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FTCC - It's not just an education, it's your future!

ASE Certification Program

The independent, non-profit National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) was established in 1972 to improve the quality of vehicle repair and service through the testing and certification of repair and service professionals. At present, about 420,000 professionals hold current certifications. FTCC is a registered test site! To register, call 1-866-427-3273 or go online – Test information:Fees: RegistrationFee is $32 per person. Regular testFees are $27 per test. Time: Check in at the test center no later than 6:45 pm. You will be allowed four hours to test. Late arrivals will not be admitted after 7:00 pm. Registration forms andFees must be RECEIVED at ACT in Iowa City, Iowa, by March 31, 2008. To become ASE certified, you must pass one or more tests before you have the required experience, but will not receive your credentials until you have satisfied this requirement. If you have not previously provided work experience information, you will receive a Work Experience Report Form with your admission ticket. You must complete and return this form to receive a certificate.

This course is designed for those service technicians who provide maintenance and repair on gasoline truck engines and those automotive industry employees preparing to take the ASE Gasoline Engines T1 Test. The following areas will be covered: general gasoline engines; diagnosis and repair of cylinder head and valve trains; engine blocks; lubrication and cooling systems; air induction and exhaust systems; fuel system mechanical and electrical components; and starting system and engine brakes. In addition, test-taking strategies will be taught to assist the student in passage of the ASE certification examination. PRE-REGISTRATION FOR THIS COURSE IS STRONGLY ENCOURAGED. The ASE Spring test dates are May 8, 13, and 15. You must be registered with ASE to take this exam before the March 31, 2008 deadline.
Instructor: Kenneth Harding

W 6:00-9:00 pm Apr 09-May 07 15 hrs 62060 CBI