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M98K German Mauser

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 Kar98k German Mauser

K98k German Mauser

8x57mm Mauser

This rifle holds a special place in my collection. It was the second rifle I ever purchased, and the first one with a scope. I was naive, and it was represented to me as a German sniper rifle. Fortunately, I only paid $225 for it. What it really is, is a German Mod. 98k, reworked by the Yugoslavians, with the "Preduzece 44" stamping on the side of the reciever. It sat in a beautiful laminated stock with the stamped metal buttpad, an expertly crafted bolt handle with a neatly inletted stock for the handle clearance. A set of redfield scope mounts sat on top, with a Tasco 3x9 wide field scope on top of that. The bore was excellent, with a hint of throat erosion. This is the first rifle I ever handloaded for. It works very well with Sierra 220gr GameKing bullets. After a few years, when I grew wise enough to know what this rifle really was, I was still pleased with the gun. I felt I still had gotten my moneys worth. I have since added a Timney trigger, studs for sling mounting, a low scope safety, and an Harris bipod for bench shooting. Of all the sporters I have, this would be the one I would take for all around hunting. The Swedes hold a lot of attraction for hunting, especially my M96 for groundhog, but this 98k wins for comfort and versatility in my book.


The stampings on the reciever read "Preducze 44" and "Mod. 98"

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This was shot with my hunting load: Sierra 220gr GameKing bullet, Winchester case, 51gr of AA-4350 powder (compressed load). Both targets were shot at 100 yards, standing, offhand. The first target I took my time, the second target I fired as rapidly as I dared. Not bad for offhand shooting. It will do about 1/4" better at the benchrest.


This picture shows the low scope safety, the expertly crafted bolt handle and matching groove in the stock. Also in view is the Redfield scope base.

k98oblique.JPG (34229 bytes)

20 Jan 2006 19:24