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The Storybook Site Map

This page is always *slightly* outdated, as I often forget about it (Sorry!).

Main Page

Statement, Today I Built, Updates, Webrings, Take the Poll

What is Wicca?

Wiccan Traditions, Wiccan Texts, Why? How? and FAQ (several categories inside), Symbols, What is the Wheel of the Year?, Your Witch Potential, What is Reincarnation?, My own Story, The History of Wicca and Witchcraft, Explanation of the Rede, U.S. Army Chaplain's Guide to Wicca

Book of Shadows

Prayers, Chants and Invocations, Stories, Songs, Rituals?!?, Bewitching Recipes, The Sabbats, Poetry, Book Reviews, A Walk with the Animals, Topical Solutions (several pages), Shadows Learned, Meditation

Shadows Learned

Chakras, Your "Selves", The Italian Pantheon, Superstitious Happenings

The "Broomcloset"

In and Out (experiences)

Online Studies

Current Classes, Teaching Positions


Several experience sections, divided into topic

Rose Writing

Rose's Little Lessons

Pagans Down Under


Message Board


A Walk with the Animals

Unicorns!!! (Can be found at

The Fairies Gateway (Can be found at

There are lots more pages in the Fairies Gateway, but you must find them yourself!

The Story of a Lifetime

My Wee One's Spirit Page

gifts, gifts for you!

My MaddHatters Spirit Page

Gifts of Spirit, a etc. page, What is the Site Fights?

My Storybook Links

Teen links only!

The Fun Page!
