east of Pinnacle Peak near the Verde River north of Scottsdale. A Maricopa County grand jury on April 5 indicted him on three counts of grand theft, accusing him of stealing seven head of cattle. Two the counts involving the theft of a bull and two cows was dismissed Friday as a result of plea bargaining with the county attorney's office. Pyeatt has been free on $3,300 bail.

Tucson Daily Citizen | Tucson, Arizona | Saturday, October 13, 1973 | Page 14
Cattle Rustler Sentenced
PHOENIX (AP) - A Casa Grande man has been sentenced to three to seven years in prison for cattle rustling. Frank Pyeatt, 47, had pleaded guilty May 24 to one count of grand theft, admitting he stole four cows from a ranch north of Scottsdale. Pyeatt reportedly told investigators he took the animals after his employer refused to reimburse him for certain losses he and his wife sustained at the ranch.

Arizona - Tonto National Forest
From "History of Grazing on Tonto National Forest" 1926
Goats - The first goats were brought in by Andrew Pyeatt, father of Benton and Walter who are residents of Payson, in 1882, and was only a small band used for meat. These were later sold to William C St. Johns as has already been mentioned."

Arkansas Territory Papers
From "Territorial Papers - Arkansas 1819-1825" pages 789-874, Part Seven, "Executive Register for the Arkansas Territory, 1819-1836" Molly, Sally and Elly Rowe are most likely the three free born Quadroons mentioned in the Sept. 1818 Hurricane Church minutes. This list is most likely a "mass marriage". It appears in the Hurricane Church Minutes, the marriage rites were performed en mass to avoid individual embarrassment and sanctify everyone in this new church.

Additional names of 1819
James Street, Richard Bradley, Harris Reavis, Rev. George Shipman children (Henry 1808 Ky., John 1810 Ill. Massac, Sarah 1819 Bond, Preston 1826 Montgomery)

1832 additional names
Easton Whitten, E. Rush, E. Hill, H. Mason, R. Hinton, H. Landers, C. Bass, J. Kirk, B. Roberts, B. Garland, E. Linn, Sam Alexander, J. P. Evans, W. Carter, T. Welch, J. Rowe, H. Prater, J. Walker, M. Kirk, B. Welch, Tom Whitten, Henry Sander, Br. Scribner

* These folks all contribute to the building of a Hurricane Church Burial Grounds "for all public citizens not of color".

Hillsboro, Illinois newspaper of Monday March 31, 1980 carried an article "The first county church, 162 years old". Additional names from that article are:
Joseph Williams, William McDavid, John and Henry Hill, Charles Wright,Jesse Johnson, John Kirkpatrick, Aaron Case, Henry Rose, John Russel, David Bradford, E. Gwinn

Bond County State of Illinois North Precincts brought April 1819 A.D.
Jesse Alexander, Malinde Beck, John Beck, Rachel Alexander, Cyrus Walker, Elizabeth Coy, Moses Kirk, Mary Coy, George Shipman, Susan Rush, John Kirk, Mary Shipman, Zebulon Revis, Chrissy Harris, Richard Bradley, Mandy Beck, Benjamin Rowe, Margaret Coffee, Mark Mason, Polly Willson, Thomas Sears, Mary Willson, Colbert Blair
Hurrican 34; Coffee 18; marryed 5; Beck 7; dead 16; West Fork 18; nigers 8; Savage 3; Mility no; marryed 12; voted at election 28; boy not in poll 16; Joseph Wright J. P. Hurrican Fork Bond Co. Caryed by Harris Revis Mar 19 to registar

Meeting notes:
meetin open with prayer by member of this beleef-by preecher if have one members of sister churches be make know-open a door for new members, members with unbeleeving mates must labor with them- if new be by letter read letter before all if not tell eperce. all members receeved by a oneness vote other bizness by majority- all must strive for unity The moderater has not vote liberty of speech is his, if vote tied moderator can vote. only one shall speak at one an not on the same matter 2 times unless by leev of majority The direction of the Gospel Matthew 18 chap 15,16,17 verses shall be our guidanc in all greevos mattrs. Moderator shoud read each meetin orders Moderatr has charge of all church bizness but lettng preechers of oders speak in our meetin. This done by leeeve of members only- any member leeving seat without cause will cited why. All members shill be at meeting unless ailin or creeks out or big snow member get wood when meeting held in house of widdow or ailin man. We at Huricane favor a New County no Perryvill is 2 days with a good horse then- I can not get books or paper for the precinct bizness. I used the church paper for the county biznes with pay-this is wrong. In 3 electons were unjustly acused 2 time. In West Fork, it the the same- Bor. Forhan cant get court necessary. We are belittled anytime we have electon or go to court, If we make a little county, We will be off. if to big we Will have the same truble. I do not favor taxs by necessary for court bizness and jurys and roads must be had an payd for . come spring they will be enouf peeple to make a county.. There be 64 now and 6 familys to come by Winter, West Fork will more from edwardvill and we will be more from Kentucky. We be not well favod in Bond so most here will like a new county Bond will make a new seat at Davison but we want a new county.

The ranges 7 and 8 and part of 9 is all that has timber and will be settled, The rest of this county lands in 10-11-12 is worth little only for stock range. The most settlers are in the south East corner in 7 and part of 8 2 West being 34 families in Hurrican 4 Bear Creek 7 Cleer springs 6 West Fork. 2 Mc Davids 3 Sewerd Hill. The seat of count must be closer to the most people nearer to Hurrican. A rest on the lands in the south part of 8-3 would be near to all. The settlers could not get to the in view only if dry or froze. We are more at Hurrican and will have a strong voice in this matter. I will favor not the seat where is
139 Hurrican / 86 rest of county / Joseph Wright

1825 State Census of Hurricane Fork

Ther were 6 slaves counted in the State Census, but none were counted in Hurricane Fork Township

Signed a deed in January 1846:

