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FTCC - It's not just an education, it's your future!


All auto dealers (under the age of 65) are required to attend this training in order to renew their license. The law requires that the person whose name is on your auto dealer's license must attend this training, although it would be helpful for anyone working in independent auto sales to attend. Failure to attend and complete this six-hour requirement will result in a revocation of your dealer license. The intent of this training is to provide annual updates to all independent dealers on contemporary issues. At the conclusion of this class, you will receive a certificate of completion. In addition, the names of those who complete the class, the dealer's name, dealership name and address, and the dealer's license number will be sent to DMV for their database. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. This is a self-supporting class;Fee-exempt status does not apply.
Instructor: James Sessoms

Th 9 am-4 pm Mar 20 6 hrs 94124 FTCC/CEC 133


Technicians who repair or service HFC-134a MVACs must be trained and certified by an EPA-approved organization. Service shops must certify to EPA that they have acquired and are properly using approved refrigerant recovery equipment, and that each person using the equipment has been properly trained and certified. This course will teach the student basic skills and procedures to troubleshoot and repair automotive air conditioning and heating systems. At the end of the course an auto certification examination will be administered to meet current EPA requirements to legally purchase refrigerant gases. This course provides hands-on training.
Instructor: Joe Lalla

M&W 6:00-9:00 pm Apr 07-Jun 04 51 hrs 62061 CBI 120

This course is designed to teach the fundamentals of electricity and Ohm's law as it applies to automotive systems and prepares individuals for entry-level positions in the automotive industry. Topics include principles of electricity, types of circuits, circuit devices and symbols, circuit test equipment and hookup, and fundamentals of batteries, starters, charging, and lighting systems. Operation and troubleshooting of headlight, stoplight, turn signal circuits, printed circuit boards, accessory systems, and an overview of On Board Diagnosis OBD I and OBD II systems with an emphasis on correct diagnosis of circuits using retrieved data trouble codes will also be covered.
Instructor: Kenneth Harding

T&Th 6:00-9:00 pm Apr 08-Jun 03 51 hrs 62062 CBI 120

The North Carolina Department of Transportation requires that certified vehicle escort drivers accompany the movement of oversize/overweight loads on the NC highway system. To become certified, you must meet the following requirements: 1) at least 21 years of age; or at least 18 years of age with a Class A commercial driver's license; 2) possess a valid driver's license without restrictions other than for use of corrective lenses and have demonstrated evidence of operating a motor vehicle safely which includes not operating in a reckless manner or driving while impaired in the previous 12 months; 3) pass a National Safety Council Defensive Driving Class or an equivalent course and provide documentation for such course; and 4) pass, with a score of at least 75%, an eight-hour North Carolina DOT Oversize/Overweight Load Escort Vehicle Operator class offered by the North Carolina Community College System. Certification is valid for four years. Complete information is available at: or by calling 1-888-221-8166. This is a self-supporting class;Fee-exempt status does not apply. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.
Instructor: Johnny Surles

Th 1:00-9:00 pm May 29 8 hrs 62063 CBI 129

This course has been designed for those seeking renewal of their NC Load Escort Vehicle Operator's Permit. The NCDOT requires that operators be certified every four years. Vehicle escort drivers accompany the movement of oversize/overweight loads over the North Carolina highway system. This course meets the NCDOT requirement for permit renewal certification. This is a self-supporting class;Fee-exempt status does not apply. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.
Instructor: Johnny Surles

Th 8:00-12:00 N May 29 4 hrs 62064 CBI 129

Is it worth your time to learn how to avoid reckless drivers and to spot road rage before it gets close to you, your family, and friends? Many insurance companies think it's worth it! In fact, in many states when you successfully complete this four-hour course and present your certificate of completion to your insurance representative, you may receive a reduction on your insurance rates. Learn those skills necessary to protect you and your family the next time you're behind the wheel of a car. This course has been designed to train drivers in collision prevention techniques while promoting an attitude of mutual understanding, courtesy, and cooperation on the road. **If you intend to take this course for an insurance discount, you must verify with your agent or insurance company that they will accept the DDC Certificate of Completion issued by the National Safety Council. Requirements for insurance discounts vary by state. Make an investment in your future today and you may avoid becoming an innocent victim tomorrow. This is a self-supporting class;Fee-exempt status does not apply. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.
Instructor: Devon Brock

Sat 8:30 am-12:30 pm May 17 4 hrs 62065 CBI 134

Learn to troubleshoot, service, repair, and rebuild various types of small engines. The basic operating theory of two- and four-cycle engines, ignition systems, and fuel systems will be discussed. This course will prepare you for the unlimited opportunities available in the small engine mechanic industry. Students will need to purchase hand tools.
Instructor: Willie Simpson

Sat 9 am-1 pm Apr 12-Jun 28 44 hrs 90201 FTCC/CEC 151

This course is designed for students interested in employment in the small gas engine repair field. It will include shop practices and safety, engine fundamentals, engine service, repair of lawn and garden equipment, outboard motor service, and other small utility engines. Students will need to purchase hand tools.
PREREQUISITE: completion of Small Gas Engine Repair (Beginning) course or equivalent experience
Instructor: Willie Simpson

M 6:00-10:00 pm Apr 07-Jun 23 44 hrs 90202 FTCC/CEC 151

ASE Certification Program

The independent, non-profit National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) was established in 1972 to improve the quality of vehicle repair and service through the testing and certification of repair and service professionals. At present, about 420,000 professionals hold current certifications. FTCC is a registered test site! To register, call 1-866-427-3273 or go online – Test information:Fees: RegistrationFee is $32 per person. Regular testFees are $27 per test. Time: Check in at the test center no later than 6:45 pm. You will be allowed four hours to test. Late arrivals will not be admitted after 7:00 pm. Registration forms andFees must be RECEIVED at ACT in Iowa City, Iowa, by March 31, 2008. To become ASE certified, you must pass one or more tests before you have the required experience, but will not receive your credentials until you have satisfied this requirement. If you have not previously provided work experience information, you will receive a Work Experience Report Form with your admission ticket. You must complete and return this form to receive a certificate.

This course is designed for those service technicians who provide maintenance and repair on gasoline truck engines and those automotive industry employees preparing to take the ASE Gasoline Engines T1 Test. The following areas will be covered: general gasoline engines; diagnosis and repair of cylinder head and valve trains; engine blocks; lubrication and cooling systems; air induction and exhaust systems; fuel system mechanical and electrical components; and starting system and engine brakes. In addition, test-taking strategies will be taught to assist the student in passage of the ASE certification examination. PRE-REGISTRATION FOR THIS COURSE IS STRONGLY ENCOURAGED. The ASE Spring test dates are May 8, 13, and 15. You must be registered with ASE to take this exam before the March 31, 2008 deadline.
Instructor: Kenneth Harding

W 6:00-9:00 pm Apr 09-May 07 15 hrs 62060 CBI