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December 21, 2008 - Sunday

Rainy all day.


Today was okay. I slept in and then Fumihiko and I went out for lunch. We stopped off at the post office on the way to the restaurant. I was left a note in my mailbox to say there was a parcel for me. And was there ever! My sister's box was here. She didn't think it would arrive but it did. I haven't opened the box yet, because I still haven't put my tree up. That's one of my jobs for tomorrow!

We had lunch at Le Joli Chapeau, which is the Grand El Sun's restaurant. We both had chicken. It was very delicious, but very very small!

Fumihiko wanted to go to the mall and see a movie, and as I had no objections, I went too! We checked the times and decided to see Body of Lies. We had an hour to wait so we went to Seattle's Best for coffee and a chicken salad sandwich. Yum!

Body of Lies was quite interesting. It was very twisty and left you wondering who was doing what to whom, but not perfect. I thought the performances were very good, but the story was a bit Syriana-lite.

After the movie we went to Toda Books and had a poke around, we didn't buy much. Then, we went to Sakata and had dinner there. It was very good. Afterwards, we drove home. I was sleeping in the car. I tried not to, but couldn't help it. Sigh.

At home we had a quiet night. Fumihiko watched his usual horrible TV and crunched the loudest food he possibly could, so after a bit I put my headphones and watched Ask A Ninja podcasts. I was a bit behind. After Fumihiko went to bed, I turned to YouTube and looked for The Goodies. I found them! Below (on my blogspot account) I posted a couple of the songs. There aren't any videos, but you don't really need them.

And, before I go, I learned this really cool thing. There are three versions of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah on the British Charts right now. One of them will likely be the number one for Christmas, which is supposed to be very important. I just like the song. And Leonard Cohen.

I'm out of here. Night night!


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