Following article were written by Henry Pyatt Jr. published in the Hillsboro Democrat
Hillsboro, Democrat 1874
"Joseph Wright, one of our early settlers, was born in Virginia. He emigrated to Kentucky, probably with his father, Jarrett Wright revolutionary solder under General Washington. They came to Warren County Kentucky, I don't remember but he remained there until grown. He was in the last war with England. He was in hearing of the Battle of New Orleans and on the battleground in a little while after the battle was fought. The reason he was not in the battle was that his company was unarmed." "He was married in Kentucky to Miss Sarah Revis, daughter of Harris Revis. The had ten children eight sons and two daughters All lived to be men and women, except one who died when young." "Joseph Wright was a Baptist by profession commonly known as the Predestrian Baptist. He was a member and clerk of he Hurricane Church. " "He was an honest man and esteemed by all who knew HIm. He a Justice of the Peace, a farmer, a blacksmith and a gunsmith. He possessed considerable ingenuity, repaired all the gunlocks an dressed the guns. The guns in used at that time were rifle guns and needed to be dressed out as it wad called which is cutting rifles deeper means of as to fit the rifles on the inside. "The early settlers practiced bleeding when they were sick. Uncle Joe used to go far and near and bleed people. The writer has a scar on his arm made by Uncle Joe some thirty years. He also made all the coffins that needed in the settlement." "The first school was taught in the settlement by Mr. Brazzleton in the winter 1818-19. Indians came to play with them at noontide."
Hillsboro Democrat Feb. 29, 1873
"My, father, Joseph Wright and Easton Whitten Sr. counted at on time four bear cubs. Old Uncle Easton carried two to Kentucky, We had no threshing machines to thresh our wheat. The mode of threshing in the early days was done cleaning off a place on the, put the down, tramp it out horses, in cleaning our wheat two men would stand with a sheet and make wind while one would take up the wheat in vessel and hold it up and pouring it before the two that make wind"
"From about the first of June we had to do the most of our plowing late in the evening and early in the morning on account of green head files. The big flies would the the horses after dark.
My father (Henry Pyatt Sr.) moved to this state or territory in 1812 in the south part of the state. It was on a water score called the Big Muddy. In the fall of 1815 he brought his hogs with him from the south part of the state, so he was the first man that had hogs on the hurricane. I remember of hearing may parents say when they made their first cabins that they had venison of the fattest. I have already mentions about the indians being very numerous. I remember hearing my other say there came about 60 indians one when my father was gone. The Indians stole several things not withstanding they were closely watched. My mother caught on indian slipping a roll of shoe leather from the loft and put it under his blanket. Mother made his haul out. At another time Mother was washing at the spring there came an indian he left his gun at the fence and came were she was" he make signs the he was hungry. Mother sat down to nurse her baby, He make signs the he had a wife and child in the woods, He would "Squaw, Papoose" Mother make wait until she done washing. She then gave him a pone of corn and he went away well pleased."
Hillsboro Democrat Jan. 15, 1873
"The early settlers came here with their families to better their condition and were disposed not only settle near together but usually selected timber land near water courses. At the the time of the formation of the county there were probably less than 100 families in it. The settlement on the Hurricane and East Fork were the first commencing in 1816 and mainly in 1817 when their first crops were made. Earliest settler included Harris Revis the old revolutionary soldier, Henry Pyatt, John and Levi and Aaron Casey, Joseph and Charles Wright, John and Henry Hill, Wm. McDavid , Jesse Johson, Henry Sears, Easton Whitten, James Card, John Russell, Nicholas Kirk.
"One of the first duties they performed was to provide for the teaching of the gospel and they organized a church in 1820. The first building was erected of logs with split logs for benches."
" The next settlement was on Shoal Creek. Here another church was erected in 1823 following the church organization in 1821. These were Baptist churches yet so liberal were their sentiments that provisions were made for only one Saturday and Sunday in a month for Baptist and any other denomination could use the rest of the Saturdays and Sundays. Religious services were occasionally hold in private house."
"Schools were also establish and school house built in the settlements at a very early day. many of these churches and schools did no have glass windows."
Hillsboro Democrat Mar. 19, 1873
"The First election held on the Hurricane at Joseph Wright's for Senator and Representative to the State Legislator in the year 1819. Joseph Wright and Aaron Casey acted as judges, Josiah Whitten and John Woolen acted as Clerks Jones and Crisp were elected. Their election was contested on the ground of the ballot box of the Hurricane Precinct not being according to law. But it was proven that the ballot box was sufficient to contain the votes without fraud and that every vote in the precincts was cast so they were considered legally elected. It was the only ballot box in the county as all the other precincts had hats and boxes in place of boxes, it being the law that the county should furnish the precincts with boxes. Joseph Wright went to Perryville for a box it being the county seat of Bond County. Not having any lock and key the lid was fastened with a nail. The hammer was on the table and called the key."
Hillsboro Democrat Feb. 5 1873
"I have in my possession the old church book of Hurricane church and oldest date that is on recorded is March 19, 1820 We are well satisfied that organization of Hurricane church reaches still further back. On the date above mentioned James Street and wife, John Norton and wife, Gilford Parish and wife, George Shipman and wife, Abel Fox, Rachel Currandeil, John Wright, Margaret Wright, Deborah Viles and Jordan Jourdin all received by letter. On July 20, 1822, the above persons were lettered off to constitute a church called Clear Springs.Joseph Wright was the first clerk of the church. George Shipman the first Deacon, James Street the first pastor that stand on record. Levi Casey, Joseph, Benjamin Roberts and Easton Whitten wee some of the first Justices of the Peace.
The first lands were sold at a land sale in Edwardsville in Madison County. Mr. (Henry Pyatt Sr. and Joseph Wright bought 160 acres together. Then each one had to make each other a deed. Irsael Seward took the ackowledgement of the deeds. I think the deeds were written and recorded by Hon. Hiram Rountree.
When my parents first settled on the Hurrricane they lived in a camp made by putting forks in the ground so as to make a shed. I remember my mother speaking of a circumstance that occurred while they was living in their camp. There came some kind of varmint one night, they had two or three very severe dogs, it chased the dogs into the camp and they couldn't be made to go any further. My father was not at home and children were small she had two of the Hill boys staying with her.
At another time, in the day time there came a bear close to the house and father was not at home. There were wolves to any amount, grey, black and prairie wolves. The prairie wolves would very often run the sheep up the house in day time . The sheep had to be put in a pen every night. The rising generation are unacquainted with the hardships that attends frontier life.
The first settler had to go to St. Louis for there salt, iron, sugar, coffee and clothing that did not manufacture themselves. No market for any of there produce nearer that St. Louis . We tanned our own leather, made our own shoes, bridle leather, backbands and For horse collars we made then of corn shucks and linn bark
June 18, 1872
I am now living with 300 yards of were I was born and raised and never lived anywhere else, have never been out thestate since I can recollect , only to St. Louis a few times. I was born March 5 th 1821, and Married Miss Elizabeth Snider, daughter of Frederick and Elizabeth Snider in the year 1843, the year Mr. Miller predicted that the world was to come to an end. I remember his publishing a paper "Midnight Cry" and in one of his paper, I remember a piece of poetry and the end of each verse run thus "Be ye warned while mercy is free, Your time will will end in forty-three" Jack Cole has original minutes of s church organized in March 1818. The minutes indicate some dissension among the remembers late in 1819 which may have led to a reorganization in 1820

*The burial ground and church mentioned are northeast of the village of VanBurensburg, Illinois in the southeast corner of Montgomery County.

Henry Pyatt Sr. and Joseph Wright purchased land together in 1819. Sec 15 Twp 7 Range 2 NE Aug 19 160 Bond. This property is north of the Indian Springs Golf Course. The Old Wright Cemetery in on the Wright homestead. The last house on the property and most likely the first cabin was located on a stream on the first twp. road north. There is new bridge the will take you from the homestead site up to the the Hurricane Church and cemetery.

Tidbits and lore:

Illinois - Grundy County - Memoirs of Laura Cooper Gonnam
One of the girls, May James, was rather like a relative as my Mother had stayed with May's Grandfather's family for 2 or 3 years before she and Father were married. May's own Mother had died when she was just a tiny girl and her father had married again, a lady who came from Kentucky. She had divorced her other husband and he and their one child, a boy, had gone to Chicago to live and she had kept house for Mr. James and May and he at last married Mrs. Green. She was a lovely woman and a good cook and had begged Mother to let me come and stay a few days with May, so I went. It was real warm and a nice full moon shone many nights; so some of the neighboring young folks walked down to see May and I. They were
Martha & Mary Pyatt and Ed & Alfred Reeves who all lived with the boys grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Moses James, and the girls were her neices she had raised since their parents had passed away. There was another young man with them that was working for Frank Holroyd who had come from Indiana the spring before and had helped the James during corn husking and had gone to Holroyd's on Dec. 6 to work for them. He was a rather small, shy fellow and had very little to say. We sat out on the back steps and laughed and talked. At last Mrs. James came out with a large pitcher of lemonade and a big pan of cookies and at last they decided to start for home, which was about 1/2 mile away to the north.
Go to Memoirs

Illinois - Grundy County History - 1914
Author: History of Grundy County, 1914
James, Moses – The self-made man wins approval from his associates, especially when he proves in his everyday life that he has developed his talents and made a success of his endeavors. It is difficult for the present generation to appreciate how difficult it used to be for a boy, especially in the rural districts, to obtain the requisite amount of schooling, for today the magnificent public school systems provides ample opportunity for all. Moses James appreciates the advantages given the children of these times, and realizes just how much harder his life work was because he lacked them. Mr. James was born in Hamilton, Ohio, May 2, 1833. When still a lad in 1842, he came with his mother to Kendall County from Indiana, where he remained until 1847. In that year, he left Kendall County for Wauponsee Township, Grundy County, where he spent a year working for a brother. In 1848, he came to Norman Township and for a short time worked for this same brother, and then became his partner, the two buying land and operating it together. In 1862, they divided this property, Moses James receiving 214 acres as his share, which land is now included in his homestead. This property was unimproved and thirty-five acres was under heavy timber. Since 1862, Mr. James has developed this farm in a remarkable degree, and erected all of the buildings which are modern in character. In the spring of 1903, feeling that he deserved a rest, he retired, and now rents his farm to his grandson, Edwin Reeves.
On October 5, 1862, Mr. James was married to Martha Pyatt, born in Kendall County, Ill., daughter of John and Cynthia (Misner) Pyatt, natives of Ohio and Indiana, who were early settlers of Kendall County. Later they moved to Grundy County, and subsequently went to Bates County, Mo., but returned to Grundy County in 1861. There Mr. Pyatt died in August, 1861, his widow surviving him until 1874. Mr. and Mrs. James had one daughter, Eveline, who married D. A. Reeves, and died October 2, 1888. She had three sons: George I., who lives at Salt Lake City, Utah, married I. O. Wells, no issue; Edwin, who conducts his grandfather’s farm, married Leda Edna Winsor, daughter of John and Sarah Winsor, and they have four children: Edna Adeline, Glenn, Lois and Ruth R., and Alfred James, youngest son of Eveline, who lives at Moline, Ill., married Anna Operman. Mrs. James is a consistent member of the Methodist Church, and is an active worker in it. Politically Mr. James is a Republican. His success is all the more remarkable as he never attended school for more than forty days all told, so that what he knows he taught himself. pages 837-838
Additional Comments: Source: History of Grundy County, Illinois, Chicago: Munsell Publishing Co. Publishers; 1914
Go to Grundy Co History on US Genweb

