Aborting: A
character may abort to as many defensive actions as the player wishes.
Occasionally an offensive power can be aborted to if used in an entirely
defensive and/or heroic manner.
Attacks: This maneuver is not permitted. Sling bullets and
arrows do not bounce very well, and neither do ranged spells.
Critical Hits:
The critical hit optional rules are not being used.
Critical Failures: The "critical failure on a roll of 18"option described on page 244 of
the Green Man Book is not applicable to player characters. The PCs
are supposed to be heroes, after all, and heroes do not have "critical
failures" unless they are dramatically appropriate (meaning, they are
not going to happen because of a fluke of the dice). Whether or
not the "critical successes on a roll of 3" rule is used or not is up to
the GM. Note that critical successes and failures according to die
rolls apply as normal to NPCs.
Hit Locations:
The Hit Location rules are being used.
Holding Segment 12 Actions:
A player may hold his Segment 12 action into Segment 1 of the next turn.
The character does not lose his free post-Segment 12 recovery if this is
Knockback is not used in the Young Kingdoms PBEMs. Knockdown is
used instead (as described on page
279 of the GMB).
Hand-To-Hand Combat:
A character who has grabbed another character in
combat can automatically hit the grabbed character without needing to
make another attack roll for as long as the grab continues and as long
as the special effects of the grab allow the grabbing character to do
Opponents: A character who moves right past (meaning, moves
through the same or adjacent hex as the opponent) an opponent using a
held action to strike at him receives only ½ his normal DCV against that
attack. If the moving character comes right up to the character
with the held attack and stops or moves past in a Move Through maneuver
and attacks, then the moving character gains his full DCV.
Optional Combat
Weapons: The Blazing Away and Hipshot maneuvers
may not be used.
The Blazing Away, Hipshot, Hurry, Pulling a Punch, Rapid Fire, Snap
Shot, Suppression Fire, and Sweep maneuvers may not be
New Optional
Maneuvers: The Set Versus Charge, Shieldwall, and
Unhorse maneuvers, as described in the Fantasy Hero book, are
being used.
Spreading an
Attack: No attacks may be spread. If you wish to affect
multiple targets with a spell, make it area effect.