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Chronology, part 2

Calendar year 2375
Stardate 52008.4 - Stardate 52021.5

Stardate 52008.4 Story 1 by
  • After taking command of the U.S.S. Equinox, Capt. Frank Mason talks to the former Captain of the ship.
Stardate 52009.2 Story 3 by
  • Lt. Elea takes a shuttle to join the crew of the Equinox. Along the way she feels both nervous and excited about her first posting after graduating from the Academy.
Stardate 52009.4 Story 2 by
  • Reman, while moving into his new barber ship, conducts business with Mr. Clemons and his business partner, Lopez, in true Ferengi fashion.
Story 4 by
  • Lt. James Carter meets the new Captain and one of the new security officers, Ensign Lopez.
Stardate 52011.0 Story 6 by
  • Reman is making a deal with a Cardassian named Dand, but when Dr. L'vant discovers the meeting she's killed by Dand.
Stardate 52011.2 Story 5 by
  • The Captain holds a dinner for the entire crew. However, shortly after the dinner begins, Dr. L'vant is discovered dead.
Stardate 52011.4 Story 7 by
  • Elea is shocked to hear that a crew member is dead, and decides to retire to her room for the night. On the way she's a bit annoyed by the Operations officer, Mull Valen.
Story 8 by
  • Lt. Carter visits the murder scene, and begins his investigation into Dr. L'vant's death.
Story 10 by
  • Reman returns to his barber ship and goes over his plan to keep his involvement in Dr. L'vant's death from being discovered.
Stardate 52012.3 Story 9 by
  • Captain Mason checks on the progress of the investigation, and assigns one of the security Ensigns to a special mission.
Stardate 52012.5 Story 11 by
  • Elea reports for her first bridge shift, unaware that she's been infected with Reman's computer virus.
Stardate 52012.7 Story 12 by
  • Lieutenant Carter briefs the senior officers on the progress of his investigation. Meanwhile, the virus that's infected Elea does further damage to her.
Stardate 52013.0 Story 15 by
  • Reman is interrogated by Lieutenant Carter concerning Dr. L'vant's death.
Stardate 52013.4 Story 13 by
  • Lieutenant Kalamarina finishes her duty shift and goes to the holodeck to run a program to possibly help her modify the deflector.
Story 14 by
  • While the Equinox is passing the Kinshou Nebula, Lieutenant Commander Mull finds evidence of a Cardassian ship.
Stardate 52013.5 Story 16 by
  • The Engineering team tries to correct the problem with Elea, but are interrupted when the Equinox's systems are disrupted.
Stardate 52013.6 Story 17 by
  • Kalamarina returns to her office and initiates a warp core breach which she then corrects. However, Deck 23 is on the verge of being destroyed.
Story 18 by
  • Things go from bad to worse as the ship's systems are failing and part of Deck 23 explodes.
Story 19 by
  • Reman gets stuck in a turbolift on Deck 23 just as it explodes. Meanwhile, Carter is running a holodeck program that starts to malfunction because of the virus.
Stardate 52013.7 Story 21 by
  • Kalamarina uses the deflector to locate Dand's ship which is battling a small Borg cube. When James Carter interrupts, she beams him to the Borg ship. She then finds Reman stuck in a turbolift and helps him out.
Stardate 52014.1 Story 20 by
  • Elea's systems recognize the virus that's infected her and begin the slow process to repair her. Meanwhile, she contemplates who may have planted the virus.
Stardate 52014.5 Story 23 by
  • James Carter is assimilated by the Borg as the Borg ship is brought into Dand's cargo bay. The Carter drone escapes undetected. Meanwhile, Captain Mason discusses the situation with Syxx, and with Elea's help the virus is discovered.
Stardate 52015.0 Story 24 by
  • James Carter, now the Borg "6 of 6", begins to assimilate Dand's ship.
Stardate 52016.0 Story 24 by
  • Reman notices Dand's ship coming toward the Equinox and decides to escape. When he does so his shuttle malfunctions and he crash lands on a planet.
Stardate 52016.9 Story 25 by
  • Elea's functions are returning, and Syxx is repairing the damage to the ship, however the whole ship is hit with a terrible weapon.
Stardate 52017.0 Story 22 by
  • Dand attacks the crippled Equinox using a radiation weapon that apparently kills everyone on both ships.
Stardate 52020.9 Story 22 by
  • Ensign Etely Bruder, on her way to rendezvous with the Equinox finds it and the Cardassian ship, both with all hands dead. She finds a weapon on the Cardassian ship that she hopes to use to change that.
Story 26 by
  • The crew is alive in special section of the ship. Etely, thinking the crew is dead, fires a special time weapon at the Equinox. Syxx is able to stop it. Etely is beamed to confined quarters. Kalamarina, somehow sensing the Borg presence on Dand's ship, destroys it, but ends up dying in the process.
Stardate 52021.5 Story 26 by
  • The cause of Kalamarina's death and the effect of the time weapon are discovered.
Story 27 by
  • Ensign Bruder has a dream about her parents and finds out that the bomb she fired was responsible for destroying her parents' ship.

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