Illinois - Grundy County - Morris Daily Herald
July 11, 1890 [Norman Community] Mack Carr is a Normanite again. J.M. Vanderpool spent the 4th in Earlville. Miss Nettie Whitton, of Mazon, visited her mother Sunday. Miss Ida Martin, of Harding, is the guest of the Misses Renne. Strange Misner and family, of Mazon, visited in Norman recently. Henry Marsh visited cousins in Brookfield Saturday night and Sunday. Miss Martha Holderman, of Morris, rusticated at M. James’ this week. Mrs. Chas. Rogers, of Morris, was a guest at Edgar Overocker’s Sunday. Misses Sarah and Esther Winsor, of Morris, were guests in Norman Sunday. Miss Messie McCrosky, of Morris, ruralized in Norman from Saturday until Monday. Frank Roland, of Chicago, was visiting at Wm. Croft’s from Friday until Monday last. Miss Emma Pyatt, of Morris, visited her parents and other relatives in Norman recently. Misses Ella Bargo and Clara Carpenter visited at home in Wauponsee several days recently. Brother D.S. Small, of Mazon, was looking after his interests in this locality the first of the week. Contrary to report C.I. Haynes is still among the living. Stories got a little mixed somehow. Will and Burt Ashton, of Morris, attended church at Zion Sunday and called on old friends. The boys still have a lingering affection for Zion Sabbath School.

December 11, 1893 [Mazon Community] Mrs. R.D. Fuller is quite sick. Mrs. Ann Walker is no better. Mrs. Geo. Pyatt continues very low. Miss Ella Sealey returned home Tuesday. Mrs. Harriet Menaugh is lying dangerously ill. John Paxton was over from Highland Tuesday. Ellen Fuller is just getting over a siege of the grip. At this writing, Wednesday, the sleighing is splendid. T. Tinsman and wife were here from Verona Tuesday. Wilbur Walker has been quite poorly the past few days. Miss Emma Hanawalt returned to Rockford Saturday. There was a good attendance at the combination sale Monday. R.D. Fuller has been on the sick list for a few days but is better again. I.N. Clithero was among the sick a portion of last week, but is better again. M.G. Stevens and wife and George Waters drove over to Morris Tuesday on business. The public library of Mazon has become a dead letter and the members might as well get together and divide up the books. There will be an oyster supper held at the residence of E.W. Walworth on Friday evening, December 15th, for the benefit of the Wauponsee Grove Y.P.S.C.E. Everybody cordially invited.

Illinois - Henry County
Piatt, Wm. Of Colona, Henry Co., has removed to Odell, Dallas Co., Iowa. (RI Evening Argus, Tuesday, 27 Mar. 1866)

Illinois - 1875 Henry County Atlas Patrons List - Weller Township
  • John Piatt, Sr. / Farmer and Supervisor / Nativity: Ohio / Came to Henry Co 1840
  • James Piatt / Farmer / Nativity: Illinois / Came to Henry Co 1850

    Illinois - Kendall County - Pioneer List
    Go to Kendall County Pioneers

    Illinois - Perry County - Du Quoin Tribune
    July 23, 1897 - The postoffice at Pyatt was robbed last Thursday night. A small amount of stamps, etc., were carried off. Postmaster Pyatt has succeeded in capturing the robber, and will see that he is properly punished.
    A recent issue of the Salem Democrat contains the following notice of Mr. Geo. PYATT, of Four Mile, mention of whose marriage [my note: Recorded in Marion Co, IL. MCP] was made in our columns last week: Wednesday, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Robert WHAM, near Foxville, was celebrated the marriage of their youngest daughter, Miss Olive, to Geo. PYATT, of Perry county. miss WHAM is a cultured and accomplished young lady, one of Marion county's best teachers, and held in high esteem by her many friends and acquaintances. Mr. PYATT is an energetic and prosperous young farmer. At high noon, the impressive ceremony having been performed by Rev. J. S. MARTIN, all repaired to the spacious dining room, where an elegant repast was partaken of. The happy couple were the recipients of many nice presents. A number of friends and relatives were present; those from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. John PYATT and son Raymond; Misses Nettie and Mary PYATT, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. PYATT, Mr. Frank PYATT, Mr. and Mrs. Porter BAIRD and daughter Florence, all of Pyatt, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. William JACKSON and daughter Mary and son Pyatt, of Du Quoin...Mr. and Mrs. PYATT will reside at Pyatt. May their blissful union be crowned with laurels of happiness
    Go to DuQuoin Tribune Tidbits

    Illinois - Perry County - Office Holders
  • 1832-33 County Commissioners: Daniel DRY, Samuel PYATT, Benjamin HAMMACK
  • 1834-35 County Commissioners: Daniel DRY, Samuel PYATT, William EDWARDS
  • 1836 County Commissioners: William EDWARDS, Andrew BOURLAND, Samuel PYATT
  • 1875 County Commissioners: John W. PYATT, John BAIRD*, Elihu ONSTOTT
  • 1876-1879 County Commissioners: John SCHNEIDER, John W. PYATT, John BAIRD*
  • 1879 County Commissioners: Lysias HEAPE, John W. PYATT*, John BAIRD
  • 1880-1882 County Commissioners: Thomas STEVENSON, Lysias HEAP*, John W. PYATT
    Go to Commissioners List

  • 1850 Sheriff: PYATT, John W.
    Go to Perry Co Sherriff's

    Illinois - Perry County - Schwartz Family Photo
    [Photo] Members of the Schwartz family, whose offspring were prominent in the early life of Du Quoin, gathered for a family reunion at the homestead in Elkville in 1888. Left to right, the group includes: Seated on the ground: John (John Walter Schwartz)and Sam(Samuel Marshall Schwartz), twin sons of Edward (Edward & Emeline RENO Schwartz) KIMMEL, William KIMMEL, Chester R. SCHWARTZ, son of Samuel; Howard KIMMEL, son of Edward; Robert J. McELVAIN, Jr.; Joe, son of Edward Schwartz; Fred, son of Edward KIMMEL, Herbert A. and William, sons of John D. HAYES. Second row: Fannie SCHWARTZ HARTWELL, wife of Phillip; (Boley Launa Kimmel Lewis); Sarah PYLE SCHWARTZ, mother of Schwartz family; Miss Elizabeth (Aunt Bess) SCHWARTZ, Mary Schwartz McELVAIN, wife of Robt. J. McELVAIN Sr.; Lottie McELVAIN, daughter of Robt. J.Sr.; Emeline RENO SCHWARTZ, wife of Edward; Maude KIMMEL, daughter of Wm. & Mattie KIMMEL. Third row, standing: Alifair ONSTOTT KIMMEL, wife of Edward, holding Miss Ruth KIMMEL; Edna Schwartz COPELAND, Mollie Schwartz CASTLETON, Anna Schwartz VOUDRIE, Lucy Schwartz CASTLETON, Ada KIMMEL, Miss Nellie Schwartz, Josiah Schwartz, Edward Schwartz, Chas. Schwartz, son of Samuel; Samuel Schwartz, Della KIMMEL PYATT, Edward E. KIMMEL holding Leslie Kimmel; Miss Belle KIMMEL, Robert J. McELVAIN Sr.; Susan KIMMEL, wife of E. E. Kimmel; Henry KIMMEL holding Jackson Kimmel. Top row: John D. HAYES holding Milford Hayes; Ellen Schwartz HAYES, Mrs. SKINNER and Laura KIMMEL WILSON; Mattie Schwartz KIMMEL, wife of William; Philip KIMMEL, Wm. KIMMEL; Hiram SCHWARTZ, Sara JACKSON KIMMEL, wife of Henry; Wm. A. SCHWARTZ; Daniel L. KIMMEL, father of Clarence and Stanley. Wm. SCHWARTZ, Gus' father, and Isabelle Schwartz KIMMEL, oldest son and oldest daughter of Sarah PYLE SCHWARTZ; and Isabelle's husband, Joseph Kimmel, were deceased when this picture was taken.
    Go to Schwartz Photo

    Indiana - Clinton County - Frankfort
    Bastardy case filed by Lydia Alice Piatt on 24 Feb 1880 against Edward Fulkerson for child Cliffa P Piatt. {Cliffa later married a Brandenberg.)

