January 2003 1-24-03 We started the year out pretty rough. I'm not going to go into details, close friends and family know the details and that's good enough. But things have improved and hopefully will keep looking up. Among the changes in the New Year is the acquisition of a puppy, who we named Monique, but we call Mo-mo. Actually Aubrey chose her name, and from what Jon tells us, she's named after a comic character. Works for us. She acts like one, although I suspect not like the one she's named for, if I know Aubs. And of course she has her own page. O.K., so let's get down to the important shtuff here. This is almost a week late, his birthday was on the 19th, and not really appropriate, but it's the thought that counts. Right Richie? Then there's this whole Super Bowl thing. It's a good thing we live in separate states or there might have to be a little (good natured) rivalry going on between our household and the Klicks. Or Lucy anyway, I don't really know where Wayne stands, but I would assume that he's also a Raider's fan. You can read their blogs by going to Ludlow's Place and clicking on the Writings link. See, around here the guys are all Bucs fans. I could care less, which I suppose makes me.... AH! I'D BETTER RUN!!!! I'm back. I'll admit that I do watch the Super Bowl. What can I say, I like the commercials :) Before I get in too deep, here's a true Bucs fan for you. Click Here to see what Jon did after they won last week's game. 1-27-03 Again with the belated birthday wishes . . . who celebrated her birthday on the 21st. And speaking of birthdays, there were two Super Bowl Sunday birthdays yesterday! I know Lucy got at least one great gift, even if her team didn't win :( And I know JJ got one too, but I'm not gonna describe it here. August | Early September | September | October | November | December 2003 * 2002 * 2001 * 1999-2000 Dave | Rhonda | "jakob" | "thrasher" | "Hammerhead" | My Mom Ludlow’s Story | Friends & Family | Theatre Boosters A Southwest Trip | Writings | Awards | Genealogy | Web Rings Rhonda’s Originals | Tee Unplugged | Anniversary Page | 9-11-01 Support the U.S. Flag | Miscellaneous Page | Waco, TX Copyright 2002-2003 © Rhonda Williams |