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FTCC - It's not just an education, it's your future!

Financial Planning

We can help you learn how to save and pay for college in the most cost-efficient manner, how to pay for college without robbing your retirement accounts, how to pay for college with pre-tax dollars, and how to increase your cash flow to meet college expenses.
Instructor: Michael Chandler

Sat 9 am-4 pm Apr 12 6 hrs 91183 FTCC/CEC 114

ESTATE PLANNING        Fee: $20

Estate planning is a subject no one likes to think about, but one that requires thoughtful consideration. If you fail to plan for the settlement of your estate, the state subjects your assets to probate, a potentially time-consuming, expensive, and public procedure that could make an already difficult time impossible for your heirs. Fortunately, good estate planning can help out during your lifetime and help your family later. Join us! Topics will include wills, gifts, and joint ownership.
Instructor: Lyndon Ramey

Th 1:30-4:30 pm Apr 17 3 hrs 91184 FTCC/CEC 147

As property values grow, buying real estate as an investment becomes more inviting. In most instances, you don't have to have a large down payment. Your instructor will help you determine how much you can afford to pay for property, tell you where to find property you can purchase with little cash down, give you tips on how to increase the value of property you currently own, and more. He will also help you to recognize properties or "deals" to avoid. This is a self-supporting course; fee-exempt status does not apply.
Instructor: Joe Pomales

T 6:30-9:30 pm May 06-May 27 12 hrs 91185 Douglas Byrd High

You have saved all of your life to enjoy your retirement. Now what do you do? Explore your options in this intensive one-day seminar about CDs, bonds, stocks, mutual funds, and annuities. What are they and what are your risks? Learn how to design an investment strategy for your own situation. For further information call 484-3481.
Instructors: Art Hooker

Th 6:00-9:00 pm Apr 24 3 hrs 91186 Cross Creek WealthManagement Group

It would be nice if you could let your retirement money continue to grow tax deferred indefinitely. However, the IRS has a limit on this benefit. In fact, at age 70½, you must begin taking annual withdrawals from your retirement accounts and pay taxes on the money withdrawn. If you don't you could incur a 50% penalty. Fortunately, you have some options when calculating your mandatory withdrawal amounts. Deciding which calculation to use is important because the choices you make now can affect how quickly your beneficiary(ies) will be required to take withdrawals and pay income taxes. This class can help you make the most of your mandatory retirement plan distributions.
Instructor: Lyndon Ramey

Th 1:30-4:30 pm Apr 24 3 hrs 91187 FTCC/CEC 147

Some of the fastest growing investment vehicles are mutual funds. This course will help you understand how mutual funds work and how they can be used to meet almost any investment goal. While geared to the beginner, the course can be helpful for those already using mutual funds.
Instructor: Art Hooker

T 6:00-9:00 pm May 13-May 27 9 hrs 91188 Cross Creek Wealth Management Group

        Fee: $20
It's important for you to maintain your standard of living throughout your retirement years and make sure you won't outlive your nest egg. You can plan your financial future with annuities. Come and learn the difference between an immediate annuity, a fixed annuity, and a variable annuity. Your instructor will show you how you can participate in a rising market and provide the downside protection in a declining market. You will learn strategies that can help you protect your income, preserve your wealth, transfer your wealth to the next generation without the cost of probate, and provide you with an income stream throughout your retirement years.
Instructor: Lyndon Ramey

Th 1:30-4:30 pm May 01 3 hrs 91189 FTCC/CEC 147

Whether you are a grandparent or a parent you want the best for the child in your life. Let's face it, a child can only house so many stuffed toys and the cost of future education will probably never decrease and will most assuredly increase. Why not invest those "stuffed toy" funds where they will be needed. In three hours learn how you can save money for future education at any graduate school, vocational school, or college. Learn how it works and why it offers the best of all possible methods for college savings.
Instructor: Lyndon Ramey

Th 1:30-4:30 pm Mar 13 3 hrs 91190 FTCC/CEC 147

TRUSTS        Fee: $20
The legal title to a property is frequently held by one person, while the right to the use and benefit of the same property is enjoyed by another. The relationship created is generally described as a "trust". Trusts are widely employed in wills as a means of conserving property for the benefit of widows and children. They are also a frequently used method to avoid taxes by taking advantage of lower federal tax rates upon gifts during lifetime than upon transfers at death. Your instructor will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of living trusts, revocable and irrevocable trusts, and insurance trusts. For further information call 484-3481.
Instructor: Michael Chandler

Th 6:00-9:00 pm May 08 3 hrs 91191 Cross Creek Wealth Management Group