    Indiana - Warrick County
    History of Warrick, Spencer, and Perry Counties, Indiana, By: Goodspeed Bros. & Co., 1885
    Charles W. Pyeatt, a native of Anderson Township, Warrick County, Indiana, was born June 20, 1836, one of a family of eleven children born to Nathan and Martha Pyeatt, who were natives of Warren County, Kentucky and Wabash County, Illinois respectively, their marriage having occurred at the latter place. Charles remained at home assisting his parents on the farm until twenty-five years old, receiving a good education. He attended but was unable to graduate from DePauw University by reason of failing health. April 2, 1861, his marriage with Kate E. McKinney was solemnized and to their union four children have been born, these three yet living: James N., Charles M. and Gertie E., all at home with their parents. By occupation Mr. Pyeatt is a farmer, and has been very successful, now owning 160 acres of well improved land, and farms more on scientific principles than any one in the vicinity. He also pays considerable attention to raising fine stock, chiefly Durham cattle and Carben horses. He is a strong Democrat in politics and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

    Iowa - Ringold County
    From 'Missing Links' newsletter of 11/17/01 Somebody's Links, Vol. 3, No. 39 "A friend who does flea markets brought me these photos. There is reason to believe there are connections to Ringold County, Iowa for many of them. He wants $3 each. I will be glad to send a scan so anyone interested can see if it is "their" person. I am not very good at dating photographs so I could be way off on my estimates. Includes Grant Edward Pyatt age about 6-8 months. Joyce Brown

    Kansas - Greenwood County - Greenwood County History Book
    James A. Piatt, born May 1874, in Monticello, Illinois, and died May 20, 1967 at Hamilton. He was in the Spanish-American War. He took part in the Cherokee Strip Run and mined in Colorado. He married Essie Wood of Madison. They had three children: twins Frank and Noah Noble, and Beverly Tanner. Frank lives in Eureka. Beverly died of cancer in 1964. She married Maynard Tanner. They had three children: Jim, Joan, and Janet. She and the children lived in Hamilton in 1944, when Maynard was in the service. Submitted by Essie Piatt

    Phil N. Piatt was born in Monticello, Illinois, in 1872 and died in Eureka in 1967. Most of Phil's adult life was spent in CA. He had attended the Rolla School of Mines in Rolla, Missouri, and then had gone to CA. to mine. There he married Della. They had no children. However more than one generation of nieces and nephews could hardly wait for Phil's spring return to Kansas, where the fish called him each year. His piece of land at Burkett was his pride. He always said that when he grew old, he'd come to Kansas to retire. Finally, when he was about 92, he "found" his way back and lived his last years here. Submitted by Essie Piatt

    Frank Bryden Piatt married Dora Evalene "Lena" Ott in Hamilton in 1898. They had three children: Robert Bryden, 1898-1966: Phil Delbert, 1901-1932: and Mary Frances, 1904-1928. Frank and Lena lived on the home place. A new house was built nearby for Olive (this is the base of Harmon's present home.) The farm was quite large by that time, and took a lot of people to keep it going. Many people still tell me they worked for the Piatts. Girls would stay there to attend school and work for their keep. Boys stayed in the bunkhouse, worked, and walked across the pasture to the high school. Frank was a large man and always "chewed" a cigar. Lena was also a large woman. She attended the academy at Baker University and she gave music lessons. She was a fantastic cook, and everyone loved her. She was always there when you needed her. Many stories came from this life. As Granddad learned to drive his first car, doors had to be put on both ends of the garage. The boys opened them both up and Granddad would keep driving through until it "whoaed!" I'am not sure he ever really learned to drive because I remember he thought the whole road was his! Once when Grandmother was having a "society" meeting, Daddy and his brother decided it was time to teach sister to swim, even though she was only one year old, had the measles, and it was February. Another time, Daddy came to the house alone. Inquiring about Phil's whereabouts, the others were informed that he was gone. He was stuck in the "quicksand" at the creek. Daddy had tried and failed to get him out, so he had convinced Phil that was it and had left. What must have been a busy, "fun" life turned into tragedy. In 1928, Mary Frances, who was everyone's darling, was an opera singer in Chicago. She contracted pneumonia and died within a week. In 1929, Phil, who had married Ruth Milliken of Eureka, had stopped in at the doctor's office, on a trip to Emporia. It was decided he had appendicitis, He died on the operating table. This was more than Grandmother could take, and she passed away in 1933. As if this wasn't enough, the Depression hit and Grandad lost large amounts of money on cattle. He married Helen Griblin in 1935. He had diabetes and was very ill. He continued to struggle, but finally lost everything. They moved to Hamilton, and he worked for the State Banking Commission as a livestock appraiser during his last years. He passed away in 1944. Helen continued to live in Hamilton until she moved to the Madison nursing home and died in 1985, at the age of 102. She had been a graduate nurse. submitted by Drusill Esslinger

    Noah Noble Piatt was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, Feb. 24, 1828. He married Hanna Phillips in 1855. They had five children: Martha (Mrs. Samuel) Slough: Clara Rees: Mrs. Katherine Thrall: William H; and Johnny, who died as an infant. In 1868, after the death of his first wife, Noah Noble married Olive Bryden in Monticello, Piatt County, Illinois. Roots of the Piatts were deep in Ohio and Illinois, where two "castles" are open today as museums, and Piatt Park is in downtown, Cincinnati. Noah Noble and Olive had three boys; Frank Bryden, 1869-1944; Phil N.James, 1874-1967. Olive, Noah Noble, Phil and James came by train to Hamilton, claiming "everything the eye could see." Olive's two brothers, Bob and Jack Bryden, had already come to Kansas and had claimed land near what is now Sallyards. Olive and the two boys stayed with Jack while Noah Noble went back to Illinos to bring their belongings and the five other children, who were still in school. The tree older girls were in a teacher-training program, and all later taught around Hamilton. Growing up on Slate Creek provided happy memories for many people in this area. Jim had wonderfull tales to tell of early Greenwood County. He remembered Indians; and he recalled walking two miles to borrow a hot charcoal iron to iron shirts. The boys had a house built on skinds and would take it out to stay where the cattle were. Jum said, "We always moved when the house needed cleaning. submitted by Drusilla Esslinger

    Kentucky - Boone County
    "Boone County Recorder", November 11, 1885
    Dr. Louis H. Piatt buried in Belleview Cemetery, Boone Co, KY

    Kentucky - Bourbon County
    Mt. Sterling Sentinel Democrat Friday, April 9, 1880, part 1 NEWS FROM OUR NEIGHBORS BOURBON BITS Western Citizen.
    The teachers of Millersburg Female College compliment Mrs. Crouch, Miss PIATT and Miss STILLMAN, in the highest terms, and protest against the action of Dr. GOULD in dismissing them from the faculty.
    Go to KY Footsteps June 1999 on the US Genweb

    Historical Sketches of Kentucky
    by Lewis Collins, Maysville, KY. and J. A. & U. P. James, Cincinnati, 1847. Volume 1. Reprinted 1968. Henry County. The Poets and Poetry of Kentucky, page 615. MRS. SALLIE M. B. PIATT, Nee Bryan, is a native of Henry co., Ky., and was educated at the best schools in New Castle, the county seat. After leaving school, she ventured upon poetry, and sent her first pieces to the Louisville Journal about 1857-8, winning kind words and positive encouragement from the editor, Mr. Prentice. About 1860, she married John J. Piatt, himself a poet and newspaper correspondent of vigor and raciness, then resident in Louisville, and removed to Washington city. Her first volume, "A Woman's Poems," 127 pp., was published in Boston, 1871; and a second, "A Voyage to the Fortunate Isles, and other Poems," June, 1874. [Note: Poems shown: "After Wings," "To-Day," "My Ghost," "The Old Town Clock" and "A Fracas At The Widdy Ward's."] (additional note sent to me by Nancy []: When her husband died in 1917, Sarah moved to Caldwell N.J. and lived with her son Cecil until her death. She died December 22, 1919, but is buried in Springrove Cemetery in Cincinnati. Additionally, in 1882 John James took Post of Us Consul in Cork Ireland, and they lived there for 13 years. Many of her poems were published when they lived there.

    Louisiana Territory
    Documents pertaining to Missouri (Louisiana Territory) are listed under Missouri and are referenced as such.

