I've been forgetting to put this page in reverse order again. If it seems like it hasn't been recently updated scroll to the bottom of the page in case I've messed up again :)
May 2003
Congratulations to Scott and the rest of the Class of 2003.
Last night was Scott's high school graduation, which was held at the Heart of Texas Coliseum this year. We had the most rude group of people sitting behind us, and it kept growing through the whole ceremony. I guess if we ever want to watch the video, we can watch it on mute. It's a real shame that so many people these days don't know how to behave in public. I miss the days of manners.
Luckily by the time they reached the W's, the group behind us ran out of things to talk about, so we were able to hear Scott's name announced :)
Tonight was Craig's 8th grade graduation.
And of course I wasn't able to get a good picture. (I keep forgetting how long it takes for the flash to be ready for use on the digital camera.) It's hard to believe that he's going into high school already.
He also received an award for being a Campus Buddy. Campus Buddies work in the special ed classes and it's something that he has enjoyed doing all through Jr. High School. We are very proud of you Craig!!!
Today is also Josh's 21st birthday!
Memorial Day, and raining, but that hasn't kept David from doing a brisket, the National BBQ of Texas, which was on the cooker all night long.
We are heading into the last week of school. It will be Craig's last year in Junior High and Scott's last year in High School. Josh also turns 21 this
week. You know me, updates and photos will follow.
In the middle of all of this though is our up coming move. We did find a house, needs lots of work. In fact David & Craig are over working on the house right now, fixing up the bathroom. Not that we know exactly when we'll be moving, just very soon. I will post pictures for friends and family who would like to see
what's going on over there, and who would like to watch the house progress from falling apart to home. Just ask me for the URL.
In the meantime, be sure to check out our Seniors 2003 page.
I think I'll hop on over there to see how things are going . . .
I finally gave up and came home. I'll admit it, I've been holed up at my dad's house ever since my surgery. Our air-conditioning is broken and his works great! But I decided it was time to get back to real life, or at least to get used to the heat before it gets too
much harder to adapt to. But the surgery went well, and I even came out of it 12 lbs. lighter. YAY!
"April showers brings May flowers." We do things about a month off here in Texas. The flowers were nice and the showers are starting. And speaking of flowers, Tee grew some of the flowers that I used to make the background for this month.
In the far left part of the design, the white and the dark purple were grown by her and tubed by me. YaY us.
I'm getting nowhere on this house. Two more days to go until the surgery, twelve more days until the house goes on the market, and all I have to show for it is another infection that
I am trying to fight off to prevent the surgery being cancelled again. I know better. Every time I get around dust I get one of these infections, and then you add the roach infested house hunting. Ack!
The music industry has been up in arms over people downloading music and burning their own CD's.
That's understandable I suppose. (With people like Josh in the world they will never go broke.) What brings this to mind is that I decided to flash back in time and burn myself a CD of favorite songs by Dave Mason. Who? If you were my age you would probably know. And if not, then maybe you'd have to be
my age and from California, I don't really know. Hell, I don't really even care. I just wanted to hear something I hadn't heard in 25 years and can't find in the stores here. Most of what I got IS NOT the versions of the songs that I was looking for, and one of the songs is a woman and not even a Dave Mason song. I know, I know...
preview before you burn. No can do, the sound doesn't work on our computer, we are missing the drivers needed and our computer won't accept new ones for some reason without just F-disking the whole thing, and that ain't gonna happen. *crossing fingers* Yeah ..... I remember when the movie theaters were all in such
a panic because home video was going to put them out of business.......
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