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M80 Vetterli

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Italian Vetterli

M1870/87 Italian Vetterli

10.4x47R Vetterli

I bought this from a gentleman I met walking around the PRO gunshow in Columbus, Ohio. He had this and a chopped M71 Mauser as well. I was on my way out the door, nearly broke. The Vetterli caught my eye and we talked. I made him an offer of what I had left in my wallet for it ($70) and he agreed. We also agreed that if we met at the next upcoming PRO show, I would also buy his M71 from him. (I never did see him again) He gave me 20 rounds he had already loaded for this gun. The stock had been chopped and well rounded and finished. The barrel likewise had been nicely crowned after the chop job.

The sights look odd to me, being that they don't have that appearance in any Vetterli liturature I have seen anywhere. The rear one looks like it had been sweated on long after the rifle was made. Its graduated out to 2400 meters, and the Vetterli, AFAIK, was only issued with sights out to 1400 max. Any input from viewers on this would be appreciated!

Dies are on order from CH-4D (, brass from Buffalo Arms ( and bullets from Liberty Shooting Supplies.

Results will be posted as available.


June 2001 Update:

I'd acquired the CH-4D dies, Some bullets and 20 peices of Ballard turned brass cases. 

Shooting the 328gr bullet with 20gr of X5744 I got this group at 25 yards. This was firing for function only. Accuracy loads will follow soon.

My handload (l) and an original round.


20 Jan 2006 19:26