    Missouri Territory
    From a "Missouri Pioneer" type book (which I did not properly record) "Committee for Public Land, Settlement on Land Purchased From The Quapaws, Carter's Papers, Vol. XIX, January 30, 1819."
    Phillip Kennedy, Lewis Jones, Joseph Gibson, George Cook, John Standley, jr., Richard Flanakin, Hogan Flanakin, John Jervis, William Thompson, Ezekiel Douglas, Hugh Holland, Wm. Blain, Smith Kellam, Sam. H. Hinkson, Samuel McHenry, James Carnahan, James Pyeatt, Samuel Carnahan, Tho. Blair, Henry P Pyeatt, Andrew Pyeatt, G. Greathouse, Maythias Whitstone, John Cutright, Joseph Cutright, Peter Pyeatt, David Bailey, Alexander Bailey, Henry Massingill, Thomas Massongale, John D. Mosby, Thomas Burrows, John Hibbin, jr., Aaron Goza, John Burrows, Robart Riley, Perly Wallis, James Henry, George G Douglas, Thomas Hibbin, Thom. White, Samuel McCall, Abraham Barnett, John Hibben, Eli Burckam, Blake Massingale, William Leonard, John Barnett, Abraham Sitrond, Ananias Andres, Bird Joslin, Jacob Barrackman, Hiram Masingale, Joab Melton, Hugh Hanes, Curtis Welborn, Robert Alexander, Daniel Bland, Abner M'Cloud, Thomas Carlile, William Carlile, Nathaniel Wheete, (to be continued)

    Missouri - Dent County
    [Nov 1989 Newspaper Article] Newton Pyatt has precious memories of his earlier days
    Newton Pyatt may be 107 years old, but he still has the values and memories of a lifetime on the farm.
    Pyatt celebrated his birthday Wednesday at the Seville Nursing Center. He freely talked about his life and said he would not give up the experiences of the earlier farm life.
    He was born on a farm near Boss and spent his a majority of his 107 years there. He raised a lot of mules because they were smarter than horses. Corn and wheat were also his favorite crops.
    "My daddy was a good farmer, it was born in him," he said Wednesday. "I guess I had it in my blood to be a farmer."
    The hours on the farm were long and hard as each of the four boys spent hour after hours planting, cultivating, cutting wood, building fence or other chores.
    "If you was good on the farm, it took a lot of time and you didn't have a lot of time for other things."
    Newton or "Newt" as he is called was a member of the Missionary Baptist Church in Boss. His family helped celebrate Wednesday.
    "I don't feel bad but I don't fell like a young boy," he said. "For a person my age, I don't think I'm too bad."
    During Wednesday's interview, he took a harmonica handed to him by Mary Wood and played a few tunes. Some were recognizable and others were ones he played "for fun".
    Newt liked to step dance when he was young. He said he and his three brothers and five sisters used to spend many hours dancing to a song with a good beat.
    "If I wasn't so old, I could still do it," he said. "My neighbors said I used to be one of the best dancers. I used to be limber and quick."
    [Photo of Newt with his harmonica] caption reads:
    Loves His Fiddle - Newton Pyatt plays his harmonica yesterday after talking about his life on the farm. He and his brothers used to spend a lot of time on the farm and always had something to do. He didn't remember how big it was. "It must have been been because us boys always had something to do," he said.

    Missouri - Dent County - Boss Cemetery
    (Starting pg 76; I have included this here instead of on the cemetery page since it is more of a family history. MCP)
    John Pyatt and his wife, Mary Tinker Pyatt, are the forerunners of the Pyatt Family of east Dent County. John Pyatt was born 3-5-1844 in Crawford County, Missouri. His father, Benjamin Pyatt was one of the early settlers of Crawford County. The Pyatt Hollow near Cherryville was named for this family. He was reared in Crawford County and on 10-31-1870, he was married to Mary Tinker, member of a pioneer family. To this union ten children were born, W. H. (Bud), Tim, Ed, Newton, Thomas who married Bessie Hogan of Howes Mill; Daniel Franklin who married Sally Strictlin of Iron County and died 3-20-1944, buried Pump Cemetery near Bixby; Luvada (Mrs. William Farmer) moved to Montana; Lora Nelson Keller Clapp moved to Montana; Martha Causey died in Sapulpa, Oklahoma; and one daughter died in infancy and is buried at Lower Indian Cemetery in Washington County. John Pyatt was a soldier in the Civil War, Company G. 48 Missouri Infantry. When he was 44 years of age, he was converted to Christianity and united with the Sugar Creek Baptist Church in Crawford County. Later he moved to Dent County and was a member of the First Baptist Church of Salem. He died 1-30-1918 in Dent County and his body was returned to Crawford County and buried in the Martin Cemetery on Dry Creek near Cherryville. His family continued living in this county, mainly in the eastern section. Pyatts in Boss Cemetery are:
    Pyatt, Mary wife of John; Born 5-6-1855, Dent County; Died 6-14-1953 at Sapulpa, Oklahoma; Aged 98 years. Her father was John Harrison Tinker, buried in Old Dillard Cemetery. Her mother was Nancy Tinker. She lived much of her life around Boss; however, she lived various places over the country with her family.
    Pyatt, William Harrison (Bud); Born 11-28-1873, Washington County; Died 3-16-1958, Salem. He married Mary Beers of Washington County on 12-13-1892 and they had 12 children; Resie (Mrs. George Garinger) died as a young woman and was buried in Lower Indian Cemetery in Washington County; John Pyatt married Muriel Mahurin of Dent County; Roy Pyatt of Howes Mill; Tom Pyatt married Dorothy Martin of Boss; Elmer Pyatt married Lottie Chandler of Bixby and they moved to Keysville; Leonard Pyatt died December, 1968 and was buried in Hawthorne, Nevada; Carrie married William Perkins of Dent County; Effie Roney Land Howell resides at Lenox, Missouri; Ethel married Leslie Stricklin of Bixby; Opal married Tilford Land of Max; Lula married Edward Farmer of Boss; and Ada married Delbert Mowery of Turtle. His life was spent in Crawford, Washington, and Dent Counties. He was converted and baptised at Indian Creek Church at the age of 19. He later joined the Macedonia United Baptist Church of Boss.
    Pyatt, Mary Isabell wife of W. H.; Born 1-29-1878, Washington County; Died 10-1-1954 at the home in Turtle. Her parents, Christopher and Catherine Beers were members of old families of Washington County. Her mother died when she was as infant and she [was] reared in the home of her grandfather, Ohedrye Henslee.
    Pyatt, Joel Lee; Born 12-7-1927; Died 6-23-1928 and Pyatt, Vernon Clifton; Born 4-23-1931; Died 5-11-1944; These are sons of Roy and Zola Cottrell Pyatt. They [Roy and Zola] are also the parents of Radius (Buster) Pyatt, Daphne (Mrs. Carl Sellers), Virginia (Mrs. Henry Brochius), and James Pyatt. Mrs. Roy Pyatt is the daughter of Thomas Jefferson and Maggie May Hogan Cottrell of Howes Mill.
    Pyatt, Linda May; Born 1-11-1942; Died 6-21-1943; Daughter of Leonard Pyatt who died in Hawthorne, Nevada; and Bertha Hutson Pyatt daughter of Leo and Lola Short Hutson of Boss. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pyatt have five other children.
    Pyatt, Minnie; Born 2-3-1884, Boss; Died 2-10-1950. Her parents were Marion and Martha Nelson and she was married to James Timothy Pyatt on 11-15-1900 and they were the parents of ten children. The children are Jess, Courtney, Roma, Buford, Virgil, Billie, Vernie (Mrs. Glenn Major), Bonnie (Mrs. Lawrence Wofford); and two sons died in infancy, Emil and Lonzo Pyatt. She lived most of her life at Boss. She was converted in 1915 and joined the Assembly of God Church. Several of her sons have established their homes in the State of Illinois. The two daughters reside in Salem.
    Pyatt, Lonzo; Born and Died in 1914
    Pyatt, Emil; Born and Died in 1921
    Pyatt, Adda Adean; Born 12-7-1938; Died 9-18-1939. She was a daughter of Jess and Gertie Nickles Pyatt who have several other children. They had one married son who died in 1968 and was buried in Illinois. Gertie Pyatt is a native of Dent County from the Mt. Herman Community. She was the daughter of Thomas W. and Jane Williams Nickles; and the granddaughter of William and Eliza Nickles, and William D. and Mary Elizabeth McQuiree Williams, all of Dent County.
    Pyatt, Lora May; Born 9-7-1901, Dent County; Died 2-24-1962, Boss. Her parents were Jack Raper of Salem and Mincie Nelson Raper Hedrick of Boss. She married Jess Pyatt and they were the parents of two sons, Howard and Eldon Pyatt. Her life was spent in Dent County, most of the time near Boss.
    Pyatt, John Edward; Born 8-10-1879; Died 8-16-1966. Ed Pyatt married Augusta Turnbough, 9-11-1902 and they had five children, Orville of Boss, Alice (Mrs. Esco Midyett) of Gladden, Minnie (Mrs. Charles Radford) died in 1968 and was buried in Salem, Rosie died as an infant and is buried at Lower Indian Cemetery at Courtois in Washington County, and one infant is buried on the John Hedrick farm. Ed Pyatt lived in this vicinity all of his life. Augusta Pyatt is a native of Crawford County. Her parents were George Turnbough and Vina Turnbough Tinker. Her grandparents were John and Eliza Dunlap Turnbough. Her great grandparents were Joseph and Harriet Turnbough, and her great great grandparents were Samuel and Jane Turnbough. Samuel Turnbough was one of the first settlers of Dillard, owning the land where the town is now located. Two brothers, Samuel and George Turnbough moved to Crawford County around 1830 from northern Tennessee. Samuel settled at the present site of Dillard, and George settled on the Sellers farm on Huzzah Creek below Dillard. Samuel Turnbough died in 1845 and was buried on his farm at Dillard. This was the beginning of New Dillard Cemetery.
    Pyatt, Effie Rosetta; Born 5-10-1886, Iron County near Bixby; Died 5-7-1947. Her parents were James and Lucy Canady Strictlin of Iron County. She was married on 12-25-1903 to Jasper Newton Pyatt and they were the parents of seven children, Mabel (Mrs. Carney Butts), Leona Hollomon, Ermel Hibdon, Erna Robb Black, Lloyd, Clyde, and Lawrence Pyatt. She lived her life in Dent and Iron counties. She was converted early in her life.
    Pyatt, Emmett Lawrence, son of Newton and Effie; Born 9-6-1917 near Boss; Died 10-1-1937. He attended Boss School and graduated in 1935.

