Unless otherwise specifically
altered or contradicted in these house rule pages, the rules found in
the 5th Edition Hero System apply at all times.
Desolidified: As Desolidification is rare, even as a
magical spell, this advantage will likewise be kept rare.
It may not be taken without GM approval.
Area Effect:
- One Hex,
Accurate: This option is being used.
- Conforming:
This option is being used.
Based on Ego Combat
Value: This advantage may be used to create spells or spell-like
powers which rarely miss their targets but which do not necessarily have
a mental special effect. If used in this manner, the power in
question is defended against using Power Defense, not Ego Defense.
Does Knockback:
As the Young Kingdoms PBEM campaigns do not use Knockback (but rather
use the Knockdown rules, as described on page 279 of the GMB, instead),
this advantage is not used.
Double Knockback:
As the Young Kingdoms PBEM campaigns do not use Knockback (but rather
use the Knockdown rules, as described on page 279 of the GMB, instead),
this advantage is not used.
This advantage may be used for only three quite specific purposes:
Clairsentience magic, Teleportation magic, and Weather Control magic.
Even in these three specific cases, its use must be approved by the GM,
and will rarely be approved at any level higher than +½.
Mobile (+1):
This advantage may be applied to any area-effecting power. A
character with such a power can move at his normal rate of speed, though
if using a Mobile power, the character is considered to have made
an attack action simply by doing so. As the power sweeps over a
particular area, standard rules regarding that power apply to that area.
All Mobile powers automatically
have no range, even if the base power is ranged. The Ranged
(+½) advantage may be applied to them normally. Ranged
Mobile powers move at a rate of 6" per phase. The movement
rate can be doubled for each additional +½ advantage taken.
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