September 2003
Now that we are back online I will put this back into reverse order, so if you haven't read it yet. . . well, too bad. You should have come here sooner. It would have made more sense :)
So have I mentioned in the past 24 hours that life sucks? Just wondering. Josh is laid off now too.
On the bright side, here's a link to the school that Matt is attending. Looks pretty cool. School of Film and Television
It's been nice to be back. Even if I do have to share the computer . . .
Sooo, I never did call Fuzzy Friends on that dog. Meet Spotty
I've added a couple of scenic sets and a Halloween set to Rhonda's Originals and some additions to the Dutton line of genealogy. I will be working on some new E-Cards, assuming that my e-card site still exists. I haven't actually checked that out yet. Guess I should do that, huh? And have met a new friend. Not bad for a couple of days
back online. I'm still waiting to be discovered as being back online by a handful of people. Since I don't plan to spend as much time on the computer as I used to they will catch me in time. But you know what they say about the best laid plans. I've lost 15 lbs. since my surgery though and I really want to try to keep it off.
If you've made it this far
But I have to keep my foot iced and elevated all weekend and my time on the computer will be sporadic.
Life's still a bitch :)
So if you know me well, you know that I can cuss to make a sailor blush when I want to, but I try hard to keep my webpage family friendly. Keep that in mind and how much self restraint I must be exhibiting. We were told by Southwestern Bell that they were coming out to install our DSL today and that the modem wouldn't arrive until the 19th. But when David called this afternoon to find out why no one had been out yet, he was told that they don't have DSL out here yet so we will be getting dial-up instead and they will be sending us a CD. Everyone
knows how I feel about dial-up. PLUS the reason we had cable before is that our 56k modem is out, which is something that I forgot about. So now we have to get a new modem too. They do make inexpensive high speed 56k modems that can be bought anywhere these days, but it's the principle of the thing. Grrrr!!!
At this rate I will be uploading this from home. I could live with that I suppose. So basically I'm just talking to myself right now.
Here's a new page, dedicated to Matt. A Star Is Born There are even pictures of me. Eek! How rare is that? As much as it kills me, I left them un-retouched (except for color).
la de da still not uploaded life goes on our life, that is Let me start by saying that Josh is fine. The Explorer is totalled though. Some old lady in a Cadillac was in the center turn lane and just turned right in front of him. Thank God she is insured.
Man, what a way to start the morning! Walk into the living room and the news is reporting that not only did Johnny Cash die, but John Ritter died too! Damn! Johnny Cash is no big surprise, when June Carter died it was kind of obvious that his world was over. Even if he did just develop a new following with the MTV crowd after remaking a Nine Inch Nails song. But John Ritter?
I had a good laugh first thing this morning. I put Mo out to "be a dog" and she discovered her first crawdad, bless it's little soul. LOL I thought maybe she was after
a snake or something so I came in to get a flashlight so I could see what was about to bite her then got a good laugh out of what followed. She is a never ending source of entertainment. That dog has more personality in one paw then most humans will have in their lifetime.
It's been a rough ride for the Lange side of my family lately. My aunt, my dad's older sister, has been in the hospital for a couple of weeks. We almost lost her but she's doing good now and is just in for physical therapy now. My cousin has had to go into a nursing home with late stage Parkinson's,
my other cousin has second degree burns up both arms. Then my uncle, dad's younger brother, had to put in a day at the hospital because of his heart. When it rains, it pours. I told my dad that under no circumstances does this make it HIS turn.
Still not uploaded . . .
Is there anything more beautiful than an FTP program? When I do get a chance to upload I have to do it the slow way, using browser uploading. BLAH! I keep working on things that will need to be uploaded without knowing if I can upload them. I know there is some understanding soul out there somewhere who is just as addicted to making webpages as I am that would let me upload this amount of stuff, LOL, but TEE! you live so
far away!!! LMAO! One of the times that I uploaded I added a new page set to Rhonda's Originals then discovered that the link to it doesn't exist! And I really thought Lucy would enjoy this one too since it was made from a picture taken at San Gregorio in 1978. I'm only bringing this up since I'm working on a set right now using a picture of the sky that I took last night looking over the airport from my driveway. I thought I might add some scenic sets. *shrugs* It's not like I'm doing much else. You may actually be able to access the
San Gregorio set, or have I already told you this? You know me, brain farts. It would either be here or here. I don't remember where I put it. For everyone else, Lucy and I met because of pictures that she had online of San Gregorio. You can visit Lucy at beyondexquisite.com.