    Missouri - Dent County - Families of Dent County Missouri
    Howard Alvin Pyatt [pg 241]
    I, Howard Alvin Pyatt was born at Boss, Missouri, Jan. 21, 1924. My mother was Lora Mae (Raper) Pyatt and my father was Jess Pyatt. My mother is buried in the Boss Cemetery and my father is buried in the Hardin, Illinois. My grandmother was Mincie Nelson Raper Hedrick and is buried in Boss Cemetery. My other grandparents, Minnie Nelson Paytt [typo? MCP] and James Timothy Pyatt are also buried in Boss Cemetery. My wife, Mary Lou Hemington Pyatt was born at Rock Island, Illinois. My children are: Howard, Jr., of Farmersville, California, who married Barbara Dodson of California and has four children, Kris, Charish, Jeffrey, and Steven. Melba married Ronnie Bryant of Illinois and have two children, Robbie and Rusty, and live in California. Jerry married Rhonda Bateson of Illinois and have two children, Chad and Samantha. Terry married Mary Jane Martin of Illinois and have two children, Cory and Tara Marie. Danny married Carol Whitecotton of Illinois and has one son, Timothy. Dennis is in the U. S. Navy. Dave married Deloris White of Illinois ans has four step-children, Judy, Gary, Richard, and Michael. By Howard A. Pyatt

    Newton Pyatt [pg 241]
    Newton Pyatt was born in Washington County at Courtoise, Missouri on November 8, 1882. At age 17 his father bought the farm that Newton lives on now, one mile south of Boss on the Huzzah Creek. Newton was married to Effie Rosetta Stricklin on December 25, 1903 at the home of her parents, James and Lucy Canady Stricklin, on Niel's Creek in Iron County, near Bixby, Missouri. Effie was born on May 10, 1886 and departed this life on May 7, 1947. She is buried in Boss Cemetery. To this union seven children were born. Mabel Catherine Pyatt Butts was born on July 12, 1905. She married Carney Wilson Butts on May 13, 1933. They ahve no children. Mabel received her B.S. Degree in Education from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri on June 10, 1953. She taught school 44 years in Dent, Iron, St. Louis, and Madison Counties, and also in Alton, Illinois. She retired on September 1, 1972 and now lives in St. Charles, Missouri.
    Ollie Leona Holloman was born on August 3, 1908. She married Myron Holloman on January 21, 1939. They have no children. Ollie received her B.S. Degree in Education at Cape Girardeau, Missouri in 1955 and taught school for fifty years in Dent and Iron Counties. She retired in the spring of 1978. She served as Acting County Superintendent of Schools in Iron County, during World War II, for Edward J. Berry who was in the army. She now lives in Ironton, Missouri.
    Clyde Elmer Pyatt was born on April 22, 1911. He married Blanche Marie Carl Pyatt on December 23, 1933. She was born on October 11, 1916. Clyde taught school for twenty-five years and then went into business interests, and didn't finish his degree. To this union seven children were born.
    Juna Marie Pyatt Seyers was born on November 8, 1936 and married Alvin Harold Swyers on April 5, 1955. He was born on January 20, 1936. He served in the U. S. Army during the Viet Nam War. Juna and Harold have one son, Anthony Douglas Seyers, [Inconsistent spelling of this surname. MCP] born January 30, 1958. They live in St. Charles, Missouri.
    Virginia Lea Pyatt Towner was born on August 22, 1938 and is married to Clifton Towner of Massachusetts on April 9, 1960. They have two sons and one daughter. Sharon Kay was born on June 29, 1961, William Clifton was born on August 19, 1962, and Keith was born on August 2, 1973. Virginia served two years in the Navy during the Viet Nam War. She was stationed at Norfolk, Virginia as an office clerk. Clifton was also in the service. They live in Sharon, Massachusetts.
    Helen Juanita Pyatt Long was born on July 20, 1940 and was married to William Paul Long on December 31, 1960. He was born on February, 1940. They have two sons: William Paul Long born October 23, 1961, and Scott Ray Long born February 28, 1969. They live at Davisville, Missouri.
    Clyde Elmer Pyatt Jr was born on October 11, 1944 and married Sharon Kay Turnbough on June 22, 1968. She was born on March 17, 1950. They have two children: Joyce Kay who was born on March 23, 1972 and Jeffery Jacob was born on February 27, 1978. Clyde was on active duty with the U. S. Army in Viet Nam. Clyde Jr lives at Davisville, Missouri.
    John William Pyatt was born on May 25, 1946 and is married to Linda Gillam. They were married on May 28, 1971 and Linda was born February 23, 1956. Their children are: John William born on May 27, 1972, and Becky born September 13, 1975. John and his family live in Davisville, Missouri.
    Ronald Gail Pyatt was born on July 29, 1948 and married Betty Brooks on September 27, 1969. She was born on November 19, 1948. They have three children; Ronald Gail born August 11, 1972; Steven Ray born June 11, 1975, and Wendy born February 16, 1977. They live in Davisville, Missouri also.
    Linda Lucille Pyatt was born on February 21, 1950 and was married to Ronald Harold Green on July 27, 1968. Harold was born on April 6, 1944. They have three sons; Brian Edward born on December 10, 1972, Phillip Wayne stillborn in February of 1974, and Kevin born on April 14, 1976. They live in St. Louis, Missouri.
    Michael Carl Pyatt was born August 3, 1956 and remained unmarried until his death on November 1, 1977. Mike lost his life in an automobile accident, and was buried at Davisville, Missouri.
    Lloyd Esco Pyatt was born on September 15, 1914. On December 23, 1933, he married Mary Lorine Lucas. She was born on January 6, 1916. Lloyd finished two years of college work and then taught school for 20 years in Iron, Dent and Madison Counties. He quit teaching and had a grocery store and some farms. Lloyd lives near Fredericktown, Missouri on a farm. To this union two sons and one daughter were born.
    Donald Leo Pyatt was born on March 22, 1939 and was married to Sheila Wulfert on September 9, 1961. She was born on February 8, 1943. Don graduated from Missouri University with a General Business Administration Degree. They have two sons; Steven Wayne born November 12, 1963 and Lloyd born on March 12, 1967. Don was on active duty with the U. S. Army from October 15, 1963 to October 14, 1965. He joined the National Guard in January 1968. He ranks as Major and lives in Arnold, Missouri.
    Harold Wayne Pyatt was born on May 2, 1945 and was married to LaMona Ann Tallent on June 14, 1970. She was born on January 7, 1915. [Is this date right? MCP] They have two children; Kristin Marie born October 9, 1976 and Daniel Wayne born June 11, 1979. Harold finished about two years of college. He was in the U. S. Army for two years during the Viet Nam War and was on active duty in Korea. LaMona received her B.S. in Education from Missouri University in St. Louis and taught four years in the Hazelwood West Junior High School.
    Wilma Ruth Pyatt Dorsey was born on June 4, 1948. She married Gerald Dorsey in 1976 and they have no children. Wilma attended college about one year and now lives at Imperial, Missouri.
    Erma Mae Pyatt Hibdon was born on April 25, 1921 and married Ornell Lawrence Hibdon on October 5, 1940. Ornell was born on October 5, 1920. Erma attended college some and taught about six years. They have seven children.
    Ornell Lawrence, Jr. (Larry) was born on November 14, 1941 and was married to Dena Manzell. Larry was killed on July 4, 1972 in an auto accident. They had three children; William Lawrence born March 3, 1962; Terry Lawrence born October 6, 1966; and Tracy Katherine born June 26, 1963.
    William Thomas Hibdon (Bill) was born on January 21, 1943. He married Judy Ann Machir on December 31, 1963. She was born on November 20, 1944. Judy graduated from Missouri University with honors in June, 1979 as an accountant. Bill attended Missouri University in Columbia, Missouri. They have one son: Thomas Edward (Tommy) born December 27, 1965. They live in St. Louis.
    William Thomas Hibdon married Andrea Hoerster on September 29, 1979 and she was born in Germany on April 24, 1956.
    Gary David Hibdon was born on October 23, 1946. He is unmarried and lives in Woodhall, Illinois.
    An infant son died at birth.
    Sandra Lee Hibdon Donaho was born on July 9, 1953, and married William Donaho on May 4, 1974. He was born on November 17, 1955 to this union were born; William Ellis Donoho, III [spelling? MCP] born June 25, 1975 and Ashley Rebecca Donoho born June 28, 1979. Sandra attended college in St. Joseph, Missouri. Sandra lives in Liberty, Missouri.
    Jerry Clark Hibdon was born on June 8, 1955. He is unmarried and lives in St. Louis, Missouri.
    Janice Kay Hibdon Grable was born on November 15, 1957 and was married to Terry Grable on June 5, 1977. One son, Jeremy Clay was born on April 14, 1978. Janice attended college in St. Joseph, Missouri and lives there now.
    Two of the seven children of Newton and Effie Pyatt are deceased; Emmit Lawrence Pyatt born September 6, 1917, died October 1, 1937. He is buried in Boss Cemetery. He never married. Erna Faye Pyatt Tuey was born on January 14, 1924 and was deceased on July 20, 1976. She is buried in Sullivan, Missouri.
    For further information, see Volume 1, page 438.

