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Site map

My site is getting way too complicated, trying to find different pages, so I've decided to make a simple site map to find the page you want. Each name of a page is actually a link, so click to go there!

The pages on my main page are:

The pages in the WWW section are:
Rhetorical questions!
Random Thoughts!
My banners!
Rings and cliques
Hoax viruses
Awards this site has won
What's new on my site
My site's claims to fame

The pages in the ME section are:
Love it...List it
The pop group Steps
My best pals
The cutest forward ever
Quotes I love
My pets
My friends as dolls
All about me!
My poem, Memories
My cyberpets
My thoughts on Vegetarianism
My favourite friendship poems

The pages in the YOU section are:
Some jokes
Freaky facts
Anagrams galore
Win my awards
Find a new best friend
Visit my chatroom
Read your horoscope!
Dolls of other surfers
Make your own website
How to give a cat a pill
Quiz:What's your website style?