*** BIG BREAKING NEWS ***We are having a phone line and DSL installed MONDAY. I don't have a clue how we will pay the bill . . . See y'all soon!!!
And later that evening
We just had a big storm blow through. It's still raining pretty hard out there but the intensity has let up for now. So have I mentioned that I've been seeing a therapist? I hear that collective sigh you guys. Don't get too excited, I only get 6 sessions and have already used 4 of them. Just trying to get a handle on
this depression before our insurance runs out. If and when it runs out. I tried to explain our life to him, but I think he mistook it for pessimism. Take today for example. I've been bitchin' at David ever since we moved in about this house having gas leaks. Our gas has been off for a week or so . . . long story, I won't go there, but it works in our favor. So him and my dad go to check it out today and find a leak right off. Then he gets under the house and discovers a long section of pipe that has to be replaced because it's rusted through
everywhere. That's cool, it can be fixed and hey, the gas is off. So halfway through fixing it, the rain starts. Naturally. And it starts to get hot in the house. Do I mention it or not. Tough call, but finally I decided that it had to be said. So I gently mentioned that perhaps lightning has struck the a/c unit or something? But no, it's just the transformer burnt out again. ouch! David really needs a vacation. He even suggested going back to Alabama today. LOL Sorry Tee, not a financially sound idea no matter how much we love ya. So a few
minutes ago he came in to inform me that the tire on the van will not hold air no matter what. It's the only vehicle we have. And I would really like to know where the big, black spider that was just behind me went so quickly.
We were outside taking pictures earlier. There was a massive wall cloud behind the airport. I wanted to see if I could catch anything good with the digital camera like last night, and Scott was trying out the 35mm that Pam loaned him for his photography class. We were out there for about 15 minutes and came in to find 3 voice
messages. One was from my neurologist. I called back, and it was 1 minute after 5:00. LMAO! I guess I'll be able to wait until morning. Like I have a choice. He finally did that nerve test because of my new found ability to stand in a fire ant mound without knowing it. Do not try this at home. So he was running a heavy metal test. I said that if he shook my head hard enough I knew some Metallica, maybe some KoRn or Pantera would fall out, but they wanted urine. Go figure. Twice yet since some dipshit threw the first 24 hour sample away. Yeah, I heard that
giggle Pamme. I know, I know . . . you meant it to be a gasp. *eyes roll*
I haven't had a chance to upload this yet so I might as well keep typing.
Dustin's deployment has been delayed by as much as a week. At least everyone will get to see him again before he leaves. I keep picturing him as a two year old. Where does the time go? Please pray for him and all
of our troops to come home safely.
Matt leaves for N.Y. tomorrow. That's a hard one to handle too. He'll be home for Christmas, but he has his own special brand of crazy that we will miss around here. And he's just recently met a girl that is just like him. That's the way it usually goes, isn't it? LOL
Scott's first week of school
has been, well, I'm not sure what it's been to tell the truth. Probably normal for college. On his first day, one class was cancelled. Most of his classes lasted about 10 minutes, except for the most boring ones, which ran their full length. He was able to get all but one book so far but now has to choose between the last book or supplies. Luckily he
doesn't need either right away and should be able to handle it all in the end. He's a big boy, he'll work it out. ***BONUS*** He has graphic arts classes!!! And he said I am more than welcome to his text books and CD-ROMS. hehehe *doin' a happy dance* Of course I'll share any new knowledge.
I did manage to snap a couple of pictures of Kit.