    Missouri - Jackson County
    Fort Osage record of the Office of Indian Trade, U.S. Indian Factory, March to December, 1809. Lloyd Pyott Mason

    Missouri - Jefferson County - "Citizens of Missouri to 1835"
    John PAYETT claiming 464 arpents of land, see Book No. 6, pg. 501. The Board are unanimously of opinion that this claim ought to be granted, the said John PAYETT having had a confirmation by the former Board, see Comm'rs. Certificate No. 168. ( (2d) No. 17)

    John PAYETT by his legal representatives claiming 464 arpents of land, situate on Big River, Marameck, see Book B, pg. 259, Minutes No. 1, pg. 482, No. 3, pg. 292, No. 4, pg. 389. Abraham HELDERBRAND, being duly sworn, says that he is 51 years of age. That in 1802, he helped said PAYETT to raise a house on the land claimed. That in the fall of 1803, he passed by said place and eat some water melons, which grew on said land, and saw a small patch of corn growing, and, in the same fall, the Indians becoming troublesome, he moved to the Marameck Settlement, about 12 miles below, and returned, as well as witnessed recollects, in the spring of 1805, and lived there till his death. Witness, further, says that his own farm lies about 6 miles from the land claimed, and that he has lived there for 32 years. That he recollects that said PAYETT lived on the land claimed since, he, witness, was about 10 years old, during which time the said PAYETT inhabited said place, except when compelled by the Indians, at different times, to leave the said place. Jonathan HELDERBRAND, being duly sworn, says that is in his 50th year. That in 1801 or 1802, he cannot say which of those years, he passed by said PAYETT's house, but did not see any white person there. He found an Indian with whom he passed the (cannot read) in said PAYETT's house. The said Indian being a friendly one and not an Osage, and that in 1805, he saw the said PAYETT living on said place. That he knows said PAYETT lived on the land claimed till his death. That said PAYETT had a family consisting of his wife & several children, but does not recollect how many. Jacob PAYETT, being duly sworn, says that he is 42 years of age. That in 1801, John PAYETT went on said place and planted some corn, and in 1802, he raised a house, but witness does not recollect whether said PAYETT moved there that same year, or in 1803. That in the said year 1803, the said PAYETT was driven away by the Indians and staid away about two years, and then returned and lived on said place until he died. Witness, further, says that, at that time, the said PAYETT had a wife and 8 or 9 children, that said PAYETT died about 5 years ago. Adjourned untill tomorrow at 9 o'clock A.M. The Board Met & Adjourned Feb. 22nd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, March 1st, 3rd, 4th, 1834. Wednesday March 5th, 1834 Board Met-F.R CONWAY, Present. "Names of Original Claimants & Assignees" John PAYETT 464 arpents Comm. book 6 Pg #502; John PAYETT (2d) 464 arpents, comm. book 7 pg #71

    Missouri - Jefferson County - "History of Jefferson County Missouri"
    At House's Springs the first settlement was made by James Head, who in the year 1795 made a farm on the creek, which bears his name at the present site of House Springs. Head moved away in 1796, and was succeeded by Adam House, who moved on the place vacated by Head, raised two crops, and was killed by the Indians in teh year 1800. House's Springs was named after him. After 1800 settlements were made in the Southern and Western parts of the county. A grant from the Spanish government of eight hundred arpents of lands on Big River, near Morse's Mill, made to David Delauny, bears date January, 1800. It was surveyed by the Spanish Government, January 1804. Jacob Collins settled on teh north side of Big River, about two miles above Morse's Mill, in 1802. The same year he built a cabin, and raised a crop of corn. A wife and one child composed his family. Charles Prewitt cultivate the same place the following year. Jesse Benton, a married man with three children, settled on Big River, at or near the present site of Frumet, in 1804. An earlier settler on Big River was John Pyatt. In 1790 he was driven away by the Indians, but in 1800 returned to the locality he had previously settled. In 1801 he planted a crop of corn, but was again obliged to leave on account of the Indians. Some of his neighbors were killed in 1803. Pyatt was living at the same place as late as 1806. About 1802 Francis Wideman settled on the south side of Big River, near Morse's Mill, and in 1803 built a mill on the river. William Estepps located near Wideman. All the settlements on Big River, of which there were quite a number, were made under authority of Francis Valle, the Spanish Commandant at Ste. Genevieve, to Francis Wideman. Permission to settle was given by Valle to Wideman, his family and connections, with as many as he could induce to join him, provided they would locate on the frontier, fifteen miles in advance of the settlement already established. Elijah Benton, a brother-in-law of Wideman, settled on the west side of Big River, where it is crossed by the Hillsboro and Richwoods road. He built a cabin in the fall of 1804, raised a crop in 1805, and was a resident of the place as late, at least, as 1808. MERAMEC TOWNSHIP... The first farm on the west side of Big River above its mouth, was settled by James Green in the year 1809. Several years before the arrival of Green, Jacob and Christopher Shults, had located on the east side of Big River, but a short distance above its entrance into the Meramec. Ruth Wilson, the wife of L.C. Wilson of this township, is a daughter of James Green, and has been living in the county since 1809, and was a year old on first coming here with her father. John Pyatt was an early settler. He came shortly after 1800, and lived on Big River about two miles and a half above its mouth. The next settlement up the river was made by David Hilterbrand whose home was on survey #908. Abraham Hilterbrand settle survey 1999. Isaac and Jonathan were two others of the Hilterbrand family who lived in the neighborhood. The Hilterbrands were conspicuous in the early settlement of this portion of the County, and their descendants still remain. John Bittick, father of James Bittick, came to the County in 1816, and settled on the east side of Big River, a short distance below Byrnesville. The farm of H.H. Sanne, on the west side of the river and nearly opposite the Jonathan Hilterbrand claim, was first settled by Samuel Herrington about the year 1816. Abraham Johnson was remembered as an old settler at House's Springs, though his time was after that of Head and House. The name of Le Barque Creek, gives evidence that the first men who traversed this part of the County, and fixed a name to the stream, were French. The farm now owned by Joseph Sale in section fifteen, township forty-two, range three, was first opened up by William Everett. Robert Stuart, a present resident of Meramec Township, is now one of the oldest men living in Jefferson County. He came to Jefferson County in the fall of 1799 and when a small child, with his father, John Stuart, who first settled on the waters of the Plattin.

