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Dawn died in "The Gift" rather than Buffy, and Buffy turns to Spike for comfort.
Basement Dwellar
A little story about what could be happing in Xander's life and is written in his POV during the Ep "Something Blue."
Bruises Heal
Story post- "Passion", about what should have happened. Told from Jenny's, Giles, Buffy's, Willow's, and Xander's POV's.
The Calling
Darkfic, takes place after "The Gift". Xander hears Buffy in his sleep...
Faith visits the prison psychiatrist.
Changing The Past
Takes place after "Amends", a relative of Jenny's shows up, trying to bring her back. But the spell she uses backfires, and they're all brought back to the night that Jenny died. (G/J, C/X, O/W)
Dear Diary
Dawn writes in her diary during "Blood Ties".
Fall, Falling, Fallen
Takes place in the future and in alternate universe, Jenny Calendar's still alive, and Willow and Giles have gone to England. Not much more can be said without spoiling the story. W/O
Goodnight, My Love Buffy and Xander spend a lot of time together and start to realize some important things about their friendship.
Hanging by a Moment
Response to a challenge, The Bronze is closing and Buffy and Xander go there for one last night of reminiscing.
Riley's thoughts after the events of 'Goodbye Iowa'
Years after Willow leaves Sunnydale, she tries to find her way home.
I Have An Announcement
After "The Gift", Giles makes an announcement to the remaining members of the Scooby gang.
I Never Thought I'd Die Alone
Xander thinks about his life. **WARNING** Character death.
If I Still Love You
Takes place after "Innocence", Jenny thinks about what she did wrong and Giles comes to see her.
In Your Keeping
Buffy deals with her mother's death.
Island Adventures
A fluffy Willow/Oz story that is an answer to a challenge, the gang goes on a cruise.
Just Enough
Fluffy piece dealing with Buffy and Xander's friendship.
How Dawn developed her crush on Xander.
More Than I Could Give
Takes place during "Prophecy Girl", Buffy's POV on Xander asking her to Spring Fling. Very short.
The Nights
A few months after Buffy's death, the gang is still having sleepless nights...
Peanut Butter and Polka Dots
At the end of "Helpless", when Xander is trying to open the jar of peanut butter, he tells a story of when he and Willow were younger.
Pieces of You
After "The Prom" Buffy goes to Angel to return some of his stuff.
Places Worse Than Sunnydale
A response to a challenge on the BuffyChallengeFic list, Willow leaves Sunnydale.
The Protector
Xander finds out what his destiny is.
During "Dopplegangland", Cordelia and Wesley run from Vampire Willow.
Jenny's grave is disturbed. . .and the goal is vengeance.
Same Old Me Again Today
Buffy and Willow decide to test how Riley and Xander really feel about them.
The Sort Of Girl You Marry
Xander thinks about something that Jesse said a long time ago, which changes his life.
Stone Cold Heart
Oz pays Willow a visit, and confronts her about her magic.
Tell The World
Xander confesses something to Willow.
This Can't Be Good-Bye
Takes place after "Passion", Jenny goes to say good-bye to Giles. G/J
Until You Say Good-bye
Sequel to "I Never Thought I'd Die Alone", Willow has to move on.
With Deepest Sympathy
After Joyce dies, Oz comes to pay his condolensences to Buffy.
You Can't Make Your Heart Feel
At the end of the 2000-2001 school year, Xander makes a decision, as does Cordelia, and it effects stuff.

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