My batteries are getting weak, they do that every couple of hundred pictures . . . imagine that . . . I had to take them when she was eating to get her to stand still.
Kit the Kat Someone dropped another dog off about 3:00 this morning. Jason and Drex had it pinned on the porch that Kit lives under, barking at it, and woke me up. They are running with it this morning and I haven't seen Kit at all today, just her kitten.
I'm hoping nothing has happened to her. Oh great. I just went to see what Mo-Mo was barking at. The three of them just finished off Kit's food and it stands in the middle of the road. So now it has J and Drex standing in the middle of the road too, stopping traffic. Looks like a call too Fuzzy Friends animal rescue is in order.
Hopefully they will take this one. For an animal rescue service they are mighty picky.
And speaking of animal rescues, Craig was out rounding up chickens last night. Our former next door neighbors are moving to Fresno in November and decided they want to get rid of their chickens, so Craig rounded them up and Clyde (J.P.'s dad and an old friend of ours,
not to mention where we got Mo) took them. So Craig is spending the weekend out there. He only got to go out there once this summer instead of spending most of his summer at their house like he usually does, so this is a real treat for him. He loves being in the country. We may live on 38 acres but it's on a busy road with an airport in the front yard. It's just not the same.
Guess I'll get going again.
Another month down. I never even got a chance to wish Mama Marion or my nephew Wayne a Happy Birthday last month.
I sure am missing the internet.
I don't feel like designing new backgrounds for this month so I will stick with this.
Which reminds me, for those who don't know, we have been having computer trouble ever since the move. It crashes about every 10 minutes and just doesn't want me to use the programs that I love the most,
especially Paint Shop Pro. So PSP users, don't be surprised when I come back and am a Photoshop user too. Do you remember the day that I woke up and PSP made sense to me? The same thing has pretty much happened with Photoshop.
I discovered that I have some very cool plug-ins in Photoshop too that won't work with PSP, that I didn't realize were there. But Photoshop can be used with little to no RAM so I have been playing with it, although I still fall back on PSP when I need to
feel comfortable. Like working on the pages that I will link to below. Just as soon as I shut down the computer and let it get over it's latest fit so I can make the pages that I intend to link to below :) Well, it quit making the noise it was making,
and I don't smell anything unusual, so maybe I can keep working for awhile.
For anyone who is interested, here are some pictures that I took from our front window. If you consider where we live you'll know what I mean by that.
And while I'm on the subject of the nation, Donna's son Dustin deploys to Iraq on the 6th. Please keep him and his wife, daughter and unborn baby in your prayers.
As I've mentioned before, the corner that we live on is a drop off spot for animals. Meet two of the furry little
characters that hang out here by clicking on the links below.
Drex Jason
I haven't gotten any pictures of Kit the Kat yet since the dogs kind of like to chase her off. I've added some new pictures
of Mo-Mo too. (or maybe not yet, our friends have mainly dial-up servers and photos take a while to upload)
Scott starts school at TSTC on the 3rd. He'll be taking Digital Media Design. Aubrey moved to Denton to live in the dorms at U.N.T. this year instead of commuting, and JJ has also already moved away to start school.
Matt will be moving to New York on the 8th. Mikey & Patrick will be attending TSTC so they will still be around, and Richard is still at TSTC. Casey is still going to school in Denton, different school than Aubs, but commuting from Waco. Seems like it should be pretty quiet around here. Except Craig & Dustin are picking up where the others have left off.

January | February | March
| April | May | June | July August | Early September | September | October | November | December
2002 *
Dave | Rhonda | "jakob" | "thrasher" | "Hammerhead" | My Mom | My Dad |
Photos | Ludlow’s Story | Friends & Family | CHS Theatre Boosters | A Southwest Trip | Writings | Awards | Genealogy | Web Rings | E-cards by Ludlow |
Rhonda’s Originals | Tee Unplugged | Link To Us
| Deb's Pics | Monique | Miscellaneous Page | Quilts by Debbie | Waco, TX | A Star Is Born
Copyright 2002-2003 © Rhonda Williams