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FTCC - It's not just an education, it's your future!

Continuing Education Courses

This isn't all of the courses... just a sample...

Now offering ALIVE AT 25!

Choose a category on the left to see the courses offered.

If you have any further questions, please call (910) 678-8386 or send e-mail to the Continuing Education Registrar's Office at

You may print this registration form in PDF format or registration form in Word format to register.

The registration office is located in the Neill Currie Building.

Location Code Legend (Which should link to map, building number, etc....)

ATC Advanced Technology Center
CBI Center for Business and Industry
CEC Continuing Education Center
CH Cumberland Hall
ECC Early Childhood Center
FB SDC Fort Bragg Soldier Development Center
HS Horace Sisk Building
HTC Health Technologies Center
LH Lafayette Hall
NC Neill Currie Building
SLC Spring Lake Center

Courses are subject to change without notice.