    Missouri - Jefferson County - Circuit Court Indirect Index
    Defendants: C Pyatt and C P Green Plaintiff: W C Voteau Book 3 pg 498 file #1364
    Defendants: Nancy and Christopher Pyatt, et al Plaintiff: Wm U(or H) Medley Book 4 pg 557, 589 file #2212
    Defendants: Nancy and Christopher Pyatt, et al Plaintiff: Wm Medley Book 5 pg 59, 77, 92, 132, 158 file #2212
    Defendants: Bucky Reldon Pyatt Plaintiff: Ordell Pyatt Book 44 pg 248-259 file #20472

    Missouri (Louisiana Territory)
    From the books "Territorial Papers - Louisiana-Missouri Territory" 1806-1814, Volume XIV pages 357-362
    Petition to Congress by Inhabitants of the Territory Memorials made to the secretary of the treasury of the US in protest of being denied land grants based on the 4th section of the law of congress passed the 3rd day of March 1807. Letter to board signed Mar 1810. Signatures in section 10 included: Jno Andrews, John Henthorn, William Mentier, Robt Andrews, Jno Autrey, Robert Mentier, Robert W Morris, John H August, Wm Andrews, John Estes, Robert Estes, Isaac Cunningham, Barnet Estes, Joseph winder, John Masterson, Johnson Campbell, David Mathhews, David McKee, Thomas logston, John Wheller, Wm Estes, John M Dannel, John Starnater, Mathias Eads, Ledford Estes, Jacob mustiller, Isaac Doggett, Isaac Baker, Phillip hufman, James McCormick, Godfrey Isaacs, Johnathen Parker, James McCoy, James Estes, Magness McCormick, Hugh Stuart, Gabriel Piatt, John Baker
    Signatures in section 14 included:
    John Pyeatt (listed as signature 43 section 5 in separate abstract) Jacob Pyeatt (signature 44 section 5 in separate abstract), Michael Null, Richard Everitt, Ninian B Hamilton, Jeremiah Hamilton, Wm Mitchel, John Mitchel, Erek milton, hamilton, John Richardson, Henery Read, William Howard, Hardy Ware, Samuel Bittick, John McKean, andrew hamilton, Thomas Moor, Thomas Bittick, Robert Young, Makey young, Lewis Young, Archabald Young, Thos Musick, Lewis Musick, John Cummins, Aberaham Hildebrand, Eaton Jones, Isick Votare, Cin Winfield, Thomas whitsied, Samuel Barns, John Votard, James Green, Francis Bittick, John Johns, George Hoff, Paul Whitley, John Bittick, John Hensley, David Haltarbine, Jonathan Lock, Christen Hildebrand, Thos Williams, Joseph Williams, John Williams, Henry Votard, David harris, Samuel pruit, Jacob Swannay (total number of petitioners were 986)

    Go to the petition list on the US Genweb

    Petition to Congress by Inhabitants of Louisiana-Missouri Territory to establish a State Government, 6 Jan 1810.
    From the books "Territorial Papers - Louisiana-Missouri Territory" 1806-1814, Volume XIV pages 357-362
    Petition to Congress by Inhabitants of the Territory [Referred January 6, 1810]
    To the honourable the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, In Congress assembled. The Petition of the undersigned inhabitants of the Territory of Louisiana, Most Respectfully Sheweth. That they have waited with anxious but silent expectation for the arrival of that period, when in pursuance of the treaty by which Louisiana was ceded to the United States, they are to be admitted "according to the principles of the federal constitution, to the enjoyment of all rights, advantages and immunities of Citizens of the United States." These rights they do humbly conceive cannot be enjoyed while the judicial and legislative powers are vested in the same persons. Where powers are combined which the constitution requires should be separate, and where the makers of laws, is also obliged to expound, and to decide upon them. Your Petitioners are fully impressed with the idea that legislative powers are never better, not more satisfactorily exercised than when committed to those persons who are elected for that purpose by the people themselves, whose conduct must be regulated by those very laws thus made. The inhabitants of the territory of Orleans, have already obtained those rights which your petitioners now ask, and to which they deem themselves also entitled. The last returns ofthe militia of this territory will be found to exceed those of the Indiana and Mississippi territory, and the number is daily increased by rapid emigrations to this territory. Confiding therefore, in the justice and wisdom of your honorable bodies, they most respectfully ask, that a law may be passed for enabling the inhabitants of this territory to have and enjoy the rights and privileges consequent upon a second grade of territorial government, and that the same may be established in this Territory And your petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray [ Transcriber's note: The column of numbers before the names, represent the number placement of the signature within each of the 7 Sections. The sections represent the particular copy of the petition on which the signature appears. On this Petition, there was no identification of the districts from which each section came.]

  • 43 John Pyatt Section 5
  • 44 Jacob Pyatt Section 5
    Go to Territorial Petition on the US Genweb

    Missouri (Louisiana Territory)- Ste Genevieve
    Proposal for the establishment of an academy at Ste Genevieve July 29, 1807 held on Saturday the 26th of September 1807 at the house of Mr Joseph Piatt in the town of Ste Genevieve at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. (My note: I believe this to be Joseph Pratt. MCP)

    Missouri - Jefferson County - Plattin
    September 30, 1881 Jefferson Democrat Newspaper "It is supposed that one house will no longer hold the PYATT family of Plattin township. The old gentleman returned home the other day after some week's hard work with a threshing machine, and finding that during his absence his family had let their little produce get destroyed, he made a furse about it, and thereupon his wife and big boys fell upon and beat him unmercifully. He went away, vowing that he would stay away from them."

    Missouri - St. Clair County
    Missouri Legislators
  • Pyeatt, George Y Democrat, Elected 1896 and 1898, Representative, St. Clair County

    Missouri - St. Francois County
    Unknown newspaper abstract
    Frankclay Youth Writes From France
    Cpl Carr E. Pyeatt (photo)
    Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Horton of Frankclay have received a letter from Cpl. Carr E. Pyeatt, which is printed here.
    Somewhere in France July 6, 1944
    "Dear Slew and Marion: I decided to spend my vacation in France this year so I talked Uncle into letting me go. I boarded a nice boat and headed for France. The sailing was very quiet and smooth coming over here. When I landed the Germans were really glad to see me for what a display of fireworks they put on. It didn't last very long. They were really good shots, they could come very close without hitting me. I don't think they were so happy to see me after a while for they all left where I landed. They continued to move back as we go further into France. They still come back at night to visit us once in awhile but they won't come down to earth. I took a trip to Cherbourg for a few days and again they left. Some of them decided to stay and come live with us. Of course they now wear a P.W. on their back for some strange reason. I guess it is an old German custom from away back in 1918.
    This French language has me completely stopped. Slowly I am learning to say a few things. I can say enough to get eggs and cider once in awhile. Girls are out of my line for no speak French. Food is very good and we are getting plenty. Tenny"

    Missouri - St Louis County - Index to Naturalizations 6 Apr to 21 Aug 1909
  • Pyatt, Charles declaration #3219 Book 19 Volume 13 Circuit LDS film #1750541 SLCL film #88 item #5

    Missouri - Wright County - Biographies
    From "History of Laclede, Camden, Dallas, Webster, Wright, Texas, Pulaski, Phelps and Dent Counties, Missouri" The Goodspeed Publishing Company, 1889.
    Paul Ellis, dealer in aok railroad ties, fence posts and hardwood lumber, and also general merchant at Cedar Gap, Wright Co., Mo., was born in Waldo, Webster County, Mo., September 28, 1858, and was there reared to manhood. He received his education in Mountain Dale Semi- nary, and began earning his own living, by teaching a district school at the age of seventeen years. He became one of the popular educators of Webster and Wright counties, but at the end of six years gave up this calling to become a mercantile clerk. He first engaged in merc- antile pursuits on his own account at Duncan, but three months after- ward came to Cedar Gap, where he engaged in his present business four years later. In 1888 he checked by the Greene County Bank $23,000 shipping the same year 517 car loads of lumber, and February, 1889, shipped 147 car loads. Mr. Ellis has been remarkably successful, as he began business with nothing, and is now considered one of the prosperous young business men of the county. When twenty-four years old he was married to Miss Mollie Pyatt, a native of Wright County, Mo., born in 1862, by whom he became the father of three children: Jesse, living, and Victoria and Victor, deceased. Mr. Ellis is a Republican, a Mason, and a son of J. W. Ellis, who was norn in North Carolina, and there married Rachel Mingus. He was a carpenter by trade, and in 1852 came to Missouri, enlisting from this state in the Confederate army, and was killed, while on his way home, by a band of robbers. His wife, who was born in North Carolina, is still living, and resides in Duncan. Her mother is also living. Mrs. Paul Ellis is a daughter of Judge Joseph and Jane (Allen) Pyatt, who were also natives of North Carolina, and were there reared and married. After coming to Missouri Mr. Pyatt was elected judge of the Wright County Court, and was farmer and school teacher by occupation. He was a Federal soldier in the late war.

    Missouri - Wright County - Elected Officials
    May 1864: Presiding Judge, William Wood; Associate Judge, Shields; Associate Judge, Young; Assessor, Joseph Pyatt; Public Administrator, Littleton Freeman; County Clerk, Edward Beaumont**; Sheriff, John L. Tate; **(Beaumont appointed to replace Fly who died)

    1873: County Judge, J. A. Pyatt; County Judge, Hunter; County Judge, Whittaker; Assessor, John C. Crockett

    1875: Presiding Judge, John Royster; Associate Judge, William Young; Assoicate Judge, J. A. Pyatt; Sheriff, J. W. Hensley; County Clerk, James Forrest; Treasurer, N. N. Nichols; Road Commissioner, J. L. Tate; Assessor, J. C. Crockett; Collector, A. P.Pool

    Updated Nov 2012

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